When the Western Cult and the Monster Tribe were planning to establish the Western Heaven, an old friend came to Fang Yang's Hengshan Cave Heaven.

"Should I call you Taoist Fellow Tianyi or Fellow Taoist Fang Yang?"

The female mercenary wore a golden phoenix crown and a red phoenix robe. She sat opposite Fang Yang with a playful smile on her face.

Not seen for a million years, the female slave completely got rid of her desperate state of mind and became a standard human princess.

Not only that, the female demon is now a Daluo Jinxian, and she can remove the poison of Xuanyin Charming Fire Pill from her body with her own magic power.

Fang Yang was also in a very good mood when he saw the friends he had made when he was young.

If he hadn't obtained the Tiger Soul Demon Sword, his innate Pangu Dharma would not have been able to be cultivated so quickly. The eighty-one innate Pangu Taoist images in the Tiger Demon Sword gave him a lot of reference.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist female demon Taoist Da Luo. Your name is just a code name. It doesn't matter whether it's Fang Yang or the True Monarch of Heavenly Medicine, it's all the same."

Fang Yang said with a smile.

Facts have proved that he was right in not offending the female slave.

The relationship between the Yellow Emperor and the female slaves was a matter of quarrel between father and daughter and an internal problem within the family.

Seven hundred thousand years ago, Nuba reconciled with the Yellow Emperor and his daughter, and Nuba became a human princess again.

At that time, when Yuanshi Tianzun learned about this, he immediately asked Guangchengzi to prepare a large amount of apology and send it to Huoyun Cave.

Who made Taiyi Zhenren commit the crime of hunting down the female demon with a group of loose cultivators, and killed Chi Songzi because of it. Yuanshi Tianzun, a teacher, had no choice but to deal with Taiyi Zhenren to prevent Taiyi Zhenren from being killed by the human race.

"Well said."

The female demon picked up the flat peach in front of her, looked at it for a while, and was amazed.

"Fellow Taoist's cultivation speed is just that, he is also extraordinary in medicine, grass and trees, far better than others. Based on the method of detoxification that fellow Taoist used for me, Holy Emperor Shen Nong understood a method of cultivating plague, which can prevent human beings from the disease. to the plague."

Fang Yang didn't answer when he heard this, but a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The female demon looked at Fang Yang, her eyes full of inquiry.

"Sacred Emperor Shennong also said that someone has mastered the method of cultivating innate spiritual roots in batches. If this method can be applied to planting, it can cause a huge storm in the world. This man has mastered the method of cultivating innate spiritual roots in batches. You are also a fellow Taoist, right?"

Depending on where you stand, you will see different things.

Fang Yang only has himself in his heart, so all his methods are to serve himself.

A person like Shennong Holy Emperor has the world in his heart. When he sees anything novel, he will think of benefiting the world.

Of course, the main reason is that Fang Yang does not dare to gain a lot of merit and luck.

Merits and luck are like salt. Only the official can touch them. If private persons touch them, the consequences will be serious. Fang Yang didn't want to violate the saint's rules and be plotted by the saint.

"These are just some strange and obscene skills. My Taoist friends are so complimentary."

Fang Yang laughed and said.

Seeing this, the female slave did not argue with Fang Yang. She reached out and took out a golden invitation and sent it to Fang Yang.

"Holy Emperor Shennong and my emperor father intend to invite fellow Taoists to go to the Shenzhou City in the Yanhuang Continent of Fire Cloud Cave on the second day of February in a thousand years!"

Fire Cloud Cave has long been no longer an ordinary cave. Under the transformation of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, it has been upgraded to a heaven-like existence.

Once the transformation of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors is completed, Fire Cloud Cave will become an existence on par with the Demon World, Heaven Realm, and Underworld.

Fang Yang took the invitation and felt it was heavy.

When the female demon suddenly visited, he knew that the female demon was not here to reminisce about the past. The female slayer and him just met by chance, without any old friendship.

However, he did not expect that two saints would actually ask to meet him.

A human saint is also a saint, a being above the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The female slave said very casually: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, neither Shennong Holy Emperor nor my emperor father will force others to do anything. If you don't want to go, I will deal with it for you. However, I can reveal something to you. Secret. If Taoist friends can get the approval of Holy Emperor Shennong and my emperor father, they can get the qualification to preach in the human world. Even the Human Religion is still fighting for it."

"Preaching to the human world?"

This big move of the female demon made Fang Yang's heart beat wildly.

The human world is the foundation of the human race, and it is a territory that belongs entirely to the human race. It can be said that the humans in the human world are all high-quality humans.

If you can preach in the human world, your cultivation speed in the future will not be slowed down even if you want.

However, from the tone of the female slave, he could tell that the two Holy Emperors were trying to attract investment to the human race.

"Did the two Holy Emperors also invite others?"

Fang Yang raised his head and asked.

The female master nodded: "Of course. There is also Yang Jiao, a disciple of the Jie Cult. You two, plus the Yangtze River Water Emperor Hong Zhou, are the most outstanding geniuses in this million years. However, Hong Zhou does not teach the human race, so No consideration.”

"Yang Jiao.?"

Fang Yang's mood became strange.

Holy Emperor Shennong and Holy Emperor Xuanyuan invited two people. The first person was him, and the second person was also him.

What he thinks and feels strange.

"This is too ridiculous. How can I compete with myself?"

Fang Yang was troubled here, but the female demon's eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

"Yang Jiao is also from my human race. It's not easy for fellow Taoist to defeat him."

While Fang Yang was thinking, he sensed that there were guests coming from Yang Jiao's side.

This guest is still an acquaintance, Fang Yang has seen him from afar.

Qianzun, the great-grandson of Emperor Zhuanxu, once held a flying sword and killed the Baili tribe, which facilitated Fang Yang's search for Xu Kun.

Qian Zun is worthy of being a noble man of Heaven. He, like the female king, has also achieved enlightenment.

This time, Fang Yang knew what it meant to be the protagonist of heaven and earth, and what destiny meant.

The Sage Sect is just a Sage Sect. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot compare with the protagonists of Heaven and Earth.

"I have sent the invitation, now I want to talk about our private matters."

The female demon smiled and spoke.

We just talked for a long time, all about business matters.

Fang Yang asked doubtfully: "What private matters can we have?"

The female slave stood up, left her seat, and bowed to Fang Yang.

"I can't repay Taoist Taoist Brother Fang Yang for his great kindness. From now on, no matter what Taoist friend requires, as long as it does not violate morality, I will try my best to help Taoist friend do it."

Fang Yang was startled for a moment, then his eyes widened.

"Fellow Taoist, have you found your old friend?"

The female demon looked at Fang Yang with grateful eyes: "What Taoist friend said at the beginning was very reasonable. I met brother Chisongzi in Chaoge City. Although he had forgotten everything, the aura on his body did not change. . He is really back!"

Fang Yang was the Hunyuan Golden Immortal after all, and he regained his composure instantly.

The probability of similar flowers appearing in ancient times is too high. Under the influence of cause and effect, fate, and various mysterious things, the dead may not be able to be resurrected.

For example, Fang Yang copied a person's memory, and after the human form and spirit were destroyed, he instilled this memory into another body.

Then, this person can be considered resurrected.

They have already become immortals, so what scientific principles are left to talk about?

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