After rewarding Yang Jiao with the Purple Lightning Hammer, Tongtian Patriarch also rewarded Chen Jiugong and the other two with a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure.

Zhao Gongming's breakthrough to the Quasi-Sage Realm was a great achievement.

Hong Zhou and Fang Yang, two casual cultivators, became Hunyuan Golden Immortals in less than a million years, which had a great impact on the majesty of the Saint Sect.

At this time, Zhao Gongming's timely breakthrough proved to Honghuang the ability of Xuanmen disciples.

Xuanmen disciples are no worse than anyone else!

However, Zhao Gongming's status in Jiejiao is already above one person and ten thousand people, and there is no way to reward him.

No matter how open-minded Tongtian Patriarch is, he cannot pass on the most core Taoist arts of Jiejiao to Zhao Gongming and his disciples. Whether it is the Zhuxian Formation or the Wanxian Formation, he will leave it to the next Jiejiao Patriarch.

After the four masters and disciples thanked him, Tongtian Patriarch said to Yang Jiao again.

"Yang Jiao, you did a great job in the last mission. Now, I will give you a more important mission."

The four masters and apprentices were naturally overjoyed.

Everyone knows the benefits of preaching, and being valued by Tongtian Patriarch is greater than the benefits of preaching.

Zhao Gongming, Chen Jiugong, and Yao Shaosi frantically winked at Yang Jiao, indicating that Yang Jiao agreed.

Yang Jiao did not refuse, but was thinking about which script to use.

"Master, please let me know!"


Seeing Yang Jiao's reaction, Tongtian Patriarch nodded and said in an extremely serious tone.

"This time, what I want to spread is naturally the doctrine of my Jiejiao!"

Everyone was shocked to hear Tongtian Patriarch's words.

The doctrine of Jiejiao is the supreme concept of Jiejiao. For Jiejiao disciples, nothing is more important than the rafter pen doctrine.

The task given by Tongtian Patriarch is too big!

Of course, the bigger the task, the more benefits you will get after completing it.

During the time when Zhao Gongming and the other two were surprised, Yang Jiao had already sketched out a script in his mind.

He did not say whether he was willing or not, but directly used his magic power to change the script and presented it to Tongtian Sect Master with both hands.

Seeing that Yang Jiao had written a storybook so quickly, Tongtian Sect Master could not help but look at Yang Jiao more.

"The Legend of the Sun Shooting Heroes"

Tongtian Sect Master saw the cover of the storybook and his eyes lit up.

"In ancient times, Emperor Dijun and Empress Xihe had ten sons, and these ten sons were the sons of the sun, Jinwu. One day, the Western Church held the Yulanpen Festival, and ten Jinwu came out of Tanggu."

"The Weaver Girl of the Heavenly Court came down to the world to repay her gratitude and met the benefactor Niulang in her previous life. The two met, knew each other, and fell in love, starting a love legend that moved heaven and earth."

Seeing this, even though Tongtian Sect Master was a saint, he was also amazed by Yang Jiao's script.

Yang Jiao's script this time was clearly a sequel to the previous script.

If this preaching goes well, it will not only promote the teachings of Jiejiao, but also bring out the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to teach people about love.

The most amazing thing is that Lu Ya Daojun has to play the villain again.

He remembered that last time, Yang Jiao made Lu Ya's reputation very bad. Now, all the cultivators in the prehistoric world regard Lu Ya as a demon who wants to destroy the world.

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl used their love to stop the Lu Ya Demon Lord's annihilation plot. However, six hundred thousand years later, the Lu Ya Demon Lord cultivated supreme magic skills and made a comeback."

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl have ascended to heaven, and only the Taoist Xuantong can fight the Lu Ya Demon Lord. Unfortunately, the Taoist Xuantong was seriously injured and his foundation was damaged, and he has entered the reincarnation."

"The leader of the Jiejiao Sect, the Saint Tongtian, has pity on the common people, and specially sent his disciple Zhao Gongming to the lower world to find the reincarnation of Taoist Xuantong and guide him back to the immortal way, hoping that Taoist Xuantong can intercept this ray of life for all living beings."

The leader of the Jiejiao Sect did not show his emotions, but Zhao Gongming and the other two were very nervous.

Although they had confidence in Yang Jiao, Yang Jiao wrote the script too quickly. This made it difficult for them to rest assured.

The leader of the Jiejiao Sect quickly reviewed the entire script, and he closed the script with a snap, looking at Yang Jiao with a complicated look.

"Yang Jiao, what is the grudge between you and Lu Ya?"

At this moment, even Tongtian Patriarch felt sad for Lu Ya Daojun.

After being slandered by Yang Jiao, Lu Ya Daojun could not think of becoming the Sun God again. His only way out was to go to the West and become a disciple of the Western Sect.

Yang Jiao's expression was serious, and he said: "Lu Ya is in the holy land of Yuxu Palace, tarnishing the reputation of my Xuanmen and making the great powers of the heavens laugh at my Xuanmen. I have to vent my anger no matter what I say."

Hearing Yang Jiao's words with a bit of spirit, Tongtian Patriarch's doubts disappeared.

No matter how calm Yang Jiao was, he was still a disciple of Jiejiao. How could a disciple of Jiejiao lack spirit?

Tongtian Patriarch pondered for a moment, and then said: "In this case, you can do it according to your own ideas!"

The last thing is the celebration of Zhao Gongming's breakthrough.

Tongtian Patriarch really wanted to hold a big one to make Jiejiao glorious. However, in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the disciples of the four sects have been in seclusion, and there are not many people left in the outside world.

The celebration was held at this time, and even the venue was empty.

Tongtian Sect Master could only put this matter aside and hold the celebration later.

Zhao Gongming and his four disciples returned to Mount Emei and began to discuss the matter of preaching.

This time, Yang Jiao, with selfish motives, wrote in the roles of the four masters and disciples, as well as Mulan Fairy and Lihua Fairy. Of course, there are also Qingniu Venerable and Yang Jian.

The most important thing this time is to complete the preaching, not to care about merits.

The Three Pure Ones, pull the other two Pure Ones in and form an alliance, so that other saints and forces will not cause trouble.

As long as the preaching is completed smoothly, it is worthwhile to share a little merit.

Yang Jiao has always felt that the three Eastern religions can cooperate in preaching and share the benefits. The ways of the Three Pure Ones do not conflict, and their ways are all part of the way of heaven.

However, he does not completely belong to the Xuanmen, and he will not be stupid enough to express his views. Moreover, with the current relationship between the three religions, it is useless to say it.

"Lu Ya Demon Lord broke the seal, reincarnated, and became sworn brothers with Taoist Xuantong."

"The four sages of Mount Li traveled all over the prehistoric world for a promise, and finally found the reincarnation of Taoist Xuantong."

"After finding the reincarnation of the demon boy, the Venerable Qingniu tried to influence the demon boy with a compassionate heart and accept him as a disciple."

"Unfortunately, the demon boy eventually stepped into the evil way, awakened the soul of his previous life, and became a demon king."

"The immortal Zhao Gongming appeared, repelled the demon head, and saved Taoist Xuantong."

After reading Yang Jiao's script, Zhao Gongming called it wonderful.

The script written by Yang Jiao is extremely melodramatic, but there is a glimmer of hope everywhere in the script.

Every time Master Xuantong falls into a desperate situation, he will think of Zhao Gongming's words "Under the way of heaven, there must be a glimmer of hope." Then, a miracle really happened, helping Master Xuantong to turn defeat into victory.

Even at the end, after being knocked down by Lu Ya Demon Lord, Master Xuantong roared a glimmer of hope, and then he was resurrected with full blood and directly defeated Lu Ya Demon Lord.

Preaching according to this script is many times more effective than their empty-mouthed preaching to people!

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