In the end, Fang Yang decided to be the spokesperson of Tiandao.

Although the world transformed by the Demon of Destiny is not as good as the prehistoric world, it is still a complete world. Fang Yang needs a world that is completely his own, and he can develop it however he wants.

Therefore, Fang Yang stayed in the world of destiny and refined the immortal heart lamp.

In the outside world, a shocking news has spread throughout the world:

Fang Yang, a casual cultivator from the side sect, was despicable and shameless. Taking advantage of the discussion between Dingguang Tianzun and Fairy Baiji of Wa Palace, he used the sun-shooting bow to plot against Dingguang Tianzun and destroy his body.

The Great Immortal Wu Yun, the Great Immortal Jinguang, the Great Immortal Lingya, the Great Immortal Qiu Shou and other great immortals from the Jie Cult have already announced that they will do justice for Heaven, get rid of the demon Fang Yang, and avenge their fellow sect members.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was shaken, and all the immortals of all races were shocked beyond measure. This was the first time that someone dared to take action against a disciple of the saint.

Soon, many immortals who followed Yan Yan's trend and wanted to join Jiejiao came forward. They scolded Fang Yang, poured dirty water on Fang Yang, and described Fang Yang as the biggest devil in the world.

More people just don't speak, don't evaluate, and don't pay attention.

The relationship between the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal and the Seven-Star Messenger is known to all the immortals who have their own intelligence network. The urinary nature of some of Jiejiao's disciples is known to the world.

Who doesn’t know that in the eyes of some Jiejiao disciples, Ancestor Hongjun is the spokesperson of Heaven, and they are the spokespersons of humanity. All living beings are pigs and dogs raised by them and can be slaughtered at will.

Doing things that harm the common people, and then shouting "We have religion without distinction, we intercept a glimmer of life for all sentient beings", this is the true portrayal of some disciples of the Jiejiao sect.

When this news swept across the world, another big figure from Jiejiao came out to speak.

This big shot is the Reverend Mother of God, and what she said is completely opposite to the first message.

She first set up an altar to save the creatures who were slaughtered by the Seven-Star Messenger, and took the opportunity to tell the truth about the destruction of the body of the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal. Then he assured Quan Honghuang that Jie Jiao was the authentic sect of Xuanmen and the leader of the Immortal Way, and he would never allow his disciples to act recklessly again.

She promised that if any Jie Jiao disciples did something harmful to heaven and earth in the future, anyone could come to her. She will definitely punish these black sheep severely according to the canon rules.

After that, Mother Wudang, in front of many immortals, executed a group of Jiejiao disciples who often bullied the casual cultivators and acted lawlessly.

Wudang's actions brought back a lot of impression points for Jie Jiao, and many immortals expressed their appreciation for Jie Jiao's act of righteousness and annihilation of relatives.

Yang Jiao was able to witness this scene with his own eyes, and Zhao Gongming took him to attend the ceremony.

"Did you see it? This is the consequences of violating the canon. I don't care what other people in the religion do, but if you dare to be like these disciples and do whatever you want by relying on your status as a disciple of the saint, the teacher will definitely use the canon to punish you. Deal with you."

Zhao Gongming pointed at the Jie Jiao disciples who were wiped out in the Shangqing Divine Thunder, and said with a stern voice.

The reason why the four brothers and sisters of Zhao Gongming joined Jie Jiao was because of the teachings of Jie Jiao. Therefore, they had very strict requirements for their disciples.

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi are both honest and responsible monks, not as arrogant and domineering as Li Qi and Zhou Xin.

Now that Yang Jiao has joined the family, Zhao Gongming has equally strict requirements for him. In order to let Yang Jiao have a deeper understanding of Jie Jiao's canon, he specially brought Yang Jiao over to watch the execution.

After watching the execution, Zhao Gongming led Yang Jiao to visit Our Lady of Wudang.

Although Our Lady of Wudang is called the Holy Mother, she is a gentle and gentle fairy. When she becomes majestic, she becomes heroic again.

The disciples of the Wudang Holy Mother sect basically do not wear the Taoist robes of Ten Thousand Immortals. They all wear plain Taoist attire, which is pure and simple.

"Disciple, this is your uncle Wu. Although uncle Wu is in charge of the discipline of our sect, he is very kind to the juniors."

Yang Jiaoduan stepped forward upright and bowed to Our Lady of Wudang.

Things on the main body have nothing to do with the clone. Since he has become a disciple of Jie Jiao, he must regard himself as a true Jie Jiao disciple.

Our Lady of Wudang had already learned about the existence of Yang Jiao from Zhao Gongming, and she had some sympathy for Yang Jiao's life experience.

"This child's reincarnation skills are too poor. He couldn't choose any family, but he was reincarnated into the Yang family."

A gentle smile appeared on the face of Our Lady of Wudang, and she took out a jade bottle from her sleeve.

"You don't need to be restrained in front of me. This is the Seven Apertures Shangqing Dan. It can open the mind, strengthen the soul, remove the hair and cleanse the marrow. It is of great benefit to the cultivation of immortals."

Seeing this, Yang Jiao did not follow immediately, but turned to look at Zhao Gongming. When Zhao Gongming nodded, he took the elixir respectfully.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"It's just a small thing, there's nothing to be grateful for. If you really thank me, Master, you will become a Golden Immortal as soon as possible and spread the teachings of our sect."

After teaching the juniors, Zhao Gongming and Wudang Virgin started talking.

"Senior Sister Wudang, your movements are too big. If you do this, you will probably make the teacher angry."

Zhao Gongming couldn't help but feel worried.

The disciples like them know the connivance of Master Tongtian towards his disciples.

Regarding the sect rules, Our Lady of Wudang proposed it to the leader of Tongtian many times, but the leader of Tongtian never agreed.

This time, Our Lady of Wudang did not ask the leader of Tongtian Cult for his opinion, she dealt with the disciples of the sect on her own, and also announced the evil deeds of Long Er Dingguang Immortal.

In Zhao Gongming's view, this is really dangerous.

After hearing this, Mother Wudang looked solemn and said: "Someone must take care of this matter. Fifty-three cities, involving more than 10 billion living beings, even the two Lich clans back then were not so heartless. If I don't care , they will become more and more unscrupulous.”


With a cold snort, the anger in Zhao Gongming's eyes flashed away, "Senior Sister is right. The immortals did not scold me as Jie Jiao, but in their hearts, they have long regarded me as a demon sect. Do you know, Senior Sister? ? When I preached this time, when the casual cultivators heard that I was a disciple of Jie Jiao, they all stayed away as if they were seeing a poisonous snake or beast. "

Speaking of this, he became heartbroken.

"My Jie Jiao is an authentic sect of Xuanmen and the leader of the Immortal Way, but yet I am regarded as a demon sect. If this situation continues, what kind of Tao will I teach and what sentient beings will I teach?"

Mother Wudang looked shocked and trembled: "Is this happening?"

Zhao Gongming shook his head: "What the junior brother saw may be just the tip of the iceberg. The junior brother heard from Master Cihang who explained the teachings that the things the Qiu Shou Immortal and the Lingya Immortal did were even more despicable. They were in the Shituoling Mountains in the west. , proclaimed himself the Blue Lion King and the White Elephant King, and danced with the demons."

"How dare they do such things that corrupt the family tradition? They are all disciples of a saint. Have they forgotten everything the teacher taught them?"

In anger, the Madonna of Wudang smashed the table in front of her into ashes.

"No, no matter what I say this time, I have to persuade the teacher to clean up the family tradition."

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