The war finally ended, with Hong Zhou attaining enlightenment and the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother of the West escaping.

Although the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother of the West escaped, they lost the best innate spiritual treasures, the Four Seas Dragon Staff and the innate spiritual treasures, the Star Hairpin, and suffered heavy losses.

Fang Yang and others returned to the Yangtze River Cave and celebrated grandly.

As soon as Hong Zhou proved it, the power of the alliance was established. When other people realize the truth one by one, their power will spread throughout the south.

"This time, it's all thanks to the formation of fellow Taoist. Without this Hunyuan Heluo formation, I would have absolutely no way to deal with the clone of the Emperor of Heaven."

After drinking and drinking, Fang Yang returned the formation diagram of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to Hong Zhou.

The Hunyuan Heluo Formation is indeed powerful, but Fang Yang is confident that when his positive and negative Five Elements Formation is perfected, he will never lose to the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

Hong Zhou expressed his great appreciation for Fang Yang's behavior of not coveting the Hunyuan Heluo Formation at all. He said:

"The Hunyuan Heluo Formation is nothing, it's just picking up people's wisdom. A true monk should understand his own divine formation of enlightenment."

This is Hong Zhou's innermost thoughts and his warning to Fang Yang.

If you want to realize Hunyuan, you must be prepared to face the saint. The Hunyuan Golden Immortal has no chance of winning against the Saint.

Before attaining enlightenment, one must understand a formation that is comparable to the Twelve Gods and Evil Capital Formation and the Zhoutian Star Formation, and use the power of the formation to elevate one's own strength to the level of a saint.

Otherwise, if you encounter the saint's obliteration when you achieve enlightenment, no matter how deep your cultivation is or how powerful your magic weapon is, it will be in vain.

Of course, such a formation is difficult to understand. Even the leader of Tongtian Cult, who had the highest level of formations in the prehistoric era, could not understand such a formation.

"Well, what my fellow Taoist said makes sense. I will take this matter to heart."

Hong Zhou took out the star hairpin again and sent it to Fang Yang.

"Thanks to the help of my Taoist friends, I was able to successfully achieve enlightenment. This star hairpin is a treasure that I obtained from the Queen Mother of the West, so I gave it to my Taoist friends."

Fang Yang glanced at Hong Zhou with a strange expression and refused directly.

"Fellow Taoist should give this treasure to some female Taoist friend!"

With that said, he pushed the star hairpin back to Hong Zhou.

What man knows how to use hairpins? He didn't know if he would be able to receive a female disciple who met his criteria for selecting disciples. It would be useless for him to ask for this kind of magic weapon.

After hearing Fang Yang's words, Hong Zhou was also stunned.

He looked at the star hairpin in his hand, then looked up at Fang Yang, and immediately understood what Fang Yang meant.

"This matter is due to my lack of consideration. In this case, I have one-third of the set of innate spiritual treasures in my hands, so I will give them to fellow Taoists as a thank you gift!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and twelve beads emitting five colors of light appeared in front of him.

"Dinghai Divine Pearl?"

When Fang Yang saw this, he immediately recognized the origin of these twelve beads.

I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running away. His clone stayed with Zhao Gongming every day and saw the Dinghai Divine Pearl more than once.

Each of these Dinghai Divine Pearls is an innate spiritual treasure. When twenty-four of them are combined, their power is comparable to the best innate spiritual treasures. Zhao Gongming used Ding Haizhu to hang up the Nine Great Luo Jinxian of Chanjiao alone, and even Ran Deng Taoist, a quasi-sage, was chased by him and fled everywhere.

"It is the Dinghai Divine Pearl. When this pearl was born, there were thirty-six of them. They were originally owned by Ancestor Dinghai. After the death of Ancestor Dinghai, the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls were passed down by Zulong, Tianfeng, and Qizu. Divide it up, and each person gets twelve pieces.”

"The twelve pieces in my hand belong to the Dragon Clan. The twelve pieces from the Phoenix Clan and the twelve pieces from the Qilin Clan are very likely to fall into the hands of a certain powerful person with a very high status. Because Shortly after the war between the three clans, the treasure house of the Phoenix clan and the treasure house of the Qilin clan were emptied by a mysterious person. "

Talking about the past, Hong Zhou felt sad in his heart.

The dragon clan is not a witch clan. The dragon clan is full of power struggles. His growth is difficult every step of the way. As a member of the Xiantian Dragon Clan, it would be extremely difficult for him to obtain the secret to break through to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

He didn't know how many dangers he had to go through before he broke through the gate of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

At the beginning, he had already seen the fate of the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, so he was always ready to receive the treasure trove of the three clans.

However, his movements were a bit slow, and he only managed to grab the treasure trove of the Dragon clan, but not the treasure troves of the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan.

Later, heaven sent down karma and curse, and he had to hide in the valley of the East China Sea for a whole calamity before he met a destined person.

Seeing Hong Zhou's thoughtful expression, Fang Yang knew that Hong Zhou must have been caught up in memories of the past. In one and a half kalpas, Hong Zhou indeed had many, many memories.

Hong Zhou's memories come and go as quickly as they come. When he came to his senses, he sent the Dinghai Divine Pearl in front of Fang Yang.

"I know that there are countless secrets in Taoist friends, and there is no shortage of this Dinghai Divine Pearl. However, any innate spiritual treasure, once used properly, can play the same role as an innate treasure."

Fang Yang did not reject Hong Zhou's kindness, and he accepted the Dinghai Divine Pearl with peace of mind.

Last time, he used his merits to exchange for the origin of space with Hong Zhou. Now, he helped Hong Zhou achieve enlightenment and received the Dinghai Divine Pearl as a thank you gift, which was in line with the principle of reciprocity.

Just giving or repaying, even if you are an ally, will cause problems.

For example, Taoist Taoist Jie Yin and Taoist Zhunti.

If Taoist Jie Yin is the golden lotus bathing in the sun, then Taoist Zhunti is the root in the darkness.

All the dirty and tiring work is done by Zhunti Taoist, and the glory and praise are enjoyed by Jieyin Taoist.

It is fine if the West does not flourish, the two have the same goal and there will be no disagreement; once the West flourishes, the two's demands will change and conflicts will arise.

Seeing Fang Yang take the Dinghai Divine Pearl, Hong Zhou said again: "After today's incident, the Heavenly Court will be much more honest, and the rest will be the Divine Lamp Association. What happened to the two demon gods that Taoist friends chased?"

"What else can it be? They were saved by the demon clan."

In the demon clan, there is not only one Nuwa, but also six demon saints. These six demon saints are also figures in the middle stage of quasi-saints, belonging to the great powers of heaven and earth.

Fang Yang is not Houyi, and the Sun Shooting God Bow has no arrows. As soon as Bai Ze made a move, the arrow light shot by Fang Yang was blocked.

The demon saints are not Nuwa, they have a bad reputation and don't care about the opinions of casual cultivators.

Even so, the two demon gods were also beaten to death. The soul and the life world were blown up, leaving only the innate immortal true spirit. If they want to truly revive, they must find a treasure that holds their true spirits, and then slowly cultivate back. This time will be calculated in millions of years.

"These monsters and demons will have to be dealt with sooner or later. I wonder when other Taoist friends plan to achieve enlightenment."

"It should be soon!"

Fang Yang cast his eyes outside the Yangtze River Water Palace. In the northern sky, a long river of destiny was gradually emerging.

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