Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 336: Middle Stage of Hunyuan Jinxian

Destiny World.

Saints act in mysterious ways. Fang Yang did not expect that Tongtian Sect Master was not punishing Yang Jiao, but giving Yang Jiao an opportunity in disguise.

While Yang Jiao got the benefits, his original body also had the opportunity to comprehend Pangu's imprint.

You should know that when Fang Yang made this move, he was ready to send his clone as cannon fodder. He had already prepared to let his clone be on the list of gods and be controlled by the Emperor of Heaven.

God knows, Yang Jiao actually went to this step.

He went undercover for three years and three years, and got the most core Pangu imprint of Jiejiao.

Of course, since it has come to this point, Yang Jiao will definitely not betray Jiejiao. The opportunity to become the leader of Jiejiao is right in front of him. How desperate is he to betray Jiejiao.

Fang Yang comprehended Pangu's imprint with Yang Jiao.

Different from Yang Jiao's direction of perception, Yang Jiao comprehended the information between heaven and earth, while Fang Yang comprehended the power between heaven and earth.

There are all kinds of forces in nature, such as magnetism, gravity, strong interaction, and weak interaction.

There are more forces between living beings, such as human, material, financial, mental, and telekinetic.

The evolution of heaven and earth and the survival of living beings are all the result of the transformation and transmission of forces.

When Fang Yang saw heaven and earth and all living beings, he saw the power. He absorbed the essence of them and increased his Taoism.

A hundred years later, he suddenly stood up and walked into the long river of fate in the world of fate, letting the water of the long river of fate wash his body.

Under the wash of the power of fate, Fang Yang's body slowly decomposed, and he also learned from Pangu and merged into heaven and earth.

After comprehending Pangu's imprint, Fang Yang finally understood one thing: to transform the world with one's body is not only a way to replenish the origin of heaven and earth, but also a way of cultivation.

Using the spiritual veins as meridians, the earth as bones, all living beings as flesh and blood, the way of heaven as the primordial spirit, and the way of all living beings as the method of practice, he constantly improved his cultivation and realm.

If you don't comprehend the Pangu mark, if you don't have an immortal spirit, you can never do such a thing. Because it's easy to make yourself really merge into the world and never come back.

At the moment when Fang Yang merged into the world, every part of the world of destiny gave birth to infinite vitality, and powerful forces burst out one after another, operating according to specific laws.

One thousand years, two thousand years

The evolution of the world accelerated all of a sudden, and everything described in the vacuum creation scripture became a reality among the human race.

Energy was replaced, magic weapons were automated, the output of spiritual fields increased several times, the output of alchemy and refining increased greatly, dams were built on rivers, and artificial spiritual energy was continuously generated and transported to areas with poor spiritual energy through pipelines.

In just two thousand years, the gross domestic product of the human race increased by a hundred times, and the material civilization construction of the human race achieved breakthrough achievements.

Social progress has promoted the development of the cultivation world.

True immortals and mysterious immortals emerged one after another like bamboo shoots after rain, and occasionally, two or three people became golden immortals and lived forever.

Fang Yang, who has transformed into a living being, develops and advances with the society.

Hong Xuan Tianzun keenly sensed the changes between heaven and earth. He looked at the world of destiny filled with Fang Yang's magic power and could only let his Dharma body protect Fang Yang's Dharma body.

In the past two thousand years, his Dharma body has faithfully guarded Fang Yang's Dharma body, and has done nothing else.

Without Fang Yang's order, he dared not act on his own. A mere two thousand years is just a blink of an eye for the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Under the Cangjian Peak, Yang Jiao, like Fang Yang, entered a state of breakthrough.

Strictly speaking, Yang Jiao started to break through earlier than Fang Yang.

Yang Jiao directly comprehended Pangu's imprint, while Fang Yang comprehended it indirectly, so he was one step slower than Yang Jiao in terms of time.

Of course, in the same realm, Fang Yang can definitely beat Yang Jiao.

Bai Yi Tongtian said nothing, watching Yang Jiao break through, and no one knew what he was thinking.

At a certain moment, Yang Jiao's aura was like a volcanic eruption, and it surged dozens of times in an instant, directly impacting time and space, causing time and space to explode repeatedly.

Without killing the evil corpse and cultivating the second avenue, Yang Jiao officially broke through to the middle stage of Quasi Saint!

Bai Yi Tongtian looked at Yang Jiao who had broken through, and his eyes were full of brilliance. If he hadn't been concerned about his identity, he would have applauded.

This is his disciple!

Other saints don't even have a disciple in the quasi-saint realm, but he already has a disciple in the middle stage of Quasi Saint, and his Taoism will never perish.

At the moment when Yang Jiao broke through, in the world of destiny, four avenues rose up and hung in the void of the world of destiny at the same time.

The first avenue river, the vacuum avenue!

The second avenue river, the five elements avenue!

The third avenue river, the hatred avenue!

The fourth avenue river, the power avenue!

Among the four avenue rivers, the vacuum avenue is the strongest, because it absorbs the essence of the other three avenues.

The second strongest avenue is not the five elements avenue, but the power avenue.

After this avenue appeared, it spanned the boundless void of the world of destiny. It seemed that it split the sky in two.

The avenue of power was too profound and mysterious. Fang Yang cultivated it by comprehending the power of all living beings. Its power was only inferior to the avenue of vacuum.

Flowers rained down in profusion, and spiritual rain poured down. Fang Yang walked out of the long river of destiny. His aura was like a god or a demon, profound and unfathomable.

Seeing this, the disciples of Wusheng Sect bowed down one after another and congratulated Fang Yang on his breakthrough.

When all living beings saw Fang Yang, they were also delighted and praised their demon ancestor in various languages.

Fang Yang's two disciples, Jiang Hao and Shen Jiangxue, were originally training and preaching in the world. They were very happy to see Fang Yang's breakthrough.

These two disciples were very obedient. Fang Yang asked them to put aside the hatred of the outside world and stay in the world of destiny. They did not object at all.

Such worry-free and filial disciples are called real disciples.

If they clamored to return to the prehistoric world for revenge after their cultivation, Fang Yang would abandon them without hesitation and let them die outside.

The purpose of accepting disciples is to let them work for themselves, not the other way around.

However, some people were very unhappy.

On an isolated island overseas, the great god Luwu lay on a recliner, humming a little song and basking in the sun in the yard.

He had struggled and resisted, but it was useless, and he failed every time.

So, he lived a leisurely life of immortality.

After hundreds of thousands of years, he found that this kind of life was very good.

No need to scheme against others, no need to worry about being schemed against, no need to please saints, no danger...

If someone asks him if he wants to go back to the prehistoric world, his answer is definitely yes, but he no longer rejects the life of a mortal.

But on this day, when he saw Fang Yang appear in the sky and break through again, his mood suddenly turned bad.

"Middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, this god has cultivated for countless years to reach this realm, is he a monster?"

The fire of hatred in the heart of the great god Luwu was swaying and had a tendency to go out.

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