Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 244: Conspiracy against the Taoist Master Ran Deng

After Fang Yang rushed back to the world of destiny, he immediately summoned nine great masters including Taoist Huntian, Zhenjun Pinghong, King Wu Lei, Taoist Bafeng, Immortal Shuijing, Zhenren Huolong, Zhenren Bashan, Zhenjun Judiao and Zhenjun Longyang. Yijinxian gave them the task of placing 36 trillion followers.

Fifty thousand years have passed, and these Taiyi Golden Immortals have completely regarded themselves as members of the Wusheng Cult.

In the great world of destiny, they have no enemies, inexhaustible cultivation resources, and can teach and practice the same methods as the disciples of the saints.

Fang Yang promised them that as long as one of them could realize Daluo, they could establish a branch religion and become the leader of the branch religion.

Such good treatment was something they had never imagined before. What reason do they have for not working for Fang Yang attentively?

Therefore, when Fang Yang said that he would separate some people to do another task, the forty-nine Taiyi Golden Immortals rushed to do it.

Fang Yang was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

Taoist Huntian made such a promise that he was so excited that he almost issued a military order: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely settle the people of the Holy Sect so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment!"

"Go! While settling these people, don't forget to preach."

Fang Yang gave special instructions.

He purchased slaves and released them from slavery, not to save sentient beings, but to preach.

The nine Taiyi Golden Immortals all looked serious and became serious. They resigned together and went down to discuss a plan to resettle their people.

Then, Fang Yang called Yue Feng and told him about Taoist Sacred Heart.

Yue Feng was overjoyed to learn that his teacher not only transformed into a human form and attained Taoism, but also worshiped Empress Houtu as his teacher.

After finishing the trivial matters, Fang Yang flashed to the lotus pond.

Under the cover of the time acceleration formation, the two lotus seeds have grown for 1.8 billion years, which is equivalent to one-third of a calamity.

Now, the two lotus seeds have finally sprouted!

At the bottom of the lotus pond, a faint spiritual light lit up, not much brighter than a firefly. However, this shows that both the Golden Lotus of Merit and the Red Lotus of Karma have sprouted.

Now that it has sprouted, the time acceleration array must be closed. If it continues to be used, the chaotic laws of heaven and earth around it will be extremely detrimental to the growth of the lotus seeds.

"It's almost time. The most difficult thing for the lotus seeds on the twelve-grade lotus platform is to take root and sprout. Once the seeds take root and sprout, there won't be much of a problem."

After solving another problem on his mind, Fang Yang was ready to continue his retreat.

After going out for a while, he felt the aura of the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

The reason why he was able to purchase so many slaves was because the human race was divided. The human race was divided from a unified court into countless vassal states.

The Human King is too weak, unlike the Human King who has unparalleled strength.

While the Human Emperor's power is still there, those princes may listen to the Human Emperor's orders. But when they discovered that the human king was not that powerful, they began to listen to the instructions instead of the announcement.

On the surface, they still obey the will of the human king. In fact, they were independent in their own affairs, and the central government's decrees could not reach the vassal states at all.

Fang Yang estimated that Xia Chao was already halfway there. Soon, the Xia Dynasty will be destroyed and replaced by a new dynasty.

"I have to cultivate into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal as soon as possible."

Fang Yang returned to the ancient world and went into seclusion again.

While Fang Yang was in retreat, Yang Jiao and the four brothers and sisters Zhao Gongming plotted against Taoist Ran Deng.

In the Tianji Palace, the four masters and disciples of Zhao Gongming and Fairy Sanxiao gathered together, all with serious expressions.

Zhao Gongming has completely refined the Dinghai Divine Pearl and confirmed the accuracy of Fang Yang's news. Therefore, he made a bold decision to take action against Taoist Ran Deng.

"Randeng is the deputy leader of the Chan sect. If the teacher is unknown, it will trigger a fight between the two sects."

Fairy Yunxiao looked worried.

Zhao Gongming snorted coldly, with an angry look on his face: "The old thief Ran Deng has been targeting Brother Wei for a long time. Did the three sisters find out? Every time Ran Deng saw Brother Wei, they looked at him greedily. .Brother Wei didn’t know the reason before, but now that he thinks about it, he wants to get the Dinghai Divine Bead from Brother Wei so that he can evolve into the twenty-four heavens.”

Fairy Sanxiao was shocked when she heard this. They followed Zhao Gongming's words and recalled the past, and found that it was exactly what Zhao Gongming said.

However, Fairy Sanxiao did not curse Ran Deng.

There is nothing shameless or shameless about anything related to the Dao. In the battle of great avenues, everyone depends on their own abilities. When they knew that the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls were in Fang Yang's hands, they might not have thought of snatching them away.

"Is there a reason? It's very easy! I wonder if Master and the three uncles have ever heard of the Magic Lantern Festival?"

Yang Jiaofeng said calmly.

If it was to snatch Guang Chengzi's treasure, Yang Jiao really couldn't find any excuse. However, it is different to grab the treasure of the Taoist priest.

To eradicate harm from the ancient world, to uphold justice for casual cultivators, and to clean up the door for Xuanmen. Every reason is great and upright.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun can't protect him.

By shielding an evil cultivator who was blocking the path of Daluo cultivators, does he still need the reputation of Pangu Zhengzong?

"What is the Magic Lantern Festival?"

Zhao Gongming and Fairy Sanxiao both looked confused, and Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were also confused and confused.

These disciples of saints with relatively good temperament know very little about the secret activities of Taoist Ran Deng, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, Changer Dingguangxian and others.

Seeing that no one knew about it, Yang Jiao began to popularize science for everyone.

"Master and the four uncles should remember that at the Four Religions Conference, many casual cultivators attacked the Golden Immortal. The reason they attacked on that day was to avoid the conspiracy of the Magic Lamp Society. On the day when the Yangtze River Water Emperor was proving his way, the two demon gods who went to block his way were also members of the Magic Lamp Society."

After learning about the Magic Lamp Society, everyone felt that their worldview had been refreshed.

They only saw the superficial brilliance and superficial evil of the Saint Religion, but they did not expect that the Saint Religion had such a dark side behind the scenes.

Fairy Qiongxiao was shocked and blurted out: "But, old."

"Second sister, be careful with your words!"

Fairy Qiongxiao wanted to ask, "But, the teacher doesn't care?"

However, she was interrupted by Zhao Gongming and Fairy Yunxiao as soon as she opened her mouth.

A tiger eats a person, can you punish the tiger with human laws?

The moral values ​​and good and evil values ​​in the eyes of saints are different from those of ordinary creatures. You cannot use the good and evil values ​​of the human race to judge the good and evil of a saint.

As disciples of Master Tongtian, they had no right to question Master Tongtian's decision.


Yang Jiao coughed lightly and continued: "As long as we lure the snake out of its hole and trick the old thief Ran Deng into taking action, we can legitimately defeat him and seize his treasure!"

His words brought the meeting back to the point.

The people who were worried had to put aside their doubts and discuss with Yang Jiao how to ensure that it was definitely Master Ran Deng who took action, and not someone else.

After this discussion, a big pit was dug for Master Ran Deng.

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