
Smoke and dust filled the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Among the smoke and dust, there were countless firelights. The heat wave was boiling, and billions of miles of void were shattering every moment, as if it was the end of the world.

This is the southernmost land south of the South China Sea. There are countless active volcanoes in the southernmost land. Every once in a while, they will eject geofire magma.

The southern part of the ancient wilderness, going south from the land of Tiannan, is full of volcanoes.

In the void, two forces were at war. There were immortals in all directions, densely packed and numbering no less than a million.

Of these two groups of people, one side is made up of peacocks and rocs, and the other side is made up of crested ibises, archaeopteryx, cuckoos, albatrosses and many other races.

They are all members of the bird family.

After Kong Xuan was plotted, Hong Zhou took action and destroyed the old antique of the Phoenix tribe. The remaining bird tribe suddenly fell into a leaderless situation.

In order to compete for the position of the leader of the Bird Clan, the Bird Clan is divided. The Peacock Clan and Dapeng Clan, which were originally dominant, were jointly attacked by other birds.

The peacock is only a descendant of the phoenix, not the phoenix. Once Kong Xuan left, no one in the Peacock clan could activate the power of the divine contract.

As a result, other members of the Bird Clan launched a siege on the Peacock Clan and the Dapeng Clan.

The Peacock clan and the Dapeng clan fought and fled, retreating to the extreme south.

"You traitors, how dare you violate the divine contract signed by your ancestors in ancient times! Aren't you afraid that the contract will backfire and you will die without a burial place?"

"Hahahaha! For countless years, the Phoenix Clan has been domineering and enslaving us bird tribes. We will settle this debt with you today!"

"You, you traitors, we will fight you!"

The more the two sides fought, the more courageous they became. The void was filled with blood and millions of corpses were laid to rest. None of them noticed that the blood and corpses they spilled were integrated into the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Watered by the blood of the Bird Clan, an inexplicable change is taking place in the void. In the dark, a will came down and began to enjoy these good things.

Fang Yang's clone quietly watched the Bird Clan's internal strife. When he sensed this mysterious will, he couldn't help but smile.

He created this clone to search for traces of the Three Thousand Worlds in the wilderness. Now, a new big world shows its fox tail.

Sacrifice to the great world!

Fang Yang discovered this big world in a remote human tribe.

This human tribe does not worship Nuwa Fuxi or Hongjun Pangu. What they worship is an inexplicable existence called Ancestor Wenxiang.

Fang Yang used this tribe as a clue to find more than a dozen human tribes that believed in Ancestor Wenxiang and seven or eight races that regarded Ancestor Wenxiang as their supreme god.

However, when Fang Yang went to calculate the ancestor of Wenxiang, he couldn't figure it out.

Fang Yang immediately concluded that this Ancestor Wenxiang was definitely not a powerful person in the ancient world. He was a master in the Three Thousand Worlds.

The great power of the prehistoric world can invade the three thousand great worlds, and conversely, the great power of the three thousand great worlds can also invade the prehistoric world.

So, Fang Yang made a special trip to the Birds and Birds tribe, and informed the Birds and Birds about the whereabouts of the Peacock and Dapeng tribes, and this sacrifice was born.

Amid the mist of time and space, a vast world emerged.

Inside this world, the smell of incense flows everywhere, and colorful wishes enter the center of the world under the pull of a mysterious force.

Fang Yang looked intently and saw in the center of the world, a faceless man with a white turban and beard and hair thicker than weeds, sitting on the altar.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and countless incense and sacrifices entered his body.

"Sacrifice to the Great World!"

Fang Yang immediately knew what this big world was about.

Smell the incense, as you can tell from the name, the owner of this big world likes to smoke incense very much.

"I just don't know who is more powerful compared to Ancestor Wenxiang's sacrificial method and the Wu Clan's sacrificial method."

Fang Yang took a deep breath and moved into the depths of the void.

The great world of sacrifice finally appeared, and he could not let this great world escape.

The internal strife among the Bird Clan continues, with both sides fighting to the death, and the fight is extremely fierce. However, this has nothing to do with Fang Yang.

The clone found the world of sacrifice, and Fang Yang, who was in the dojo, certainly felt it.

He stood up with a bang, his whole body boiling with fighting spirit, and his face showed the joy of harvest.

He has been waiting for this day for too long.

Ever since he learned that the Witch Clan had seven great worlds in their hands, he had been looking for new great worlds. Now, he finally got what he wanted and found the second big world.

While excited, he was also very calm.

It is not easy to attack a big world with a master. It is as powerful as the Witch Clan, and it has been attacked for three thousand years.

Moreover, if there is a holy weapon of heaven in the other party's world, his rash intrusion is like a moth flying into the flame.

Therefore, before attacking the other party's world, he must first detect the intelligence of the other party's world. Only with information can we dismantle the power of the other party's world in a targeted manner.

Such things cannot trouble Fang Yang at all. As soon as his thoughts changed, he came up with a solution.

His method is to repay the dharma body with karma!

The Dharmakaya of Karma is different from the clone in that it is cultivated by the power of cause and effect. Under the pull of the power of cause and effect, the main body can drop power from the air and bless the body of cause and effect.

As long as Fang Yang cultivates such a Dharma body, he can sneak into the Sacrifice World, stir up trouble there, and even trick Wen Xiang Laozu out of the Sacrifice World.

At that time, he can do whatever he wants to seize the Sacrifice World.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang entered the Destiny World and began to absorb the cause and effect of all living beings.

He is the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao of the Destiny World. All the cause and effect between heaven and earth can be involved in him.

The wind rises and the clouds surge, and the sky and the earth change color.

Countless cause and effect forces break through the air and fly to Fang Yang's palm for Fang Yang to use.


Under Fang Yang's huge power, the cause and effect force continues to condense, evolve, and transform.

And the living beings whose cause and effect were extracted by Fang Yang felt a sense of relief, as if the dust on their hearts had been wiped away, and they were extremely free.

Many cultivators and immortals began to break through the realm, and waves of immortal light rushed into the sky.

Fang Yang exerted his magic power to the extreme, and the causal power in his palm became substantial, forming a pure white lotus.

This lotus is very similar to the vacuum white lotus, because it carries the mystery of Fang Yang's Dao.

Not only is its appearance similar to the vacuum white lotus, but even the innate aura it exudes and the precious light on the surface are the same as the vacuum white lotus.

"Cause and effect white lotus, done!"

Fang Yang smiled slightly and stopped casting.

A rare treasure, I believe no one can refuse it, not even the great powers in the sacrificial world.

Don't wait for the next chapter, I don't know if I can write it

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