After Fairy Yunxiao left, Fang Yang sealed the cave directly and went into seclusion with peace of mind.

Even if Fairy Yunxiao sees it, what will happen?

He is a man in the devil's path and can do whatever he wants. It doesn't matter to him whether you say he is ungrateful or whether he repays kindness with hatred.

Being killed and not being able to fight back, he doesn't have such weird hobbies.

After Fang Yang went into seclusion, something closely related to Fang Yang happened in the wilderness.

It took Fang Yang 1,400 years to refine the Five Elements Patriarch. During these 1,400 years, Yang Jian worked hard to squeeze himself out, finally condensing the Law of Hatred and cultivating to the Golden Immortal realm.

This speed is not unpleasant.

I think back then, it took Fang Yang hundreds of thousands of years to reach the Golden Immortal level.

Of course, the reason why Yang Jian was able to practice so quickly was because he had taken the Lihen Pill. Lihendan can enhance a person's understanding to the greatest extent and allow him to condense the laws in the shortest time.

How can the rules be so easy to understand?

Although Yang Jian broke through Jinxian, his foundation was very unstable.

Yuquan Mountain, Jinxia Cave Sky.

"Master, please, let the disciples save their mother!"

Master Yuding sat on the futon with his eyes slightly closed, turning a deaf ear to Yang Jian's pleas.

He persuaded Yang Jian many times and asked Yang Jian to wait patiently. One day, his mother would be released. However, Yang Jian refused to listen. He just kowtowed and begged.

"Idiot, idiot! How could you save your mother with your meager deeds? Why don't you retreat quickly so that you can cultivate yourself?"

Yang Jian just kept kowtowing and repeated "Please master for permission" and "Please master for permission".

Master Yuding looks calm on the surface, but every time Yang Jian pleads, he feels more sorry for Yang Jian.

"Stupid disciple, please keep begging me. I finally gave you the chance to beg, but you gave it away. You delayed your whole family's escape at Guanjiang Estuary for the sake of a fiancée who broke off the engagement. Now, you want to Pay the price for your impulse?"

Yuanshi Tianzun and the Emperor of Heaven had already written the script for Yang Jian's life.

"The mother was arrested", "the engagement was broken off by the fiancee", "the sister was bullied by the tiger spirit", "the small universe exploded and the eyes of the sky were opened", "obeisance to the famous teacher".

For this disciple, Master Yuding begged and begged in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, hoping to slightly change Yang Jian's fate.

Yuanshi Tianzun agreed. He said that as long as Yang Jian did not split the mountain to save his mother, the Emperor of Heaven would not send out ten golden crows to kill Yao Ji.

However, Yang Jian is so stubborn that he insists on taking his life down the path of tragedy.

Master Yuding raised his hand to use his magic power to trap Yang Jian. Unexpectedly, as soon as he thought about it, a magic power came down from somewhere, forcing him to stop his movements.

"Junior Brother Yuding, don't forget what you said in front of the teacher."

A thought came out of his mind. This thought was sent by Ran Deng Taoist, the first person among the saints in the Chan Sect.

Taoist Ran Deng wanted to become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, but he was rejected by Yuanshi Tianzun, so he had to become a disciple of Chanjiao for half a generation.

In front of Yuanshi Tianzun, Randeng Taoist is a disciple; in front of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Randeng Taoist is the deputy leader and teacher.

"Should we start?"

Master Yuding shook his hand and looked at Yang Jian with eyes full of pity.

Yang Jian met the eyes of Master Yuding and felt that Master Yuding was moved by him and wanted to agree.

"Master, do you agree?"

Looking at Yang Jian's innocent eyes, Master Yuding wanted to lift Yang Jian up, grab his collar, and growl at him.

"Don't be stupid! Even I can't save your mother, let alone you. The day you rescue your mother is the day when your mother will disappear into ashes and will never be reincarnated."

"Junior Brother Yuding, are the teacher and the Emperor watching? Don't break your promise."

The cold voice of Ran Deng Taoist sounded again.

Master Yuding was shocked when he heard this. He knew that everything was irreversible. Yao Ji's demise has become a foregone conclusion.

"That's it! That's all! Disciple, get up!"

Master Yuding calmed down and helped Yang Jian up from the ground.

Yang Jian was ecstatic in his heart. After being lifted up by Master Yuding, he bowed repeatedly: "Thank you, Master, thank you Master."

Eight days later, Yang Jian was satisfied and left Jinxia Cave in high spirits.

"Jian'er, although your father is gone, you still have a brother."

"Brother? Isn't my eldest brother dead?"

"He is not dead! He is a descendant of an immortal. How can he die so easily? After he came back from the dead, he was rescued by fellow Taoist Zhao Gongming from Mount Emei. Princess Yaoji is not your mother alone. She went to split the mountain to save her mother. He "Have a share."

"Yes, disciple, go to Mount Emei immediately to find my elder brother."

Above Mount Emei, Yang Jian was riding on a strange brush-shaped spiritual treasure, overlooking the mountain of strange rocks in Mount Emei, feeling extremely excited.

He always thought that his eldest brother was dead.

When Yang Jian arrived at Mount Emei, Yang Jiao, who was still practicing in Luofu Cave, immediately felt something.


The stone door of the retreat rose, and the next moment, he was shrouded in fairy light and stepped out.

"Come to Fuyun Palace to see me!"

Zhao Gongming's voice rang in Yang Jiao's ears.

Yang Jiao, who originally walked towards the outside of the cave, had to turn around and go to Fuyun Palace.

When they arrived at Fuyun Hall, only Zhao Minmin and his horse Black Tiger were alone. Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were still practicing in seclusion.

Zhao Gongming looked Yang Jiao up and down: "You broke through to the Xuanxian realm on Jin'ao Island. In the past thousand years, you are still in the Xuanxian realm and have not broken through. Do you know that your second brother has broken through to the Jinxian realm?"

Yang Jiao nodded.

"Disciple knows that I have used the Nine Chapters of Divine Art to predict his arrival. Disciple also calculated that he came this time for a crucial matter. What exactly it is, disciples have not figured out yet."

Hearing Yang Jiao's words, Zhao Gongming was extremely surprised.

He said in shock: "Have you comprehended the secret of the Nine Chapters of Divine Art?"


Yang Jiao said, "All the information between heaven and earth is contained in the calculation. The calculation is a law and a secret of heaven. As long as you master the essence of the calculation, even a speck of dust can evolve into a world."

Zhao Gongming was greatly comforted after hearing this.

His greatest achievement was to comprehend the Nine Chapters of Divine Art. The Nine Chapters of Divine Art is too mysterious. People who are not good at calculation cannot comprehend the essence of it at all.

Yao Shaosi didn't know how to calculate at all. Chen Jiugong knew a little, but after studying for more than a million years, he was still at the elementary level.

Unexpectedly, a disciple he casually accepted had such a talent.

"Okay! In this case, I recently saw a formation called the Nine-bend Yellow River Formation. You use the Nine Chapters of Divine Art to calculate the direction of the life gate of the Nine-bend Yellow River Formation."

After saying that, Zhao Gongming waved his hand and threw a jade slip to Yang Jiao.

Yang Jiao took the jade slip and seemed a little embarrassed: "Master, disciple"

"Go quickly!"

Zhao Gongming waved his sleeves without saying anything and sent Yang Jiao back to the retreat place.

Looking at the direction of the retreat place, Zhao Gongming sneered: "If you want to calculate my disciples, don't even think about it!"

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