The prehistoric world was promoted and became invincible from then on. However, the enemies of the prehistoric world also began to make moves.

Deep in the chaotic world, an infinite continent can be clearly seen.

This is a continent that is not on a two-dimensional plane, and its spatial structure is very similar to today's prehistoric world. On the continent, chaotic spiritual energy surged crazily, and even the rivers were filled with spiritual liquid condensed from chaotic spiritual energy.

In the void, the power of rules is omnipresent, penetrating into every piece of time and space. Every piece of time and space contains countless chaotic caves and chaotic planes.

From this we can see how rich and beautiful this continent is.

In the center of the continent, in a bizarre cave, two majestic figures stood side by side, looking at the light curtain in front of them.

What is displayed in the light curtain is the prehistoric world.

Of the two figures, one has white eyebrows three thousand feet tall and a childish face with white hair. His figure is jumping in various spatial dimensions all the time. The other is an old Taoist in black with a head of black and smooth hair. The old Taoist's body exudes the world-destroying energy all the time. The breath seems to bury the heavens and destroy all worlds.

"The prehistoric world has been promoted, and Pangu is about to wake up."

The Taoist priest with white eyebrows three thousand feet long was once affectionately called the Yangmei Great Immortal by all living beings in the ancient world. Now the Yangmei Ancestor who has restored the true form of the Space Demon God spoke out.

The old man in black with smooth black hair looked a little solemn:

"Pangu is an unfathomable person. Only a teacher can match him. However, after the war that year, the Chaos Palace disappeared. Without the teacher, Pangu is very likely to break through to the Daluo Heavenly Dao of Chaos. By then , He will definitely not let us enemies go."

The Daluo Heavenly Dao of Chaos, also called the Great Dao Realm, is the supreme realm in the chaotic world.

Back then, Pangu, Founding Yuanling, Ancestor Yangmei, Taoist Shi, etc. were only Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian, far from reaching the realm of Chaos Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Both the founding Yuanling and Pangu are conducting various experiments and training, hoping to be the first to become the Daluo Heavenly Dao of Chaos.

"Hongjun and Master Wusheng are simply stubborn. They were clearly aware of Pangu's intentions and knew that the prehistoric world was a testing ground opened by Pangu, but they followed Pangu wholeheartedly and followed Pangu's stinky feet. They are hopeless."

The Taoist with glossy black hair said solemnly,

"I originally thought that sending one of my Yuan Spirits into the prehistoric world and seizing the Supreme Spiritual Treasure Tianzun would destroy the prehistoric world. Unexpectedly, Pangu actually used his brand to wash away my consciousness and let my Yuan Spirit Became his descendant. Pangu’s methods are indeed brilliant.”

He is the incarnation of the World-Destroying Great Mo, and in terms of heel and foot, he is not inferior to Patriarch Yangmei and Taoist Shichen. But in front of Pangu, he was still pitifully weak.

"Hongjun was originally a supporter of Pangu. He was among the Chaos Demon Gods who entered the Chaos Palace. We have all experienced how powerful he is. We cannot defeat Hongjun with the strength of you and me. However, Hongjun also exists. The nemesis, the Nine Yin Demon God, was Hongjun’s nemesis. Back then, Hongjun died under the Nine Yin Demon God’s pomegranate skirt.”

"Nine Yin Demon God, hasn't she returned yet?"

The great Mo of Destruction frowned slightly.

The Nine Yin Demon God understands the extreme changes of yin and yang, and controls the yin and yang rules of chaos. True and false, false and false, false and true, making people difficult to guard against, and he is best at sneak attacks in secret.

Although Ancestor Hongjun was strong, under the siege of many demon gods, he still fell into the ways of the Nine Yin Demon God.

"Who said I didn't come back? Didn't I come back?"

A black and white avenue appeared in the void. There was a graceful woman on the avenue. She was wearing a white skirt embroidered with pomegranates. Circles of holy light emanated from the back of her head, extending to all heavens and all realms. .

This woman is the Nine Yin Demon God who once killed ancestor Hongjun.

Seeing the appearance of this woman, Yangmei Ancestor and Destruction Damo both looked happy.

Ancestor Yangmei asked: "Jiuyin, you are back so soon. Have you met the teacher?"

The figure of Jiuyin Demon God flashed and appeared in front of the Yangmei Ancestor.

"The teacher is very disappointed."

She spoke calmly, but it was like a thunderbolt in the ears of Yangmei Ancestor.

Ancestor Yangmei suddenly felt ashamed when he thought of how he had been defeated three times by the creatures of the ancient world. The first time was Luo Hu, the second time was Hongjun, and the third time was the combination of heaven, earth and man.

If he can't defeat Pangu, he still deserves forgiveness. Even Pangu's descendants can't defeat him. How can he face the founding Yuanling?

"As a guest of the Chaos Palace, you were defeated by Pangu's descendants. You have greatly damaged the prestige of our Chaos Palace."

Ancestor Yangmei has a hard time saying that he also wants to defeat the prehistoric world, but he can't do it!

Jiuyin Demon God said again: "However, the teacher said that this matter cannot be entirely blamed on you. Even the Hengyu world he opened was defeated by the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world swallowed up the Hengyu world and Yuanxu world. After the Heaven and Earth, the Four Nine Heavenly Daos have been completed, and Pangu’s original Heavenly Dao is about to be revived.”

"Pangu's destiny and heavenly path are revived!"

When the ancestor raised eyebrows heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Only those who have seen Pangu's strength understand what this means. Even if it is just Pangu's destiny, it is not something they can deal with.

"Jiuyin, there are already five Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric world. Hongjun and Wusheng Cult Master are almost going to become Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian. It will be difficult for the three of us to join forces to match them."

Ancestor Yangmei said worriedly.

The Nine Yin Demon God glanced at the Raised Eyebrow Patriarch calmly: "Teacher, of course, understands this. Moreover, we cannot kill them before the Chaos Tribulation. Teacher ordered me to come here to inform you to gather all the Chaos Demon Gods of this generation first and prepare for the second Kaitian Tribulation."

"Why not destroy the Wusheng Great World now? If we can't destroy the prehistoric world, can't we destroy the Wusheng Great World?"

The World-Destroying Great Mo asked in confusion.

He just didn't believe it. He was not Fang Yang's opponent. Besides, he had two helpers.

The Nine Yin Demon God said coldly: "You must know that with the current cultivation of the Wusheng Sect Master, he may break through the Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxian at any time. If you destroy the Wusheng Great World, if you help him break the fetters and make him take a crucial step to break through the realm, it will destroy our plan."

The Raised Eyebrow Patriarch didn't believe it at all when he heard it.

"Impossible, Wusheng Sect Master doesn't have such magical power. He was able to prove his truth with the help of this poor Taoist."

"What did you say?"

The Nine Yin Demon God suddenly looked at the Yangmei Patriarch, his eyes were extremely sharp, like a sharp knife piercing into the heart of the Yangmei Patriarch.

The Yangmei Patriarch realized that he had said the wrong thing and exposed his shortcomings.

"I was tricked by Wusheng Sect Master, and I cut off the cause and effect between him and Pangu, helping him to cultivate into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

The Nine Yin Demon God didn't want to talk anymore. She looked in the direction of the prehistoric world and sighed. (End of this chapter)

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