Yang Jiao stepped out heavily with his front foot, breaking through the layers of space and entering an independent time and space.

Different from the outside time and space, this independent time and space is filled with a strong Pangu atmosphere. However, this Pangu breath is not violent, but gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

Yang Jiao didn't find it strange. Who is the leader of Tongtian? One of Pangu's three pure beings, his dojo has the aura of Pangu, which is more than reasonable.

He looked towards the center of the small sky and saw a young man sitting upright.

The young man's face is as handsome as jade, with a smile on his lips, and Pangu's aura is majestic and boundless. He is dressed in a pure white Taoist robe, with a majestic figure and flowing Taoist charm, like a saint who has endured eternal tribulations.

"Disciple has met the master!"

Although Yang Jiao didn't quite understand why this being wanted to compose a song to lure him in, he knew who this being was by looking at his appearance.

Lord Tongtian, either the three corpses of Lord Tongtian, or the incarnation of Lord Tongtian.


Suddenly, the supreme power of heaven descended, a golden divine light rose into the sky, and the young man in white opened his eyes.

"I am Tongtian, and I am Tongtian in white!"

The voice of the man in white clothes was full of the majesty of a saint, and he showed his identity.

"He actually asked a second-generation disciple of yours to come to Hidden Sword Peak. It seems that he really can't hold on any longer."

Baiyi Tongtian's words were so ambiguous that Yang Jiao couldn't tell for a moment what Baiyi Tongtian wanted to express.

Yang Jiao was still meditating and thinking, but Tongtian in white waved his hand and held Yang Jiao in front of him.

Although the white-robed Tongtian is not a saint, he is not something Yang Jiao can fight against. He only felt that this man in white was boundlessly tyrannical and absolutely invincible under the saint.

"I know you don't understand. Because even Teacher Hongjun couldn't imagine that among the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, there is the source of anger left by Luo Hu. From the time he refined the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, he embarked on a path of no return. "

Tongtian in white used the calmest tone to tell the deepest secret about the leader of Tongtian.

"Rahu? Master, what do you mean?"

Yang Jiao seemed to be hearing these things for the first time. His face was full of confusion and his eyes were blank.

Baiyi Tongtian shook his head and looked at Yang Jiao with complicated eyes.

"When the calamity breaks out and his obsession is not eliminated, his anger arises again, and the power of the source of anger left by Rahu will increase to its peak. Once he acts recklessly and ignorantly, he will be completely swallowed up by the source of anger. There is no escape. He used his last bit of reason to send you here. I think he is very optimistic about you. "

Yang Jiao just listened and did not ask questions. However, Baiyi Tongtian seemed to find it too troublesome to explain, so he simply pointed out and poured many pictures into Yang Jiao's mind.

Through these pictures, Yang Jiao clearly understood the causes and consequences of the whole incident.

injustice! Leader Tongtian is very unjust!

The origin of Luo Hu's anger is indeed not trivial, but it can't actually hurt the leader of Tongtian.

Who is the leader of Tongtian? He is Pangu Zhengzong, transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and bears the Pangu brand. According to the truth, the source of anger is that no matter how powerful it is, it cannot affect the leader of Tongtian Cult.

The bad thing is that after cultivating to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, Master Tongtian joined Xuanmen and began to practice Hongjun Taoism, leaving the Taoism of Pangu behind.

The most serious thing is that when the Tongtian leader was beheading the corpse, he used the Pangu brand to kill the good corpse!

The white-robed Tongtian in front of Yang Jiao is the good corpse of the leader of Tongtian.

If there was no Immortal Killing Sword Formation, there would be nothing wrong with what Tongtian Cult Leader did. After using Pangu's brand to cut off Shan's corpse, Master Tongtian's Taoism improved by leaps and bounds, and soon surpassed Yuanshi Tianzun.

However, in the third lecture of Zixiao Palace, the leader of Tongtian got the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

Without the protection of Pangu's brand, Master Tongtian was quickly infected by the source of anger contained in the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

From now on, every time Master Tongtian gets angry or has evil thoughts, the source of his anger will penetrate deep into his heart. Unknowingly, the origin of anger merged with the innate origin of Tongtian Cult Leader himself, and they were no longer separated from each other.

After the leader of Tongtian became a saint, he finally realized his own problems.

However, at this time, everything was too late and there was no turning back. The origin of anger is integrated into Lord Tongtian's own origin, unless Lord Tongtian throws away the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and gives up his own origin.

Whether it is the Immortal Killing Sword Formation or the Innate Origin, the Tongtian Cult Leader is not willing to throw it away. He only killed the good and evil corpses, but not the obsession.

Giving up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation is equivalent to giving up the indestructible combat power of the Four Saints. Giving up the innate origin means giving up Pangu’s authentic identity.

Neither of these things can be done by the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Therefore, Master Tongtian made a decision. He would master the last level of the art of killing three corpses and cut out the source of anger by cutting off obsessions.

However, the reason why obsession is difficult to get rid of is because it is contradictory.

The so-called obsession is to be attached to something. The leader of Tongtian is obsessed with beheading, but he is obsessed with it. How can he be obsessed with beheading?

For countless years, Master Tongtian has cultivated the Zhuxian Sword Formation to become more and more advanced. Not only did he achieve enlightenment by refining demons, turning the Immortal Killing Sword Formation from a demonic formation into an immortal formation, but he also gradually approached the point where the human formation became one.

Ancestor Jidu once said that the most taboo thing in practicing the Zhuxian Sword Formation is to practice to the point where the human formation becomes one.

After Tongtian master achieved unity with the human formation, he was horrified to find that the four great ways contained in the four swords of Zhuxian had penetrated into his Dao of Jietian and began to devour his Dao.

In order to stop this process, Tongtian master began to recruit disciples crazily, preach crazily, and strive to improve the level of Jietian Dao at all costs, in order to resist the erosion of the four great ways of Zhuxian, Xianxian, Luxian, and Juexian.

It was not until the meeting when Yang Jiao joined the sect that Tongtian master realized that he was already in deep trouble and could not turn back.

In order to leave a glimmer of hope for Jietian Dao and to prevent himself from falling into the devil's way completely, Tongtian master separated his good corpse and left it in Cangjian Peak for future use.

Because the origin of anger could not infect the good corpse that was cut off by Pangu's brand, Tongtian master was absolutely relieved about the good corpse.

"Now you understand why he did this, right?"

Tongtian in white was full of compassion on his face.

He was sad for himself and for Jiejiao. In this catastrophe, his body is likely to fall into an endless catastrophe.

Yang Jiao was filled with emotion.

Tongtian Sect Master could have escaped this catastrophe. As a member of the Pangu Sect, if he had continued to practice the Pangu Sect's Taoism and not killed the three corpses, no evil means would have been able to harm him.

However, he used the Pangu brand to kill the good corpse, which put him in an irreversible situation.

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