"The law of fire, the law of killing, the law of darkness, the law of destruction, the law of disaster, the law of the end of the law, the law of disaster, the law of sound, the law of space, the law of theft, the law of torture, the law of the mind. These laws are all virtual laws."

"This is the power of fate! The long river of fate evolves everything."

"Countless others, the past and the future, the cultivation results of all time and space are integrated into the self."

"Under Daluo, no matter how high the magic power, how powerful the magic weapon, how powerful the magical power, in the eyes of Daluo, they are like children, no threat at all."

Fang Yang finally knew what kind of realm Daluo is.

It cannot be said, it cannot be thought of, it cannot be thought of, it cannot be defeated, it is impossible. The existence that has not become Daluo can never understand how terrifying Daluo is.

If Fang Yang did not close the timeline and only cultivated to the life world, he could only rely on magic weapons to compete with Daluo. Daluo could not kill him, and he could not get rid of Daluo's pursuit.

No Golden Immortal or Taiyi Golden Immortal can defeat Daluo, even if the opponent is Huanglong Zhenren or Ran Deng Daoist, who are at the bottom of the Daluo of the same generation.

The difference between Daluo and those below Daluo is not only in strength.

After Fang Yang's breakthrough, his spiritual will rose infinitely, breaking through the membrane of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world in one fell swoop and entering the chaos outside the sky.

The chaos outside the sky is full of chaotic energy everywhere.

As soon as Fang Yang thought, the chaotic energy rolled down and entered his natal world. Under the influence of the power of the world, it was degraded into innate pure yang energy and innate pure yin energy, and finally refined into mana by the world tree.

After a while, the mana equivalent to one percent of the second cave heaven was refined.

"No wonder, Daluo Jinxian never has to worry about mana, because they can directly refine the chaotic energy and use the chaotic energy to cultivate mana!"

Fang Yang's heart was filled with joy again.

He was still worried about how to cultivate the remaining innate Pangu vacuum Dharma and the anti-five elements avenue. Now, there is no need to worry at all.

In the prehistoric world, the looming river of destiny in the sky caused a huge sensation. Because every time the river of destiny appeared, someone had achieved the Daluo.

But in just a thousand years, the river of destiny appeared twice, and no one achieved the Daluo both times.

"Strange, is the river of destiny broken? It appeared for no reason."

"Are you going to achieve the Daluo or not? If you want to achieve the Daluo, do it quickly. If you don't, don't achieve the Daluo forever."

"If you want to achieve the Daluo, you have to ask me first. There are too many Daluo cultivators, which can easily disturb the prehistoric world. Casual cultivators are not qualified to become Daluo."

In the prehistoric world, many thoughts shuttled and communicated, and the vision of Fang Yang's breakthrough blew out these Daluo Jinxian.

Unfortunately, Fang Yang had condensed the timeline, and he had the vacuum white lotus to protect him. These Daluo Jinxians could not figure out any information about Fang Yang at all.

Of course, it's not that no one knew about Fang Yang's existence. At least, he couldn't hide it from the saints.

"The pawn of Pangu League has become a pseudo-Daluo so quickly. However, my Xuanmen juniors will never lose!"

"It's almost a catastrophe, and Pangu League still hasn't given up. Under the fate, no matter what you do, it's like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!"

"What a pity! What a pity! This boy had the opportunity to join my Jiejiao and become a disciple of my sect. He didn't join the Xuanmen sect, but became a pawn of Pan Wang and others, wasting his heart to seek the truth."

After the saints noticed Fang Yang's existence, they just sighed and didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

All those below the saints are ants. No matter how much an ant jumps, it is still an ant. Unless this ant jumps in front of people and disturbs people's peace, people will not be able to help but slap the ant to death.

In the eyes of the saints, Fang Yang is not qualified to be their opponent, so how can they take Fang Yang seriously?

In addition to the saints, there is another person who knows the truth of the matter. This person is none other than Hong Zhou.

Eight hundred years ago, Hong Zhou also broke through to the level of Daluo Sanxian. However, he did not break through with two laws. He integrated the three laws of destruction, creation, and order, and combined them into the origin of the Great Dao, thus advancing.

Hong Zhou is indeed an old antique.

When he took over the body, he was only a celestial immortal. At that time, Fang Yang had already cultivated to become a true immortal.

Later, Fang Yang had so many adventures, but in the end, he was still not as fast as Hong Zhou in cultivation.

Hong Zhou sat in the hall of the Yangtze River Water Palace, looking up at the void, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Good! Great!"

He showed an extremely happy smile.

He did not dare to prove his Dao easily. It is true that he has a trump card, but he is only one person, and two fists cannot beat four hands.

"Let me count which Taoist friend it is."

After the excitement, Hong Zhou calmed down instantly and whispered.

It is a good thing that an ally breaks through, but he has to find out who it is, so as to think about the plan of proving his Dao.

Of course, he couldn't figure out Fang Yang's information, but there were only a few people in the alliance. By using the process of elimination, whoever couldn't be figured out was the one who was breaking through.

This was why Fang Yang never provoked the Saint Sect.

For the Saint, anomalies didn't exist at all. To the Saint, shielding the secrets of heaven was meaningless.

The Saint's magic power could calculate all the creatures in the prehistoric world except the Saint in a very short time. When the Saint calculated which creatures' lives had met people they couldn't calculate, the Saint would pick these people out and count their personal information and relationship networks.

Under big data, no matter how strong a person's cultivation is, it is difficult to hide. Based on this information, the saint can quickly lock on to the person who cannot be calculated.

Mortals understand big data, but saints understand it even better, countless times more than mortals. Under the eyes of the saint, it is best to be honest.

In just three breaths, Hong Zhou locked on Fang Yang.

"It turned out to be him. His cultivation time is not much longer than mine. Could it be that this person is an old friend of mine?"

Obviously, Fang Yang's cultivation speed shocked Hong Zhou, and he even doubted Fang Yang's origin.

However, the most excited person was not Hong Zhou, nor Fang Yang, but the mountain god.

When seeing Fang Yang cultivate into a Daluo Sanxian, the mountain god immediately roared and rushed to the sky and came to Fang Yang.

"Congratulations to fellow Daoist for breaking through the realm and becoming a great power of heaven and earth from now on, free and easy!"

Hengshan has a Daluo Sanxian, who is also his ally, and the mountain god has gained a lot of benefits from it.

When Fang Yang broke through, the light of Daluo shone on Hengshan Mountain, making the Daoist charm of Hengshan Mountain more intense.

"You are too polite, fellow Daoist."

Fang Yang thanked him with a smile.

He saw clearly that the mountain god had already comprehended the law of water. As long as the mana accumulated enough, the mountain god could use the laws of water and fire as the foundation and cultivate into a Daluo Sanxian.

"However, what will become when the laws of water and fire are combined?"

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