Yang Jiao was an undercover agent at the right time.

The trip to the Biyou Palace not only resolved the crisis of the main body, but also plunged Jiejiao into a long-term internal struggle.

Anti-corruption has never been an easy task. The prehistoric world is so big, and there are so many disciples in Jiejiao, how can they be monitored?

Yang Jiao did not believe that Duobao Taoist and his people would easily give up their supporters. They would definitely use various means to fight Wu Dang Shengmu and others to the end.

In this way, the battle for the next leader of Jiejiao began in advance.

Tongtian Jiaozhu can control everything, but the disciples' path must be walked by the disciples after all, and he must consider the problems after abdication.

Only the most capable people can lead Jiejiao to continue to grow stronger.

After this incident, it is still unknown who will become the next leader among Duobao Taoist, Wu Dang Shengmu, Jinling Shengmu, and Guiling Shengmu.

Time flies, and four hundred years of time are gone in a flash.

In the world of destiny, there was a loud bang in the sky, and something called the secret of heaven exploded in the hearts of every living being, and then, a message appeared in their minds:

The Great Dao is hidden, the Way of Heaven is revealed, and the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven appears.


In the sky, the long river of destiny is rolling, carrying the fate of all living beings in the world.

Fang Yang sat on the long river of destiny, the Great Dao of heaven and earth was crawling at his feet, and thousands of laws became toys in his hands.

He flipped his hand, and the wind and clouds of heaven and earth were surging, covering the sun and the moon, and covering the sky. He covered his hand, and the clouds rolled up, the wind was strong, and a heavy rain filled the world.

This is the true meaning, you can get wind if you want wind, and you can get rain if you want rain.

"I am Fang Yang, the Demon Ancestor!"

His voice turned into wind, rain, thunder, lightning, air, soil, everything, and fell into the ears of all living beings.

"Greetings to the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor is infinite and limitless!"

All living beings bowed to the ground and bowed to Fang Yang.

As all living beings worshipped, endless light from Fang Yang's body was released, like a big sun, illuminating the world and benefiting all living beings.

At this time, the time and space of the world of destiny was completely solidified.

In the hearts of all living beings, Fang Yang's figure automatically emerged: tall and majestic, wrapped in the glory of the avenue, and extremely powerful.

Seeing this, Fang Yang waved his hand, and the spiritual light filled the sky and landed on every living being, blessing them.

This is Fang Yang's blessing, and even more so the blessing of the way of heaven. As long as living beings follow the way of heaven, they can be blessed by the way of heaven and the blessings will continue.

Afterwards, his figure disappeared with the long river of destiny.

In the sky, Fang Yang raised his hand and pointed, the laws of heaven and earth gathered, and a palace with a rising Dao rhyme and infinite mysteries condensed.

"Vacuum Hall"

Fang Yang stepped into the Vacuum Hall, sat cross-legged, and quietly realized the benefits of becoming the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao.

After refining the Immortal Heart Lamp, he has placed a trace of his true spirit in the origin of the world of Destiny. From then on, as long as the Destiny World is immortal, he will not be destroyed.

Controlling the Heavenly Dao Sacred Artifact, he also mastered all the secrets of the Destiny World, from the mysteries of heaven and earth to the past and future of an ant, all of which were known to him.

His realm has been greatly improved.

If he returns to the prehistoric world with his current cultivation, he can trigger the Great Luo Tribulation at any time and prove the Great Luo Dao.

Having harvested the luck of a world, he has no possibility of failure at all. With a tear of his hands, he can tear apart the torrent of destiny and open up his own destiny.

"However, if I want to prove the Dao, I must prove it with the great Dao of the vacuum and the infinite. The infinite is chaos, chaos is the ten thousand Daos, and the ten thousand Daos are everything. Use the vacuum to contain the ten thousand Daos, and use the ten thousand Daos to prove the Hunyuan. My goal is to become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Fang Yang's eyes burned with a flame called ambition.

The Daluo Jinxian was no longer a problem for him. Even if there were quasi-saints blocking his way, he could not do anything. Therefore, he raised his goal to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If you don't become a saint, you will end up being an ant. Only by proving the Daluo Dao can you change from a chess piece to a chess player and truly control your own destiny.

Fang Yang moved his palm, and the Falling Treasure Money, the Tiger Soul Demon Knife, and the Shooting Sun Divine Bow appeared in front of him.

He looked at the three treasures.

Although the Immortal Heart Lamp is an innate treasure, once it leaves the Destiny World, it will be suppressed by the Honghuang Heavenly Dao and cannot exert its power at all.

Besides, as a sacred artifact of the Heavenly Dao, the Immortal Heart Lamp must stay in the Destiny World to protect Fang Yang's true spirit.

Therefore, the magic weapons he can rely on are still these three.

"Before, my magic power was not enough to completely refine them. Now, I will use the world power of the world of destiny to complete this last step of refining."

Fang Yang said softly, but his hands moved quickly. After making a seal, he poured the world power of the world of destiny into the three treasures.


Sparks of lightning flashed on the three treasures. If these sparks fell on the ground, they could destroy the country within a radius of tens of millions of miles.

But in the vacuum hall where the world power gathered, they were suppressed and could only become ordinary sparks.

With just one finger, Fang Yang put his spiritual imprint into the core of the three treasures and completely refined them!

"Get up!"

Fang Yang uttered a word.

The three treasures jumped up happily, circling around Fang Yang, trying their best to express their dependence on Fang Yang.

Fang Yang raised his hand and looked at his palm, a little unbelievable.

"This kind of power is only limited to a quasi-saint. In a moment, he refined the best innate spiritual treasure. Unfortunately, this power is not mine."

He shook his head, feeling regretful.

However, he also believed that with his efforts, he could definitely cultivate to this point.

"Let me see how Jiejiao reacts."

Fang Yang pinched the magic formula and reconnected with Yang Jiao's telepathy.

This connection brought a series of information flying over and flooded into his mind.

Knowing everything that happened in Jiejiao, Fang Yang felt both happy and worried.

Yang Jiao's decision was his own decision. If he were in Yang Jiao's situation and position, he would definitely do the same.

He closed his eyes gently and thought a lot. With his wisdom running, he came to a conclusion.

"It's hard to turn back the clock. If the people of Jiejiao hadn't been so impetuous in the early days of the sect, Jiejiao could still be saved. Now, Jiejiao is full of termites and has completely decayed. Unless Master Tongtian makes up his mind to carry out a major purge, otherwise, Jiejiao will still be destroyed."

What has happened is a fact, and the cause and effect karma has long been planted. The Heavenly Dao has long remembered Jiejiao.

How can Jiejiao escape?

"Yang Jiao, Yang Jiao, take care of yourself. If you can't survive this disaster, go to the Investiture of the Gods! I want to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, and I can't take the risk to save you."

As Fang Yang said this, he took out the Immortal Heart Lamp, activated the Heart Lamp, and moved the Destiny World.

Outside, the Void Fairy Island, as big as a continent, jumped and disappeared in the current time and space, entering the depths of time and space.

Since all the problems of Jiejiao have been solved by Yang Jiao, he will return to Hengshan.

After more than 500 years outside, he also missed his believers very much.

The Void Fairy Island is very mysterious. It hides in the depths of time and space, jumping between the past and the future. Even the Golden Immortal cannot find its trace.

Fang Yang swaggered through the city with a continent and a big world, but no one saw it.

He looked at the outside world through the Void Fairy Island, and his heart was also excited.

This adventure is enough to make him ascend to heaven in one step. Even if Pangu League and the Demon Cult give up on him and no longer provide him with any help, he can be at ease in the prehistoric world.

He can't wait to take the Sacred Heart Tree and his believers to the Destiny World.

No matter how good the cultivation environment of the cave heaven is, it is still a cave heaven, not as good as a world. The Sacred Heart Tree needs to transform, and hiding in the Destiny World is the most suitable.

Half a month later, Hengshan appeared in Fang Yang's field of vision.

It takes three hundred years for the Golden Immortal to fly from the South China Sea to Hengshan, but Fang Yang activated the Immortal Heart Lamp, controlled the Void Fairy Island, and jumped to the past and future in just half a month.

The gap between them cannot be calculated by reason.

Therefore, those who practice the law of time are so powerful.

"The Avenue of Time, the Avenue of Space, the Avenue of Power. One day, I will master these avenues that are closest to the origin of the world."

Fang Yang's heart was surging, and his eyes penetrated the mountain and saw his own dojo.

Everything was peaceful in the dojo.

The Sacred Heart Tree was hidden in the void, without any movement. It should be comprehending the inheritance of the ancestor Qiankun.

The believers lived and worked in peace and contentment, working hard to develop their society and civilization, a thriving scene.

The void of the cave was filled with pure vacuum air. In some places, vacuum lotuses grew. In the past five hundred years, the Avenue of Vacuum has also evolved very well.

"Not bad! Very good!"

Looking at the scene in the cave, Fang Yang was very satisfied.

After observing his own cave, he thought of another thing, that is, Fairy Yunxiao came to apologize on the order of Master Tongtian.

Five hundred years have passed, and I don't know whether Fairy Yunxiao has come or not.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, he is not strong enough now, so it is just wishful thinking no matter how much he thinks. It is better to practice well and achieve the Great Luo first.

After stopping the Void Fairy Island in the turbulence of time and space, Fang Yang took a step, walked out of the Void Fairy Island, and appeared in the present world.

When he returned to the prehistoric world, he lost the ability of the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao in the world of destiny, the feeling of knowing everything, understanding everything, and controlling everything. Anyone who has felt it once will never forget it.

The moment he returned to the prehistoric world, he was like a freshwater fish entering the deep sea. The oppression from all directions surged, making him feel heavy.


Fang Yang took a deep breath and got rid of this illusion.

Those abilities were not originally his. Even if he lost them, he would only return to normal.

In this way, how could it be a real feeling?

"The vacuum is not empty, the vacuum is also empty, illusion and reality are actually the same."

In this moment, Fang Yang's vacuum law was actually improved a little, which can be regarded as a kind of gain!

The next moment, he returned to the dojo.

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