Fang Yang naturally would not easily believe Huang Xi, so he secretly used illusion to confuse Huang Xi's mind to ensure that Huang Xi would not deceive him.

"Dao Jun, only Daluo Jinxian is qualified to be called Dao Jun. Is this Dao Jun actually a Daluo Jinxian? Of course, it is also possible that this Dao Jun is a fake Dao Jun, just like I claim to be the supreme of the demon world."

Whether Haoqi Dao Jun is a real Dao Jun or not, Fang Yang feels that there must be something wrong with this Haoqi Dao Jun.

He left the Gentleman Country and entered the Great Power Country.

Haoqi Dao Jun will never allow anyone to destroy his plan. The Gentleman Country is not safe, very unsafe!

Fang Yang needs to find a quiet environment, comprehend with his heart, and get the result.

In fact, it only needs to know that someone is preaching in the Gentleman Country. Just based on this point, he almost came up with something.

However, what he thought was not very comprehensive.

"Preaching, what is the purpose?"

Fang Yang changed into a pen and paper, and wrote and drew on the paper.

He wrote one after another, and every time he finished a piece of paper, he immediately pasted it on the wall.

On each piece of paper, he wrote the same word, Tao.

He knew that there must be secrets in preaching, and the secrets were not small.

When saints preach, can you still say that they are compassionate? Luo Hou and the old ancestor of the underworld preach because they can't bear to see the suffering of the people?

"What is Tao?"

Fang Yang stopped writing.

"The Tao is divided into the innate Tao and the acquired Tao."

"The innate Tao is the innate five Tai, the innate five virtues, yin and yang, the five elements, time and space, etc.; the acquired Tao is the Tao of good, evil, inner demon, blood, curse, illusion, filth, poison, etc."

"Good and evil are all caused by the human heart. Without the human heart, there is no good and evil. Therefore, the acquired Tao is spread from the human heart."

"Wait, wait a little longer, there are still some things missing."

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and destroyed all the papers in the room with the word "Tao" written on them. He took a new piece of paper and wrote on it.

"The Great Way of Good, the Great Way of Evil, the Great Way of Heart Demon, the Great Way of Blood, the Great Way of Curse, the Great Way of Illusion, the Great Way of Beauty."

He wrote down the names of the acquired great ways.

Fang Yang didn't know why he had to write these, and he didn't even know the meaning of writing these things.

Now, his mind was a mess.

He was thinking about everything, and nothing at the same time, constantly jumping between thinking and not thinking.

"There is a mixed thing, its name is Tao."

"Therefore, Tao gives birth to it, virtue nurtures it; grows it and nurtures it; matures it and ripens it."

"Tao is in the heart, and also in all things."

Suddenly, his brain was like a floodgate opened, countless thoughts poured down and filled his mind.

At this moment, he figured everything out.

He picked up the pen, wrote four big characters on the paper, "All Living Beings Derived Tao".

The Great Way sounds very high and unattainable, but in fact, it is within reach.

Heaven is Tao, earth is Tao, flowers are Tao, grass is Tao, people are Tao, morality is Tao, desire is Tao, behavior is Tao, singing is Tao, dancing is Tao, playing basketball is Tao.

When a certain concept or behavior becomes a rule that cannot be violated and people must abide by from the bottom of their hearts, then this concept and behavior will evolve into Tao within a certain range!

So, preaching is practicing Tao!

Fang Yang slammed the table, and all the papers in the room turned into powder and dissipated into nothingness.

"It's done! It's finally done!"

He took a deep breath, and his eyes could not hide the excitement.

He should have thought of this truth earlier.

In this world, the only thing that is worth the saints fighting and breaking the prehistoric world is their own Tao.

Sages are absolutely rational and absolutely wise. Their every move is carefully considered.

From the beginning of accepting disciples, saints are ready to send off the black-haired ones. They are immortal and have no calamity, but their disciples do.

The disciples only go to the Heavenly Palace to do a calamity work for Haotian, and they will naturally come back after the work is done.

Does Tongtian Patriarch have to fight to the death with the other four saints?

If a saint does not have this psychological endurance, he will not become a saint.

Everything is because of Tao. Tongtian Patriarch cannot be defeated. If he is defeated, his Tao will be defeated. This is the real fatal thing.

"Since preaching has such benefits, once I have determined the law I want to practice, I will immediately find a small world and preach in it."

Fang Yang secretly planned.

There are so many small worlds in the prehistoric world that even the saint sect cannot completely control them.

In fact, the saint sect's goal is only the prehistoric continent.

The prehistoric continent is the body of the great god Pangu, and the creatures on it all have the traces of Tao left by the great god Pangu. It is more effective to evolve Taoism in the prehistoric continent.

The Saint Sect simply looked down on the overseas land and the small worlds of the heavens.

Although the Saint Sect looked down on them, there were people who looked up to them, and that was the Heaven and the Underworld.

The Great Emperor Haotian of the Heaven and the Queen Mother Hou Tu of the Underworld were not simple figures.

During the Conferred God War, when the four sects of the Xuanmen and the human race were fighting each other, they sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, and became the final winners.

The Heaven gained all the gods of the Zhoutian, and the Underworld recruited a large number of Hades, and they all made a lot of money.

Of course, Fang Yang is now very far away from these big figures.

Before that, he needed to travel around Tianjuku Continent to clarify the rules he wanted to practice.

There was no need to travel around the Gentleman Country, because there was no value in traveling around the Gentleman Country. The people in the Gentleman Country had become Taoists and became part of the Gentleman Way, so no matter how much they traveled, they would not gain anything.

Fang Yang's first stop was naturally the Dali Country.

Among the ten countries in the Juku Continent, the Dali Country had the strongest national strength. The Dali Country advocated bravery and masculinity, and those men with more feminine looks had a status lower than slaves.

This was the first time Fang Yang had seen a country that was so anti-feminine men.

"You look more delicate than a woman. If you don't tan your skin today, don't even think about entering the house."

"You are a seven-foot man, why are you wearing such fancy clothes? The next time I see you, I will strip you and send you to repair the city wall."

"Mother, let's give this child away! Have another one."

This strange phenomenon immediately alerted Fang Yang.

The people of Dali Country seemed to be similar to those of Gentleman Country, and were all indoctrinated with some extreme ideas.

This time, Fang Yang did not investigate.

Whether it was true or not, it had little to do with him. He just pretended not to know and traveled around the world.

He traveled around Dali Country for fifty years, from the south to the north of the sea, and his footprints were everywhere in Dali Country.

Fifty years later, he left Dali Country and entered the Mermaid Country.

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