After paying half of his merit, Fang Yang successfully got a copy of the innate space origin from Hong Zhou.

Hong Zhou also told Fang Yang that the merit energy can enhance the origin of the natal world and enhance the world power of the natal world. If Fang Yang has the ability, he can earn more merit and use the merit energy to enhance his own strength.

Fang Yang knew this secret from Yang Jiao a long time ago. However, he still thanked Hong Zhou.

Hong Zhou's actions are unfathomable, and his background is even more unfathomable. For such a person, it is best not to be an enemy of him.

Fang Yang could vaguely feel that their alliance relationship could be maintained until the attainment of the Hunyuan Dao.

After the attainment of the Hunyuan Dao, everyone had their own demands and their own Dao. No one knew what would happen at that time.

Fang Yang sent an invitation to Hong Zhou, just saying that he would take the opportunity to get together with the Taoist friends, and did not mention the preaching, and left.

Hong Zhou didn't even take the inheritance of Hongjun Patriarch seriously. Wouldn't it be a joke for Fang Yang to preach to him?

After meeting Hong Zhou, Fang Yang also made up his mind to comprehend his own way of proving the Tao.

Thinking of this, there are more things on hand. However, this time I got the origin of the innate space, which can be regarded as solving a problem. The matter of the way of proving the Tao is still a long way to go. It's not too late to think about it after cultivating to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

After walking through the Yangtze River Water Palace, Fang Yang went to the Taoist temples of other allies and sent them invitations one by one.

Among the people who formed an alliance at the beginning, there were nine Taiyi Golden Immortals and thirty-one Golden Immortals.

But now, five of the nine Taiyi Golden Immortals have already possessed the combat power of Daluo, and all of the thirty-one Golden Immortals have broken through to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although Xiangjiang Water Lord, Siming Star Lord, Ningbi Fairy, and Dongting Dragon Lord did not cultivate into Daluo Sanxian, their cultivation has also been improved to the extreme of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

As long as they accumulate enough mana, it is not difficult to cultivate into a Daluo Sanxian.

Hong Zhou did not randomly find allies. The people in this alliance are all Sanxian with great potential.

Hong Zhou just gave a lecture and a little guidance, and everyone's cultivation level has improved.

"If everyone can cultivate into a Daluo Jinxian, when the Conferred God Calamity is over, our strength can completely compete with any saint sect."

Fang Yang sighed in his heart.

This alliance is not only an alliance in terms of combat power, but more importantly, an alliance in terms of intelligence.

The whole south is full of people from this alliance. If there is a little bit of movement in the prehistoric world, they will know it immediately.

"Go back! Feed the innate space origin to Qiankun Wanlimen first. I don't know if Qiankun Wanlimen can exert all its mysteries in the prehistoric world after swallowing the innate space origin of the prehistoric world."

The more he traveled, the more he could appreciate the benefits of Qiankun Wanlimen.

With Qiankun Wanlimen, he would no longer need to travel. Wherever he wants to go, he can get there with just a thought. There is no restriction, no formation that can trap him.

He hurried and hurried, and it was three months later that he returned to Hengshan.

When he returned to Hengshan, Fang Yang saw that the Hengshan Cave Heaven was still hidden in the mountain, so he didn't waste any words and grabbed the mountain with his big hand.

This grab was like a hand holding up the sky, tightly squeezing the mountain. With a slight force from his hand, cracks appeared on the mountain, shaking and cracking everywhere.

"Get up!"

He lifted it up casually, like throwing mud, and lifted the mountain completely out.


Without the suppression of the mountain, the earth fire veins erupted, the ground fire gushed, and the magma couldn't help but rush to the sky.

Fang Yang threw the mountain aside and slapped it with his palm. After a loud rumbling sound, the earth fire veins were suppressed.

The fire veins in Hengshan are docile, not those active volcanoes in the immortal volcanoes that think about destroying the world every day.

However, without the mountain, something is still needed to suppress the earth fire.

Fang Yang's mind moved, and a huge cave heaven broke out of the ground and appeared above the earth's fire vein. Then, the cave heaven suppressed it fiercely.

The cave heaven appeared in the outside world, expanding rapidly, swallowing up the mountains and rivers in the outside world, and merging everything wherever it passed.

When Nanyue God and Taixuan Taoist saw this scene, they all knew that Fang Yang wanted to move Hengshan Cave Heaven out.

Nanyue God had no objection to this.

Hengshan Cave Heaven is also a part of Hengshan. Hengshan Cave Heaven swallows Hengshan, which is equivalent to the left hand covering the right hand. Anyway, he is an innate god. As long as Hengshan is strong, he will naturally be strong.

If Hengshan Cave Heaven can accommodate the entire Hengshan, Nanyue God will be even happier.

If the entire Hengshan becomes a cave heaven blessed land, how high will his cultivation be? He can compete with Lu Wu of Kunlun Mountain.

Moreover, the mystery of the cave heaven blessed land is far more than this.

After Hengshan Cave Heaven appeared in the outside world, the vitality and Taoism inside the cave heaven became more intense. Fang Yang felt that in the dark, a stream of luck descended from the sky and fell into Hengshan Cave Heaven.

This is the support and reward given by the Heavenly Dao for the birth of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

The Cave Heaven Blessed Land is the location of the spiritual energy node in the prehistoric world. The growth of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land can drive the growth of the entire world. Therefore, the Heavenly Dao protects the Cave Heaven Blessed Land and loves it.

In the Conferred God Calamity, the two sects of Chan and Jie fought each other until their brains came out, but no one went to the other's Taoist temple to ambush, because they did not dare to destroy the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

Whoever destroys the blessed land of the cave will be attacked by the backlash of luck and destiny, and your Dao fruit will be pulled into the long river of destiny, and you will become an immortal mortal from now on!

Fang Yang bowed to Nanyue Shenjun and Taixuan Taoist, and then entered the cave to help Qiankun Wanlimen devour the origin of the innate space.

The origin of the innate space is a milky white translucent crystal. From the outside, it is only the size of a fingernail. However, when your consciousness probes into it, you will find that its size is infinite.

The space inside the crystal is extremely complex. To describe it in the words of the earth, it transcends three dimensions and reaches a higher dimension.

Fang Yang has no doubt that this crystal can hold countless worlds of destiny.

Space can expand and extend infinitely.

The reason why the size of the prehistoric world does not change is to facilitate the survival of living beings. When the cultivation of the living beings inside becomes higher and higher, the size of the world will naturally expand.

Fang Yang took out the Qiankun Wanlimen and slapped the origin of the innate space into it.

Qiankun Wanli Gate was also very competitive. After sensing something extra in its body, it swallowed and merged it.

Qiankun Wanli Gate swallowed a small piece of innate space origin for three hundred years. Three hundred years later, Qiankun Wanli Gate stopped swallowing.

Only from the outside, Qiankun Wanli Gate did not change at all.

This is certain. Qiankun Wanli Gate is originally an innate spiritual treasure. No matter how much it swallows, it can't become an innate treasure.


Fang Yang slapped Qiankun Wanli Gate.

With a swish, Qiankun Wanli Gate emitted a faint light, illuminating a portal in the void. The portal flickered slightly, revealing the scenery on the other side.

The mountains are green, the clouds are misty, and the pine trees stand between the peaks, with branches stretched out, as if welcoming guests from afar.

This is Huashan Yunv Peak.

"Good, good!"

Fang Yang was overjoyed when he saw this.

The distance between the Hengshan Mountain in the south and the Huashan Mountain in the west is extremely far, but the Qiankun Wanli Gate easily opened a space door.

From now on, no matter how far the distance is, he can reach it in an instant.

When he can use the Qiankun Wanli Gate freely and reach the point of unity between man and treasure, even if the quasi-saint wants to chase him, he can't do it.

Quasi-saints also have the ability to open space, but after all, they are not innate spiritual treasures, and their abilities are not as strong as innate spiritual treasures.

Don't forget that the Qiankun Wanli Gate can also open the portal to the world of destiny.

If Fang Yang encounters an enemy that he cannot defeat, he can enter the world of destiny in one step. Try chasing the enemy?

From this moment on, Fang Yang finally felt a little safe.

In addition to being immortal, he can also reach any place at will. In other words, he is already invincible.

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