In the void deep in the East China Sea, a cave sky full of spiritual energy and steaming Taoism is looming. In this cave, the spiritual energy is so rich that it flows like a river, forming countless spiritual liquid waterfalls in the mountains.

In the cave sky, there are all kinds of rare fairy beasts and birds everywhere, many of which have become extinct in the prehistoric times. Of course, the most numerous animals are monkeys, such as iron-toothed monkeys, copper-toothed monkeys, wide-eyed monkeys, multi-hearing monkeys, and even red-brown horse monkeys and black-armed monkeys.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

All over the mountains and plains, monkeys make the same noise as mice. The sum of these sounds is more disturbing than the cicadas on the tree trunks in summer.

The little monkey was like a dog-skin plaster. It crawled into the mother monkey's arms and kept sucking the mother's parts. It sucked out all the blood and still didn't stop.

The big monkey has an ape rope tied around his waist and holds the newly completed dead boy in his arms. He jumps up and down on the tree and screams happily. The scene is very warm.

This is like a paradise for monkeys!

Accompanied by Tianzun Hongxuan, Fang Yang entered the cave. As soon as his consciousness was released, he took everything in this cave into his eyes.

"Such a blessed land is actually occupied by a group of tree rats. What a waste of natural resources!"

As soon as he entered it, Hongxuan Tianzun burst out with a terrifying murderous intention. He looked at Fang Yang and asked Fang Yang for his opinion.

Because he saw that after the monkeys picked the spiritual fruits on the mountain, they did not eat all the spiritual fruits. Instead, they took one bite and threw it to the ground, and then continued to pick the next spiritual fruit.

Not only that, the monkeys also destroyed everything, leaving the good fairy trees and fairy roots in pieces, making it miserable.

Hongxuan Tianzun has presided over the affairs of the Destiny World for countless years, and he deeply understands the dangers of monkeys.

Creatures like monkeys are similar to mice.

Other races will more or less plant spiritual fields, mine spiritual mines, be self-sufficient, and create resources, but monkeys are an exception.

Monkeys are the laziest, greediest, and most shameless creatures in the world. They never create resources. They only trap, deceive, abduct, cheat, and rob.

The next time a monkey goes to the mountains, the spiritual farmers’ spiritual fields will be devastated. After they succeed once, they will go down the mountain again and again, stealing and robbing again and again.

Thirty thousand years ago, one hundred and eighty thousand monkey demons made trouble in the world of destiny, destroying eight million acres of spiritual fields. Tens of millions of spiritual animals were robbed by the monkey demons, and the people complained.

Because of this incident, Hongxuan Hall suffered heavy losses and lost a lot of its faith.

No one hates monkeys more than Hongxuan Tianzun.

Fang Yang's eyes moved, and he happened to see a red-faced monkey making faces and whistling at him, and a sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"No need, just go outside and find some ape-hunting tigers, ape-eating crocodiles, and ape-eating pythons, and release them into Huaguo Mountain."

Hongxuan Tianzun is a dignified Hunyuan Golden Immortal. He killed the monkey himself, which is overkill.

Then, it is better to change the idea and use the food chain to deal with monkeys.

Nature selects the fittest to survive, and the monkeys died at the hands of their natural enemies. This is in line with the rules of nature and can be regarded as acting on behalf of heaven.


Hearing Fang Yang's words, Hongxuan Tianzun was very happy. He sneered and disappeared into the void.

After Hongxuan Tianzun left, the red-faced monkey thought that Fang Yang and the two were afraid of him, so he whistled louder and stuck out his tongue from time to time to provoke Fang Yang.

Fang Yang couldn't bear it anymore, so he grabbed the red-faced monkey from the air and caught it in his hand.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The red-faced monkey was caught and became even more angry, making a shrill cry.

Fang Yang slowly exerted force and pinched it. Bang, the red-faced monkey exploded into a ball of blood.

He could have simply made the red-faced monkey disappear into ashes, but he felt that squeezing it to death with his own hands would be more relieving.

This is Huaguo Mountain Cave Heaven.

Fang Yang ordered Hongxuan Tianzun and others to search for the Three Thousand Worlds. The Three Thousand Worlds were not found, but they found the source of the ancestral lineage of the Ten Continents and Three Islands, Huaguo Mountain.

Of course Fang Yang had to come and see such a famous Cave Heaven Paradise.

As soon as Fang Yang opened his divine eyes, he could clearly see the ten ancestral veins buried under the Huaguo Mountain. He shook his head repeatedly, feeling it was a pity.

You must know that his Hengshan Cave Heaven has only three ancestral veins, and Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven has even fewer, only one ancestral vein.

Huaguo Mountain is worthy of being the birthplace of the Son of Destiny!

"Leader, my subordinate is back!"

Hongxuan Tianzun held a small cave in his palm and appeared in front of Fang Yang with great interest.

Fang Yang looked at the small cave sky. In the cave sky, there were densely packed ape-hunting tigers, ape-eating crocodiles, and ape-eating pythons. The number of them was no less than one hundred thousand.

He nodded: "You choose a few with stronger bloodline, open up their spiritual intelligence for them, and then teach them some military skills. You tell them that as long as they eat all the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, you will teach them how to practice."

Hongxuan Tianzun was stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression of admiration.

"The leader is wise, my subordinates will do as the leader says."

Fang Yang wanted to kill all the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain. In addition to eliminating harm from the Huaguo Mountain cave, he also wanted to do an experiment.

He always felt that Sun Wukong should not be a monkey.

Under normal circumstances, all the spiritual objects in the world should be transformed into human forms, not to mention the colorful stones refined by the Nuwa Empress herself.

Empress Nuwa only created humans, not monkeys!

He guessed that the reason why Sun Wukong is a monkey is because Huaguo Mountain is full of monkeys and full of monkey energy.

When Sun Wukong swallowed the essence of the sun and moon, he also absorbed a large amount of monkey energy, turning himself into a spiritual stone monkey.

Now, Fang Yang has eliminated all the monkeys on Huaguo Mountain, leaving only wolves, tigers and leopards on Huaguo Mountain. Will Sun Wukong still be a monkey after his transformation?

This is a very meaningful experiment!

Fang Yang has no original work complex, no myth complex, only a heart of exploration. He thought of this experiment and must complete it.

Hongxuan Tianzun quickly completed the task assigned to him by Fang Yang.


After a tiger roar, the tigers and pythons rushed up the mountain from the foot of the mountain and launched a massacre of the monkeys. Suddenly, there was a bloody storm on Huaguo Mountain.

Fang Yang watched all this calmly, nothing big.

He killed countless lives in the sacrifice world, a group of wild monkeys, just kill them. Even the king of heaven and the old man could not seek justice for a group of wild monkeys.

When the group of beasts were killing fiercely, Fang Yang saw a piece of nine-aperture fairy stone on the main peak of Huaguo Mountain-the predecessor of Sun Wukong.

When other travelers see Sun Wukong, they will all stand up for him and feel sorry for him being plotted against by the Buddhist sect.

Fang Yang finds it very funny.

A person who worked from nine to nine in his previous life, lived less than a hundred years, and had a lot of loans to pay off, feels sorry for Sun Wukong when he travels back in time. It's simply inexplicable.

If you have the time, pity yourself first!

Fang Yang's figure flashed and he came to the top of the mountain. He slapped his palm on the Nine-orifice Immortal Stone, and a stream of magic power blasted into it.

In an instant, the vitality that the Nine-orifice Immortal Stone had finally nurtured was shattered by him, and Sun Wukong died in the womb!

"Buddhism is spreading to the East, you should wait for the second child!"

Fang Yang glanced in the direction of the Western Religion, called Hongxuan Tianzun, and left Huaguo Mountain.

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