Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 120: Understanding Life and Death

The place Fang Yang chose for training was located in a 10,000-year-old "ancient city" called Qiyuan City.

This city was the capital of Loulan State, named after Meng Qiyuan, the founding emperor of Loulan State. For 10,000 years, the royal family of Loulan State believed in the Wusheng Religion and spread the teachings of the Wusheng Religion very widely.

The Dharma of Life called himself "Tianyi Jushi" and opened a clinic called "Huichunlou". The Dharma of Death used the pseudonym "Shijian" and opened a coffin shop called "Baishantang".

Huichunlou and Baishantang opened on the same day, causing a huge sensation in Qiyuan City. Because no one had ever seen a clinic and a coffin shop open opposite each other.

On the first day of opening, a large number of people went to Jingji Prefecture to complain, saying that Baishantang affected the feng shui and luck of Qiyuan City and might shake the foundation of the country.

The officials of Jingji Prefecture were overwhelmed. They had to listen to the opinions of the people, but Baishantang had the background of Wusheng Religion, and even the court did not dare to provoke it. Therefore, the officials of Jingji Prefecture could only act as scapegoats and endure the abuse and accusations of the people for the death.

The abuse of the people was temporary. After a long time, they got used to it. No matter how much they cursed, they had to live their lives as they should.

As soon as the banner of "No money, coffins for those who are destined" was pulled out, the Baishan Hall, which was deserted, immediately received its first business.

"Boss, I am a destined person, I want a coffin!"

A dandy with oily hair and powdered face, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and a jade pendant hanging around his waist walked in, followed by two young men.

"Isn't this the eldest son of the Chen family? The Chen family is so rich, and they still need a coffin?"

"Hush! A free coffin, don't miss it.

Outside the door, some onlookers whispered and communicated with each other. They looked at the eldest son Chen, their eyes full of contempt.

"Who did you buy it for?"

Fang Yang didn't even raise his head, thinking about the issue of life and death.

"For my father! "

Mr. Chen closed the folding fan in his hand and walked around the store. He checked the coffins one by one, and knocked on them from time to time to listen to the sound of the coffins.

"What's your father's body shape?"

"How can I know this! I'm buying coffins, not clothes. I say, boss, are you still selling?"

Mr. Chen was impatient, rolled up his sleeves, came to the counter, and stared at Fang Yang with anger.

Fang Yang was not afraid of him. He looked at Mr. Chen with a deep gaze, and his eyes met Mr. Chen's:

"One question, what does your father's death mean to you?"

When Fang Yang looked at him, Mr. Chen shuddered all over, and all his arrogance and anger disappeared.

He said with some timidity:

"Of course it's a good thing. When the old man was alive, I was not allowed to do this or that. It's just right that he's dead. I'm free and can do whatever I want. "

Fang Yang pondered for a moment and nodded: "You are indeed the destined person. There are thirteen coffins in my backyard, all of which are given to you for free!"

Mr. Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.


Fang Yang looked at Mr. Chen again. Mr. Chen no longer had any doubts and asked one of the servants to go back and call people to move the coffins to the store.

"Thirteen, one for my father, one for my mother, one for my eldest brother, one for my second aunt, one for my cousin, and one for myself, exactly thirteen. I got a great bargain today and saved a lot of money! Dad usually scolds me, saying that I am uneducated. Today I will let him know that I can also save money for the family. "

In a moment, Master Chen assigned the owners of the thirteen coffins.

What surprised him was that there were exactly thirteen people in his family, one coffin for each person, and no matter who passed away, there was no need to buy a coffin.

The news that Master Chen moved thirteen coffins from "Bai Shan Tang" without spending a penny quickly spread.

Soon, many people in the city came here to gather at the door of "Bai Shan Tang", waiting to receive the coffins.


Fang Yang's second customer was a woman dressed in a white flower, who was born with a foxy look. She was dressed in mourning clothes, with red eyes, and her tears were in the rain and her makeup was charming.

"Who did you buy it for?"

"For my Da Lang."

Fang Yang raised his head and stared at the woman deeply. The woman shuddered all over and felt dizzy when Fang Yang looked at her.

"What does the death of your Da Lang mean to you?"

"Relief! I'm fed up with this timid, cowardly and unambitious man. With such a man, life has no joy or surprise.

In contrast, Huichunlou's business is depressed.

The main reason is that Huichunlou is opposite a coffin shop, which gives people the feeling that if they step into Huichunlou, they will go to a coffin shop next.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, this is the normal reaction of everyone.

However, after Fang Yang used the same trick again and hung a banner at the door that read "Free medical treatment and medicine, compensation must be paid if the patient dies", patients came in an endless stream.

The first person to come in was a young man with a pale face and dull eyes, and obviously insufficient kidney energy.

"This young man doesn't want you to do it for free, this young man just wants you to keep it secret!"

As soon as the young man came in, he slammed the table.

"This store does not charge, but I can guarantee that I will never disclose the secrets of the guests."

Fang Yang, who looked like an old doctor, walked out of the counter and said to the young man.

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?"


Fang Yang nodded heavily, "But, you have to answer a question first."

"What question?"

"What is the meaning of life, young master?"

"The meaning of life?"

The young master was stunned for a moment, and answered without thinking, "Of course, it is to enjoy life. Life is fleeting, if you don't enjoy it, what's the point of living?"

"Okay! I'm here to see your kidney deficiency."

The second person to see the doctor was a middle-aged woman with calloused hands and frost on her face.

"What is the meaning of life, sir?"

The middle-aged woman smiled, and smiled happily: "For my children. The greatest achievement of my life is to raise my ten sons. My greatest wish is to watch them get married and expand my Cai family."

"Well! You are ill from overwork. I'll prescribe a medicinal diet for you. You can adjust it yourself and you will recover soon."

All kinds of people and all kinds of things appear in Fang Yang's store every day.

Fang Yang never refuses anyone. After asking them questions, everything is free.

In fact, the caves where these people live belong to Fang Yang, and he has been providing various resources for his believers for free.

Wandering between life and death, Fang Yang's understanding of life and death changes with each passing day.

One hundred years, two hundred years, four hundred years, four hundred and fifty years, five hundred years.

In less than five hundred years, Fang Yang almost comprehended the true meaning of life and death.

However, he did not stop, he wanted to peek into the mystery of yin and yang from life and death.

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