There are four laws for the Holy Heart Tree to cultivate. The first is the law of the mind, the second is the law of the void, the third is the law of wood, and the fourth is the law of fire.

Among them, the law of fire is his innate law, and the other three are the laws he realized after he was promoted to the best innate spiritual root.

The combination of the law of the mind and the law of the void allowed him to use a strong ability to hide and perceive.

Everyone has a heart, and the law of the mind of the Holy Heart Tree can sense the existence of thinking. It is also with this ability that he produced the Holy Heart Fruit.

The Temple of Destiny is indeed well hidden. It is hidden in the underground void, and its specialness makes the Immortal Heart Lamp, the holy artifact of the Heavenly Dao, unable to sense its existence.

Unfortunately, it encountered the Holy Heart Tree.

Wherever the roots of the Holy Heart Tree go, any void will become a part of its body. The Temple of Destiny is too special, so special that the void around it cannot become the body of the Holy Heart Tree.

Through this, the Holy Heart Tree found the location of the Temple of Destiny.

After learning the location of the Temple of Destiny, Fang Yang immediately summoned the Immortal Heart Lamp and entered the depths of the earth.

He had already thought of a way to deal with the Temple of Destiny.

Since the Immortal Heart Lamp would be suppressed and lose its power in the prehistoric world, the Temple of Destiny should be similar.

He could not enter the Temple of Destiny, but he could move the Temple of Destiny out and use the power of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao to deal with it.

The prehistoric Heavenly Dao could not suppress the Pangu Temple, but it was not a problem to suppress the Temple of Destiny. After all, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao suppressed the Immortal Heart Lamp into a fairy lamp without any power.

If there was the essence and blood of the Destiny Demon God in the Temple of Destiny, he would definitely be able to get huge benefits by refining it.

After he achieved enlightenment, it was impossible to improve his realm as quickly as before, and it was useless to listen to the preaching of the Qiankun Patriarch every day.

Unless, he could get other lotus platforms transformed from the seeds of the Chaos Green Lotus.

Fang Yang's life treasure is the vacuum white lotus. If he can devour the twelfth-grade karma fire red lotus, the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus, the twelfth-grade extinction black lotus and other lotus platforms, his cultivation will be greatly improved.

He has not yet been able to get these lotus platforms.

However, the essence and blood of the Chaos Demon God are also good things and cannot be let go.

With a whoosh, Fang Yang came to the void where the Temple of Destiny is located.

This void is a space parallel to the time and space where the earth is located. It is hidden very deeply. From the outside, the existence of this void cannot be seen at all.

The Temple of Destiny is a hall full of chaos. It is more magnificent and vast than any palace Fang Yang has ever seen.

Above the temple, there are four characters "xxxx" that Fang Yang has never seen before. This kind of text is not the innate divine text, nor is it the text of the prehistoric times.

But Fang Yang still understood the meaning of these four words, the Temple of Destiny.

The gate of the Temple of Destiny was tightly closed, and countless auras of the Great Dao emanated from the gate, making people's hearts beat fast and dare not approach at all.


Fang Yang urged the power of the world and tried to push open the gate of the Temple of Destiny.

Unexpectedly, the power of the world fell on the gate of the Temple of Destiny, but was resisted by an equally powerful force and could not be pushed.

Fang Yang retreated several steps in succession due to the backlash of the power of the Temple of Destiny.

"Awesome! It's really amazing! No wonder even the ancestor Hongjun couldn't enter the Pangu Temple."

You must know that he is the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, and the power of the entire Destiny World can be used by him. However, he couldn't push a door.

"In this case, I have to send you to the prehistoric world, use the power of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao to make you powerless, and then push your door open."

Since it couldn't be pushed open, Fang Yang no longer forced it.

He flashed and retreated far away, then he stared at the void, and below the void, he opened a world door leading to the fairy island.

"Go down!"

He sacrificed the Immortal Heart Lamp, which shone brightly, releasing all the power of the innate treasure.


After a muffled sound, the void below the Temple of Destiny could no longer support the Temple of Destiny, and the void collapsed instantly.

The Temple of Destiny also fell smoothly into the prehistoric world.

A dead object without wisdom and no one to control it, naturally could not escape Fang Yang's calculations.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Fang Yang left the Immortal Heart Lamp in the Destiny World, and he also flashed out of the Destiny World.

On the fairy island, the Temple of Destiny, which had just suppressed Fang Yang and forced him to retreat, fell silent, and all its divine power and mysteries disappeared.

Fang Yang had known that things would be like this, so he was not surprised.

"Go out!"

With a thought, the Tianyuan Zhenfa Magic Phase walked out of his body and stood outside the gate of the Temple of Destiny.

Although the Temple of Destiny had lost its magical power, Fang Yang still had to be careful.

The palm of the Tianyuan Zhenfa Magic Phase flashed with five-color light, and pushed towards the gate. The gate did not move, but the Tianyuan Zhenmo Magic Phase was not repelled.


Fang Yang was very happy.

The aura of the Tianyuan Zhenmo Magic Phase was shaken, and the power of the Five Elements Law was brewing to the extreme. A brilliant knife light hit the gate.

With a loud bang!

The gate shook slightly, and a tiny crack was blasted out.

This crack was very small, so small that it was less than one thousandth of an inch, but it was still a crack.

Seeing this crack, Fang Yang was full of energy.

Boom boom boom!

Tianyuan Zhenfa was like crazy, swinging his sword repeatedly and bombarding the gate of the Temple of Destiny.

Fortunately, Fang Yang had achieved the Great Luo Dao, and his mana was endless, otherwise, he would feel very distressed about such mana consumption.

The bombardment lasted for 365 days in total. On the 365th day, the gate of the Temple of Destiny was finally completely opened.

"It's not easy!"

Outside the hall, Fang Yang looked at the deep and unfathomable gate of the Temple of Destiny and sighed.

As usual, Tianyuan Zhenfa was still the one to explore the way.

The interior space of the Temple of Destiny is very large, at least larger than the outer shell of the temple. Entering it, the most eye-catching thing is the statue of a thousand-eyed butterfly.

This butterfly is a hundred feet tall, and its wings are densely packed with eyes. The butterfly spreads its wings to fly, and under its wings are traces of destiny.

"A butterfly, with a gentle flap of its wings, can cause a storm in a very far place. The true form of the Destiny Demon is a butterfly."

So, Tianyuan Zhenfa Magician's eyes fell on the five cocoons under the butterfly statue.

These five cocoons are also full of the breath of destiny like the Destiny Demon, but the fates of the five cocoons are different.

Fortune, misfortune, virtue, disaster, and luck, the five breaths of destiny surround the five cocoons, rising and falling.

"The innate five fortunes, this is actually a branch of the destiny avenue, the five laws of destiny. So, the five orthodox destiny bred in these five cocoons are the five orthodox destiny?"

Fang Yang's face changed when he saw this, and he immediately waved his hand and sent the five cocoons back to the world of destiny.

Fortunately, the origin of the Destiny Demon was integrated into the prehistoric world, otherwise, the five orthodox destiny would be punished by the heaven as soon as they appeared.

However, Fang Yang did not dare to expose them.

These five orthodox destiny were his disciples who had been reserved for a long time, and they must not be in trouble.

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