It was impossible to say that Fang Yang was not nervous when he was left alone to face two saints. But his Qi-nurturing skills are so good that you can't tell from his appearance.

After Shennong Holy Emperor said "please sit down", Fang Yang sat down on his own seat calmly.

The two Holy Emperors sat high up, with Fang Yang on the left and Yang Jiao on the right. These were the seats in the palace.

"How much does fellow Taoist Fang Yang know about our human race?"

Xuanyuan Holy Emperor got straight to the point.

Fang Yang suddenly thought that he had heard this sentence somewhere before, and after thinking about it for a while, he remembered it. Another way to ask this sentence is "What do you think of our company?"

He is familiar with this issue!

Fang Yang looked like he was thinking, and then answered: "In the beginning, human beings are inherently good by nature. Their natures are similar, but their habits are far apart."

Hearing this answer, Holy Emperor Shennong's eyes were filled with brilliance, and he started to communicate with Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.

No one knows the content of their exchanges. Even other saints cannot spy on the communication between saints.

Holy Emperor Xuanyuan nodded: "Fellow Taoist was born in Kyushu, and has had a lot of contact with my human race, right?"

When Fang Yang heard this question, it turned into "Tell me about your work experience."

Fang Yang cupped his hands towards Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and smiled slightly: "Sage Shengming, the place where I attained enlightenment is the Taihang Mountains. In order to survive, I was forced to have some unpleasant things with nobles. But these things are all. These are trivial things that happen every moment in the world.”

He was once a demon, and it was almost impossible to say that he had not had conflicts with humans.

If you put aside his identity as a demon and look at it from the perspective of a monk. Everything he did was what most ascetics would do.

Even the two Holy Emperors in the palace had fought through mountains of corpses and seas of blood in the process of attaining enlightenment.

Seeing how bold and honest Fang Yang was, Holy Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't help but look at Fang Yang.

In fact, the main reason why the two Holy Emperors invited Fang Yang was the Pangu Alliance behind Fang Yang.

The human race and the Pangu Alliance should not be enemies, but friends. During the time of Emperor Zhuanxu, the human race really wanted to form an alliance with the Wu tribe and achieve permanent peace.

The Human Race and the Witch Race have become allies. What other force in the world can shake the status of the two races?

Unfortunately, the marriage between the human and witch clans was ruined by the Chan religion. Emperor Zhuanxu carried a thorn to plead guilty, but failed to gain the understanding of the Wu clan.

It just so happened that Fang Yang, a member of the Pangu League, had an old relationship with the female demon and was an ally with the Xiangjiang Shuijun. The human race wanted to send a friendly signal to the Wu tribe through Fang Yang.

However, Fang Yang wrote the Vacuum Creation Sutra, triggering the coming of the will of humanity and allowing humans to discover Fang Yang's own value.

The Holy Emperor Shennong continued: "In Shijie Village, my fellow Taoist enchanted Yu Gong's second son with datura pollen. Was my fellow Taoist a human race in a certain small world in his previous life?"

Fang Yang was startled. He didn't expect that Holy Emperor Shennong could guess his identity in his previous life based on this.

However, this is not difficult to imagine.

A demon that has just become a spirit and has never had any communication with the outside world does not use magic to deal with people, but uses poison to stun people. Such means of doing things are indeed not something that a demon can do.

In fact, after this incident happened, the Yugong family's first reaction was that the villagers of Shijie Village stole the treasure in order to prevent them from digging the mountain.

Now that Holy Emperor Shennong had seen it, Fang Yang had nothing to hide.

"That's right! I was indeed a human race in my previous life."

Holy Emperor Shennong nodded to Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, and the two had another mysterious exchange, and Holy Emperor Shennong's expression became serious.

"Will fellow Taoist people be members of the cat tribe and be enemies of my human tribe?"

The sage looks at the problem very impartially and thoroughly.

If it were someone else who deduced that Fang Yang was a human being in his previous life, he would most likely carry out various moral kidnappings and ask Fang Yang to do this or that.

Saints are different, they have very clear minds.

Every creature, as long as it is not a congenital creature, must have entered reincarnation, and the race in each reincarnation is different.

You can't force people to pay for that race just because they were of a certain race in their previous life. There are past lives in this life, and there are past lives before that. How long will it take for people to stop giving?

Moreover, before making a request, you'd better find out what your previous life was.

This question from Holy Emperor Shennong made Fang Yang feel very strange.

His body stopped being that of a cat long ago.

He has been practicing for millions of years, first evolving into an innate divine being, and then achieving the position of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. He has long since abandoned the concept of race, and his thoughts transcend race.

Besides, do cats still have racial awareness? Cats only have territorial awareness. If one cat enters another cat's territory, the two parties will immediately fight to the death.

This is what the saying goes, there is no room for two cats in one mountain.

"The Holy Emperor is joking. With all due respect, shouldn't I be the one to decide everything about the Cat Clan?"

Fang Yang gave a domineering answer. This answer was exactly what the two Holy Emperors wanted to hear.

Among the cat clan, Fang Yang's cultivation level is the highest. As long as Fang Yang is willing, he can open a cat star, transfer all the cats to the cat star, and become the king of cats.

Of course, Fang Yang would definitely not do such boring things.

"That's right! You are indeed a person who can arouse the will of humanity. I would like to give you a drink, fellow Taoist!"

Holy Emperor Xuanyuan raised his wine glass and toasted to Fang Yang from a distance.

Fang Yang also naturally picked up the wine glass, said "please", and drank it all.

After this glass, all the grievances between Fang Yang and the human race disappeared, and the past no longer existed. The tense atmosphere in the hall was completely dissipated.

After drinking a glass of wine, Fang Yang took out the copy of the Vacuum Creation Sutra and stood up.

"Thanks to the two saints for looking up to me and inviting me to the Fire Cloud Cave. I have also prepared a gift for the two saints."

The eyes of the Holy Emperor Shennong flickered, and he was slightly happy.

He had long calculated that Fang Yang wrote a scripture, which triggered the will of humanity. Obviously, this scripture was prepared by Fang Yang for the human race.

Fang Yang separated a group of mana and sent the scripture to the Holy Emperor Shennong.

The Holy Emperor Shennong looked at the book made of Chaos Sky Crystal and looked forward to Fang Yang's gift. How precious must it be to need Chaos Sky Crystal to carry something?

"The Vacuum Creation Sutra, this is the sutra written by Daoyou."

The Holy Emperor Shennong nodded at Fang Yang, and then put his consciousness into the sutra and read it.

As soon as the Holy Emperor Shennong put his consciousness into it, his mind was attracted by the scene inside the sutra, and he couldn't get out.

The inside of the Vacuum Creation Sutra is nothing else, but a vast world. The things shown in this world made the Holy Emperor Shennong amazed, moved, and fascinated.

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