Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 359: The Great Merchant with Many Factions

After traveling to the underworld, Fang Yang returned to the dojo. He left his Dharma body in the cave of Hengshan Mountain and his true body was hidden in the Great World of Destiny. He was not born for 90,000 years.

In these 90,000 years, many things happened in the prehistoric times.

The one who has the closest relationship with Fang Yang is Taoist Sacred Heart being promoted to quasi-sage. To celebrate this event, Fang Yang held a banquet in the Destiny World and invited all the people above the Golden Immortal level to attend the banquet.

In Xuanmen, the great master Xuandu of Renjiao, Guangchengzi of Chanjiao, and Fairy Yunxiao of Jiejiao all killed the good corpse at the same time, causing a sensation in the world.

Under the threat of calamity, these people unleashed all their potential and finally broke through this barrier.

In the Western Heaven, the Western Heavenly King Pleiades and Bai Ze's youngest daughter Bai Qian got married.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a political marriage. King Xitian wants to win over Bai Ze and use Bai Ze's power to control the demon clan.

In Fang Yang's alliance, there are two more Da Luo Jinxian, they are Fairy Ningbi and Qiantang Longjun.

As for Siming Xingjun, due to limited luck, he has given up on attaining Daluo. He plans to continue practicing and become a Hunyuan Sanxian.

The most gratifying thing is that Fang Yang's enlightenment on the Avenue of Destiny is coming to an end. He is only a little short of the opportunity to complete the Avenue of Destiny.

Unfortunately, Fang Yang could no longer see the underworld scene of conferring gods and measuring calamities.

While Fang Yang was still in retreat, the 10-billion-year birthday of Empress Nuwa had arrived!

Chaoge City, the Great Court Meeting.

Prime Minister Shang Rong walked to the center of the hall holding the court board and bowed to the young emperor.

"Your Majesty, please come to Nuwa Palace to offer incense on March 15th, half a year from now."

The young emperor is extraordinarily brave, and his cultivation has reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. As the emperor, the fortune of the Great Shang follows his will to the world and gives orders to ghosts and gods.

"Well, the Holy Mother is the founder of my human race. In ancient times, she patched the sky with five-color stones and saved hundreds of millions of sentient beings in our human race. She is indeed worthy of my stick of incense."

The young emperor sat on the supreme throne of the Emperor of Kowloon and said loudly.

The Taishi below heard Zhong's words and his expression changed slightly.

In order to allow the future emperor Shang to adopt Jiejiao as the state religion, he tried his best to avoid letting the young emperor know the existence of other saints except the leader of Tongtian.

For this reason, he burned many ancient books in the palace and tried his best to prevent Yin Shou from contacting the court historians.

He thought that the young emperor did not know the name of Empress Nuwa.

At this moment, Wen Zhong felt that a line of sight fell on him. He followed the line of sight and saw Wang Shu Bigan looking at him meaningfully.

"I have traveled to the West, and there are celebrities on the list of gods. The interpretation of the great uncle is indeed correct. Bigan once listened to Taoism at Yuxu Palace in Kunlun, and he is considered to be a half-disciple of Chanjiao. Chanjiao knows the meaning of the verses, Are you also going to send someone to Chaoge?"

Wen Zhong was wary.

He has been in the court for more than 200,000 years and clearly knows the situation in the court.

The Great Shang court was divided into four major factions:

The Human Religion forces represented by Prime Minister Shang Rong, the Jie Religion forces headed by him, the Chan Religion forces headed by Bigan, and the Huoyundong forces headed by Wei Ziqi.

Among them, the human religion represented by Shang Rong was the most powerful and could almost compete with the emperor.

Since the emperor ascended the throne, every time he implemented a policy, he would encounter opposition from Shang Rong's faction.

For example, the emperor wanted to destroy the barbarians and reunify the human race, but he was repeatedly undermined by Shang Rong's faction. As soon as the imperial court wants to conquer the barbarians, it will start to lack elixirs, spiritual talismans, and immortal weapons.

The Chanjiao forces headed by Bigan did nothing else in the court and specialized in safeguarding the interests of the emperor and the nobles.

Chanjiao has finally divided people into three, six or nine levels. How can it be possible for human beings to change this situation?

Then there are the Huoyundong forces headed by Wei Ziqi.

The forces in Huoyundong have no selfish motives and are dedicated to serving the great merchants. Unfortunately, none of the people in this faction are capable, they are all mediocre people.

The emperor sent them to regulate the Yellow River, and they were able to control the dams of the Yellow River until they exploded.

The emperor sent them to solve the ghost trouble, but they themselves died in the ghost trouble and became the source of the ghost trouble.

They are the only ones who can intercept the religious forces and must be capable and loyal to help the emperor maintain the stability of the court and the country.

Of course, in addition to these four major factions, there are also the Western Sect faction, the Heavenly Court faction, the Fool's faction, the foreign relatives' faction, the Duty Officials' faction, the four major princes' factions, the slaves' faction, and so on.

Although these factions are much smaller in number, they are very influential.

"Your Majesty, I have a copy!"

A handsome-looking Jinxian official stepped forward. Looking at his court uniform, he was from Xiqi.

"Ji Long, what's the matter with you?"

It turned out that this official was Ji Chang's sixty-eighth younger brother. He stayed in Chaoge to serve as Xiqi's proton.

The power of the four major princes was too huge, and the emperors of all dynasties were full of fear of the four major princes. In order to reassure the court, the four princes sent protons to the court.

Originally, after Ji Chang became Xibohou, Xiqi's proton should be replaced by Ji Chang's son. But for some reason, Xiqi never sent new protons.

Ji Long said: "Recently, Weichen's elder brother Ji Chang sent a memorial to the doctor San Yisheng, asking for the title of crown prince for his eldest son Ji Kao. Weichen asks for your majesty's grace!"

When Ji Long handed the memorial to the officer on duty, he bowed deeply to the young emperor.

When the ministers in the court heard Ji Long's request, they all frowned and started discussing with their spiritual thoughts.

In this era, the human race intermarried and formed alliances.

Bo Yikao being the heir seemed to have nothing to do with them, but in fact, it had a lot to do with them.

Ji Chang had a total of 377 sons, whose mothers were different and whose close forces were different.

Of course, they hoped that someone closer to them would become the heir of Xibohou.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Prime Minister Shang Rong was the first to stand up.


The young emperor nodded.

In fact, he didn't like Shang Rong very much. Shang Rong was too old and used all kinds of rules to suppress him at every turn.

"According to the rules of this dynasty, the princes are not allowed to form alliances. Your Majesty first gave Ji Kao the name Qi Zhen, and then arranged a marriage for Ji Kao and Su Daji, the daughter of Jizhouhou. Your grace to Ji Kao is endless. You must not let Ji Kao become the heir again."

Hearing Shang Rong's words, the young emperor had a blank expression on his face. No one knew what the young emperor was thinking at this time.

However, Wen Zhong could see that the emperor was angry.

The emperor was not emotional, but if he didn't speak, he must be unhappy.

Wen Zhong sent a divine consciousness to his disciple Huang Feihu, who immediately stepped forward and said.

"Old Prime Minister, this is wrong. Since ancient times, the eldest son has been the heir. Ji Kao is Ji Chang's eldest son. If he doesn't become the heir, who will become the heir?"

Huang Feihu's words triggered the support of people from Bigan's faction.

The significance of their existence in the court is to maintain the ideals of the Chan sect. They must not let the ideals of the Chan sect be destroyed by others.

Bigan stepped forward and began to speak for Ji Kao.

Shang Rong's face changed slightly. He didn't care about Huang Feihu, but he was in his faction with Bigan.

Sure enough, after Bigan's impassioned speech, the emperor didn't give Shang Rong a chance at all and directly approved Ji Chang's memorial.

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