The second-generation disciples of Jiejiao each have their own thoughts and positions. At the meeting venue, the great powers of the heavens have arrived one after another.

The lowest person who is qualified to come to Jin'ao Island is Daluo Jinxian. Those below Daluo Jinxian cannot receive invitations from Jiejiao at all.

When Fang Yang and Hong Zhou entered Jin'ao Island, they were taken to two different areas by the welcoming disciples.

Hong Zhou's seat was in the area for neutral cultivators, while Fang Yang's seat was with the great power of the Pangu Alliance.

Fang Yang never denied the fact that he was a member of the Pangu Alliance.

Along the way, he received numerous benefits from the Pangu Alliance, including Patriarch Panwang, Lord Tanlangxing, Patriarch Tianji, Lord Bixia, and Empress Houtu.

Without the support of the Pangu League, he would not have been able to reach this point, and he would have died somewhere in the corner.

In the Pangu League area, Fang Yang met many old friends from the auction house. When these people saw Fang Yang, they all greeted him warmly.

In addition, the casual cultivators who attained Taoism during the Four Religions Discussion Conference also joined the Pangu League. When they saw Fang Yang, they all saluted Fang Yang and expressed their gratitude to Fang Yang.

After they achieved enlightenment, they realized that without Fang Yang and Hong Zhou, they would never have been able to achieve enlightenment.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, what do you think of Yang Jiao?"

Daojun Sangyu with green eyebrows and green eyes came over and asked Fang Yangdao.

Yang Jiao's sermon put a lot of pressure on Pangu League. For them, it is not a good thing for Xuanmen talents to emerge in large numbers.

Faced with this problem, Fang Yang certainly couldn't tell the truth. He waved his hand and sighed: "Yang Jiao is a peerless genius, and I am ashamed of myself. In tens of thousands of years, I may be surpassed by Yang Jiao."

Hearing Fang Yang say such depressing words, Taojun Sangyu was unhappy and frowned.

"Daluo Jinxian should have an invincible mentality. How can fellow Taoists increase the ambition of others and destroy their own prestige?"

Just as Fang Yang was about to say something, a red-robed Taoist with a face like indigo and hair like cinnabar came to him.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang is right. No one can surpass my disciples. I think back then, Taoist Fang Yang also went to Penglai Island and listened to Pindao's sermons. So later, Taoist Fang Yang became a Daluo Jinxian.”

Fang Yang never liked others being arrogant in front of him, he only allowed himself to be eccentric.

He raised his head and glanced at the red-robed Taoist, and said with a smile: "My fellow Taoist, you are wrong. I gained nothing from the Penglai Dharma Assembly. Otherwise, I should have become a disciple of your sect by now."

He didn't bother to ask the Taoist priest in red robe for his Taoist number.

As long as the red-robed Taoist dared to retaliate against him, he would open a trumpet and send the red-robed Taoist to the Wudang Holy Mother.

Hearing what Fang Yang said, Lu Yue became so embarrassed that he could only snort and leave quickly.

At Jiejiao's celebration, he still didn't dare to cause trouble.

If word gets out that the great saintly church is embarrassing its guests, where will Jiejiao's face go?

When Lu Yue left, Taoist Sang Yu's eyes changed when he looked at Fang Yang, and his eyes became extremely deep.

Lu Yue's cultivation level is not as high as Duobao, Yunxiao and others, but he is also a veteran Da Luo.

Is it really okay for Fang Yang to sneer like this?

The quasi-sages noticed the situation on Fang Yang's side and had their own reactions.

Ancestor Kunpeng's face was complicated and thoughtful. Immortal Zhenyuan shook his head repeatedly and sighed. Great Immortal Lu Wu secretly rejoiced and felt that he was very wise...

On the Pangu League side, all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals nodded repeatedly, looking extremely satisfied. If you don't even dare to offend the saint's disciples, how can you fight with Xuanmen?


After the bell rang, Zhao Gongming appeared in the center of the venue with a majestic look.

For a second-generation disciple to attain Daluo enlightenment, the Master Tongtian cannot yet personally preside over it. Unless there is a disciple in the sect who has become a quasi-sage. In that way, no matter what the identity of this person is, the leader of Tongtian will definitely preside over the ceremony in person.

The four current religions of Ren, Chan, Jie, and Western religions look powerful, but in fact they are just castles in the air, completely supported by saints. If there were no saints, the four religions would be destroyed in an instant.

If a quasi-sage appears in the saint sect, the situation will be different.

With the sect of the quasi-sage, the saint can leave the sect to the quasi-sage to take care of it, and he can be free and relaxed.

However, although Master Tongtian did not preside over the meeting, he also appeared at the meeting.

The emergence of Daluo Jinxian among the second generation disciples is the supreme honor of Jie Jiao. It means that there are successors to Jie Jiao. It is impossible for the leader of Tongtian to ignore this matter.

However, the other five saints will not attend the celebration.

At the peach gathering that year, the Emperor of Heaven only said, "Today is the birthday of the Queen of Heaven," which made several saints very unhappy.

Yang Jiao, a junior among juniors, was not qualified for them to come forward to congratulate him.

Even so, the five saints also sent all their elite disciples over to support Jie Jiao.

Cultivation of immortality is not about fighting and killing, it is about being familiar with the world.

We are both members of the Xuanmen. No matter how many grievances and disputes we have behind the scenes, we still have to live up to our reputation and not let the powerful men of the Pangu League laugh at us.

However, the elders take the overall situation into consideration, but the juniors may not be able to do so.

When Yang Jiao appeared, Jie Jiao was immediately embarrassed.

With Yang Jiao in front, Chen Jiugong, Yao Shaosi and others behind, the group of less than thirty people stepped on the golden avenue and headed towards the center of the ceremony stage.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother for attaining Daluo Daluo and attaining immortality!"

Chen Jiugong, Yao Shaosi and others shouted hard.

The number of disciples behind Yang Jiao was too small, only four disciples and eighteen boys, so even if they used their magic power, the sound was still very small.

The great powers who came to attend the ceremony were all confused. They could not imagine that the second-generation disciples of Jiejiao were so brave and did not care about the overall honor of Jiejiao at all.

When the people of Chanjiao and Xifangjiao saw this scene, they immediately whispered to each other.

They were very clear about the division of forces in Jiejiao, and they had also heard about the discord between Duobao Taoist and Wudang Shengmu.

However, this scene today was something they had never expected.

The one who reacted the most was Tongtian Sect Master.

He was originally smiling, waiting to let the great powers see how excellent the second-generation disciples of Jiejiao were.

But what he saw was completely different from what he wanted to see.

Tongtian Sect Master's eyes flashed with anger, and he flicked his fingers and released a great force.

A ball of light descended from the sky and landed behind Yang Jiao's team. Thousands of figures emerged at the same time.

These thousands of people were the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and her group.

When the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and others appeared at the venue, they were still a little stunned. When they wanted to see the situation clearly, a divine thought came into their minds.

"Hurry up and catch up with your eldest brother!"

This voice naturally belonged to Master Tongtian.

Hearing Master Tongtian's voice, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and others were startled, and they dared not have any more tricks, and followed him honestly.

Under the forced intervention of Master Tongtian, the celebration finally returned to normal.

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