Fenwei Xingjun is the most stable among the three, so naturally he will not talk and laugh like Jade Girl Xingjun.

When Fenwei Xingjun told everything that happened at the conference, the Emperor frowned.

"At the conference, they didn't discuss the matter of enlightenment? Twenty thousand years later, there will be the Taoism Conference of the Four Religions. This is the best opportunity in a million years to achieve enlightenment, and they didn't even mention it?"

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven rolled down and reached the ears of Fenwei Xingjun and the others, as well as Fang Yang and the others.

Fang Yang and Hong Zhou both looked surprised after hearing this.

Twenty thousand years later, there is an opportunity and a crisis. They can think of enlightenment in twenty thousand years, and so can everyone else.

I just don’t know what the Emperor of Heaven wants to do.

"Uncle Haotian, according to the old rules, our Western Sect wants the Great Luo Golden Immortal and the four Great Luo San Immortals, and the remaining Taiyi Golden Immortal will be left to Uncle Master."

Fang Yang and others were just wondering when a voice came from the back hall. Then, they saw a golden-robed Taoist with a golden halo on his head, fat head and lop-eared ears walking down the hall.

"Senior nephew Long Guang, you Westerners have a huge appetite! Even with the five Daluo Immortals, you are not afraid of choking."

When the Emperor of Heaven heard what the golden-robed Taoist said, he looked at the visitor calmly.

Longguang Daojun, a member of the Magic Lantern Society, later the Longguang Ancient Buddha, one of the seventeen ancestors of ten thousand Buddhas. But now, he is not the Ancient Buddha of Dragon Light.

Taojun Longguang gave the Emperor of Heaven a heads-up and said uprightly:

"Your Majesty, if there is no sage teacher to make calculations, I don't know how long it will take for Your Majesty to discover that alliance. In fact, the East has long been regarded as forbidden by the three religions. The three religions monopolize merit, luck, and the power of preaching. , whoever dares to touch these will be doomed. Your Majesty himself knows this very well."

"The East cannot accommodate rogue cultivators, but we in the West welcome rogue cultivators. As long as Da Luo Immortal comes to our west to establish a sect, we, the Western Sect, will definitely give our full support, and the two saint teachers will also come forward to protect them."

The Emperor of Heaven was slightly moved when he heard this. He knew that Taojun Longguang was not just boasting.

The stereotype that people in the prehistoric times have about the West is that it is barren, very barren. Even the two saints were said to be sallow, thin, and malnourished.

However, people are poor and ambitious. Since this calamity, Western religions have implemented many preferential policies in the West in order to prosper the West. They hope that through these policies, they can attract powerful people to go to the West to build monasteries and teach the Dharma to Western beings.

"Really? If the Eastern monks were to know that Longguang's nephew had joined the Magic Lantern Society, it would be the nephew who had been blocking the Daluo cultivators from attaining the Dao for thousands of years. I wonder what the Eastern monks would think."

Taojun Longguang smiled slightly: "Uncle Master, there may be some misunderstandings. The Magic Lantern Club is a force in the East, founded by disciples of the two religions. What does it have to do with me in the West? As long as the monks come to the West, my West religion will will protect them."

Taojun Longguang uttered a mantra from the three Eastern religions, leaving the Emperor speechless.

When it comes to being rejected by the three Eastern religions, the Western religions and Heaven share the same problem. Therefore, the Emperor did not want to refute.

The three Eastern religions and the Western religions are obviously Taoist sects, but the three Eastern religions have always rejected the Western religions.

Every time I encounter something good, I always say: What happens to me in the East has nothing to do with you in the West.

Let’s talk about the affairs of Heaven. Heaven is the Heaven that governs the whole world, not the Heaven of the East. However, the three Eastern religions only allow Heaven to govern the West and do not allow Western creatures to enter Heaven.

When encountering difficulties, the three Eastern religions will try to drag the Western religion in anyway.

It stands to reason that the rise and fall of the Lich clan has nothing to do with Western religion. Because this is a matter of the East and has nothing to do with the West. After destroying the two Lich clans, can the Western religion still spread its message to the East?

However, when plotting against the two Lich clans, the three Eastern sects could not help but drag the Western sect in.

After Daojun Longguang finished laughing, he turned to look at Fenwei Xingjun and the others, his eyes shining.

"If the three fellow Taoists are not willing to become gods in heaven, my door to the west will be opened for the three of them at any time!"

Being suddenly recruited, Fenwei Xingjun and the other three people were shocked. They are doing a good job in heaven, why should they go to the West?

However, they did not dare to directly refuse the Sage Sect's solicitation.

"That's enough! My nephew showed up here not to recruit my three ministers, right?"

When the Emperor of Heaven saw that Lord Longguang actually had an idea for his own minister, he quickly scolded him.

Taoist Master Long Guang looked solemn and said: "Uncle Master, the saint teacher has already calculated. This Daluo Jinxian who has achieved enlightenment, and Hong Zhou, the Yangtze River Water Emperor, are not ordinary people. It's okay that there is only one enlightenment now. Heavenly Court can still suppress them. However, once Hong Zhou attains enlightenment, Heavenly Court will no longer be able to control the southern waters."

When it comes to business, the Emperor no longer cares about what happened just now.

"Senior Brother Saint really said that?"

"Well! Hong Zhou was originally just a shrimp soldier. In just four hundred thousand years, he has cultivated to where he is now. Uncle Master, do you think he is a simple person?"

"Where's Fang Yang?"

"Fang Yang cannot be underestimated either. He is most likely a chess piece of the Pangu Alliance. Therefore, Uncle Master must not take action himself. Last time, only one Xingtian was killed, and His Majesty had to reincarnate through calamity. If he is angered, After Empress Tu is killed, Xingtian and Xiangliu go to heaven together, can Uncle Master be sure to deal with it?"

When the Emperor of Heaven heard this, his face darkened.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Wu Clan has declined, the remaining power is not something that the empty-shell Heavenly Court can contend with.

Last time, Xingtian attacked the Heavenly Court and slaughtered all the forces that the Emperor of Heaven had cultivated with great difficulty. The Eastern Heaven and the Southern Heaven were filled with blood, and a large number of Taiyi Golden Immortals and Golden Immortals died.

If Xingtian and Xiangliu brothers attacked, his Heavenly Court would be slaughtered again. This time, even the Western Heaven and the Northern Heaven would be flooded with blood.

"I know, I will naturally make a good plan for this matter."

The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said.

Seeing the Emperor of Heaven's reaction, Longguang Daojun knew that the Emperor of Heaven had a plan, so he bowed and said goodbye.

After Longguang Daojun left, the Emperor of Heaven directly issued an order.

"Fenwei, Shenli, and Yunu!"

"I am here!"

"I order you three to gain the trust of Hongzhou and Fangyang by any means. You can use the things in the treasure house of the Heavenly Court and the manpower of the Heavenly Court at will. As long as you become their confidants within 20,000 years."

The order of the Emperor of Heaven made Fenwei, Shenli, and Yunu look heavy, and they felt great pressure.

"Your Majesty, but Hongzhou wants merits, and we don't have any merits."

Fenwei Xingjun stepped out.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly: "You three work for me, how can I miss your merits?"

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed, and three rays of merit light hit the three people's bodies.

"Okay! You enter the treasure house of the Heavenly Court, and there are the materials that Fangyang needs."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The three bowed together and withdrew.

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