Amid Ao Run's uneasiness, Saint Zhunti smiled, with great surprise and joy.

As Saint Zhunti laughed, extremely intense golden light radiated from his body. This ball of light is so mysterious that everything it illuminates produces many strange phenomena.

On the floor paved with gold and agate, grass grows, trees shade, chrysanthemums bloom all over the mountain, sandalwood pagodas rise from the ground, and the breath of peace and freedom is everywhere, turning into auspicious goddesses, The goddess of wisdom, the goddess of gold, the goddess of silver.

Under the golden light of Saint Zhunti, Ao Run's flesh and blood turned golden. As soon as his soul relaxed, he was instantly infected with joy, and his whole body began to exude an aura of great freedom, great joy, and great freedom.

The saint's eyes moved and he frowned slightly. He waved his hand and swept out a ball of golden light, which hit Ao Run's body.

With the help of this golden light, Ao Run woke up with a jolt. Ao Run quickly saluted the saint who received him: "Thank you so much, saint!"

It turned out that he was almost converted by Saint Zhunti.

Saint Jieying nodded slightly, and then shouted "junior brother" coldly. This sound directly shattered all the visions around Saint Zhunti and poured it into Saint Zhunti's mind.

Saint Zhunti is not unconscious, nor is he trapped in a demonic barrier.

Saint, do whatever you want. Crossing over to the Dragon King of the West Sea is nothing. If it weren't for the concern for Ancestor Hongjun, the Zhunti Saint would kill even the Emperor and Queen of Heaven at his request.

He did it deliberately, and his purpose was to save Ao Run.

Saint Zhunti and Taoist Randeng are called the shameless duo. The main reason is that they are both people who repay kindness with enmity. They will kill anyone they owe something.

It's just that the Jieyin Saint and the Zhunti Saint are different. The Holy Saint is a golden lotus bathed in the sun. He must maintain the righteous and bright image of Western Christianity.

Ao Run is of great use to Western religions!

In the plan to introduce saints, the Western Church will establish eight celestial beings in the future. One of Ao Run's sons will become the Lord of the Eight Heavenly Dragons.

No, the action of the Holy Sage made Ao Run, who was almost converted by the Sage Chunti, feel full of gratitude to him, and wished he could devote himself wholeheartedly to the cause of realizing the great prosperity of the West.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother just lost his temper!"

Saint Zhunti looked ashamed and bowed to Saint Jingyin. Although he is also a saint, he is the master of the West.


The saint nodded, and then turned to Ao Run.

"Ao Run, you have made great contributions to our Western religion this time. I make you a promise that in the future, your descendants can join our Western religion and become my disciples."

Ao Run was ecstatic and his heart was trembling with excitement.

Becoming a saint's disciple is equivalent to having a death-free gold medal, and you will not die under any circumstances.

The only ones who dare to kill the saint's disciples are the saint's disciples, but no matter how discordant the saint's forces are, there will be no deaths.

Chang'er Dingguangxian ordered the Seven-Star Envoy to massacre the human race, but Nuwa Empress only captured him and took him back to the Wa Palace. It was not until he got permission from the Tongtian Cult that Nuwa Empress executed him.

"Xiaolong thanks the saint! Thanks the saint!"

Ao Run was so happy that he almost went crazy. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

The two sages of the West were very impressed by Ao Run's knowledge of current affairs. The welcoming saint waved his hand: "Go! Go!"

"Xiaolong resigns!"

After receiving the promise to lead the saint, Ao Run left Mount Sumeru happily.

After Ao Run left, Saint Jieyin discussed with Saint Zhunti the matter of "Western Heaven".

Ever since they were called to Zixiao Palace by Patriarch Hongjun last time, they had the idea of ​​​​rebelling from Xuanmen.

Ever since the lecture at Zixiao Palace, they had been disappointed in Ancestor Hongjun again and again. Countless disappointments had accumulated and turned into despair.

Formal disciples have nothing to do with Western religions, innate treasures have nothing to do with Western religions, the affairs of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have nothing to do with Western religions, matters of heaven have nothing to do with Western religions, and matters of conferring gods have nothing to do with Western religions

However, when it comes to matters that require effort, the Western religion cannot escape even once.

He plots against the two Lich clans, protects the Three Purities, deals with the mighty Pangu League, and prevents Empress Houtu from attaining enlightenment. I always think of their Western religion.

Before they went to Zixiao Palace, they planned to complain to Patriarch Hongjun and then arrange for the Western Sect disciples to go to heaven. However, when they entered Zixiao Palace and heard the cold words of Ancestor Hongjun, their hopes turned into anger.

The matter of conferring gods was obviously a major event in the prehistoric world, but Patriarch Hongjun once again excluded them from the West.

Since the matter had nothing to do with his Western religion, why did he call them to the Zixiao Palace to see the Three Purities of Versailles?

Therefore, when Ao Run presented the plan of "Western Heaven", the Second Sage of the West was so happy.

"What do you think, Senior Brother, about the affairs of the Western Heaven?"

The sage Zhunti asked questions knowingly.

During the prehistoric period, it was under the protection of the Holy Saint that he was able to transform. Therefore, for countless years, he prioritized guiding saints in everything he did.

Their relationship is closer than the relationship between Fang Yang and Taoist Sacred Heart.

Fang Yang originally became a sworn sworn kinsman to the Sacred Heart Taoist Lord for the sake of the innate Pangu Dharma and had a purpose.

The saint said seriously: "Whatever is available in the east, I want to have in the west. But we cannot do this. We must let the Brahmans do it."

"Oh? What do you think, senior brother?"

Sage Zhunti became interested, but he was unable to start with Brahmanism.

Several masters of Brahmanism have always appeared in front of people with the Dharmakāya of Karma, and no one knows where their real bodies are hidden.

Wildfires cannot be completely swept away, and spring breezes will bring them back to life. The Western religion has tried to wipe it out several times, but it has never been able to completely eradicate it.

Moreover, every time the Western religion wipes out Brahmanism, innocent people will be affected. This makes those Brahman believers not believe in the Western religion at all.

The Saint of Jieyin smiled and said, "Since the Brahmanism likes incense and vows so much, we will give them incense and vows. As long as they taste the sweetness, they will definitely not be willing to give up the benefits they have obtained."

The Saint of Zhunti immediately understood what the Saint of Jieyin meant.

The Saint of Jieyin is playing a big game, and in this game, all Western creatures are regarded as chess pieces.

Imagine if Brahmanism established the Western Heaven and controlled the beliefs of the Western land. In the future, will they be willing to give up their great foundation?

Definitely not, no one will be willing to give up.

Just like Master Tongtian, after he got the benefits of preaching in the Shang Dynasty, he tried his best to fight with other saints.

If you want to take it first, you must give it first!

Moreover, if Brahmanism forms a cause and effect with Western creatures, this huge cause and effect force will easily expose their position.

At that time, Western religions can not only destroy Brahmanism, but also steal the achievements of Brahmanism.

"Brother, this plan is very good!"

Zhunti Saint praised.

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