How smart is Nuwa? She only sent out the three demons from Xuanyuan Tomb to destroy the Tang Dynasty. It can be said that she won without any effort.

When Zhunti Saint said that the West tried to establish the Western Heaven, Nuwa immediately guessed the intention of Zhunti Saint.

Zhunti Saint wanted to borrow people, people from the demon clan!

The demon clan of Xuankong Mountain are all old people from the ancient Heaven, and they have rich experience in establishing the Heaven. Moreover, the Western Church does not have enough manpower, and even if a small Heaven is established, it will not be able to operate.

"Zunti Daoyou, this matter is probably a bit inappropriate, right?"

Nuwa asked without thinking.

Nuwa did not separate the East and the West.

The Three Pure Ones rejected the West because they had a conflict of interest with the West, not because they really thought that the East and the West were two different worlds.

The West was not opened up by the extraterritorial demons. Under the premise of no conflict of interest, Nuwa did not have to reject the West.

Nuwa just considered the face of the Eastern Heaven. If the two saints in the West create another heaven, how can the current heaven maintain its dignity?

She has no grudges with Lord Haotian, so there is no need to lose face for Lord Haotian.

Zhunti Saint certainly knows what Nuwa is worried about.

This is also the reason why Zhunti Saint dares to come and talk to Nuwa.

If Nuwa, like the Three Pure Ones, insists on the principle of "what my Eastern affairs have nothing to do with you in the West", then Zhunti Taoist will not come.

"My Queen, this matter couldn't be better. As long as my Queen agrees to this, my Western human race is willing to respect the Eastern human race as the Celestial Empire, and will pay tribute to the Eastern human race and come to the court every year."

Zhunti Saint said with a smile, his eyes full of calculations.

Everything has a price, and as long as the price is right, there is nothing that cannot be negotiated.

If the West wants to bring the demon race into the West and establish the Heavenly Palace, then the West will have to pay the same price.

Moreover, the Saint Zhunti also hopes to learn from the Eastern human race through this matter, introduce the advanced ideas, culture, and blood of the Eastern human race, and enhance the foundation of the Western human race.

"Do you really mean this, Taoist Zhunti?"

Sure enough, after hearing the conditions of the Saint Zhunti, the tone of the Goddess Nuwa loosened.

Goddess Nuwa is the spokesperson of humanity. The stronger the cohesion of all living beings, the higher the cultivation of Goddess Nuwa. Therefore, she hopes that the Western human race will submit to the Eastern human race.

However, the West is too barren, and the emperors of all generations are unwilling to mobilize troops to attack the Western human race.

Although the Goddess Nuwa is the creator of the human race, the first emperor of the human race is the Saint Fuxi. Saint Fuxi is determined not to attack the West, and the Goddess Nuwa is helpless.

It is very interesting to say that when the Saint Xuanyuan swept across the prehistoric tribes, the Saint Jieyin and the Saint Zhunti looked forward to it day and night, hoping that the Saint Xuanyuan would come to attack the West.

Unfortunately, until Emperor Xuanyuan became a saint, he had no intention of attacking the West, which disappointed Saint Jieyin and Saint Zhunti.

Now, the Eastern human race can make the Western human race submit without a single soldier, so Nuwa will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Saint Zhunti was very happy to see that Nuwa had given in.

"How dare I lie in front of you? Not only that, I have discussed with my senior brother that the king of the Western Heaven will be held by the little demon grandson of the demon race, the star official of the Pleiades. The star official of the Pleiades is the grandson of Taoist friend Di Jun and the orthodox of the demon race. In this way, the Western Heaven still belongs to the demon race."

Originally, it was most appropriate for Taoist Lu Ya to be the master of the Western Heaven. Unfortunately, Taoist Lu Ya was suppressed under the Zizhi Cliff.

Taoist Lu Ya hit the faces of the Three Pure Ones, and he was able to survive because of the consideration of the master of Tongtian for Nuwa.

The two saints of the West and Nuwa could not ask for more.

After hearing the plan of the two saints of the West, Nuwa was very satisfied.

She is both the Holy Mother of the human race and the demon king of the demon race. The East cannot accommodate the demon race, but the demon race went to the West and separated from the human race in the East.

In this way, there are human races in the East, South, North, and China, and demon races in the West. The forces under Nuwa can be said to be all over the prehistoric world.

"The two Taoist friends are so sincere, and I have nothing to disagree with. It's just that I hope that the Western Heavenly Court will be dominated by the demon race as the Taoist friends said. Otherwise, I can't control the old ministers of the demon race."

While agreeing, Nuwa also issued a serious warning to Zhunti Taoist.

Nuwa saw the situation of Lord Haotian very clearly. Nuwa didn't want the demon race to be treated like Lord Haotian after running to the West.

Zhunti Taoist's face became serious, and he assured: "Don't worry, Madam. Pleiades Star Official is also a disciple of my Western Religion, and my Western Religion will not treat its own disciples unfairly."

"Zunti Taoist, you are thoughtful!"

Nuwa Niangniang smiled and accepted the gift sent by Zhunti Saint. There were not many things, but they were a token of his kindness, so she couldn't refuse.

She didn't completely believe in Zhunti Taoist.

In the same sect, disciples are also divided into factions. Pleiades Star Official is just a junior, and Vilanpo has done something that shamed the Western Religion. Pleiades Star Official's life in the Western Religion must be difficult.

However, with the old minister of the demon clan, Nuwa Niangniang was very relieved.

After Zhunti Saint left, Nuwa Niangniang waved her white hand, took out a yellow gourd, and chanted something, and a treasure banner embroidered with a picture of all demons flew out.

Nuwa Niangniang used her magic power to shake the treasure banner and make a sound.

"Bai Ze, Ying Zhao, Shang Yang, Ji Meng, Qin Yuan, Gui Che, the six of you, come to the Wa Palace to see me immediately."

The witch-demon calamity was so tragic that even Hou Yi and Kua Fu of the witch clan suffered from it. How could the demon saints of the demon clan escape unscathed?

After a great battle, only six of the ten demon saints remained. The other four died on the spot in the battle.

However, even if there were only six demon saints left, the demon clan was still terrifyingly strong. The six mid-stage quasi-saints were powerful. Except for the human race, the witch clan, and the magic path, no other force could compare to the demon clan.

When the demon-summoning flag moved, all the demons in the world felt it. They felt that the true spirit in their minds was beating constantly, and they could not help but obey the command of the demon-summoning flag.

For example, Fang Yang, perhaps because the ancestor of this body had been a demon in the heaven, he felt it when the demon-summoning flag moved.

Of course, he just felt it. His true spirit had been placed in the origin of the heavenly way of the world of destiny. Even if Nuwa shook the demon-summoning flag to pieces, he could not shake his true spirit.

"The demon flag is moving. Is the demon clan going to make a big move?"

A shadow rose in Fang Yang's heart.

When the demon clan moves, the witch clan will definitely make a move. The witch and the demon clan cannot coexist. When the saint sect is not strong enough, the saints will use the witch clan to deal with the demon clan.

On this day, countless demons or creatures from the demon clan were alarmed, and the world was shocked.

My brother is going to be the Western Emperor. Is my brother powerful?

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