Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1158 The fate of the eight great witch ancestors

"Brothers, is this your answer?"

An ethereal voice sounded in the void, attracting the attention of the ancestral witches.

This is deep in the Pangu Palace and there will be no enemies, so the ancestral witches are not too surprised. They just stopped talking and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Tap tap tap!

A burst of sacred figures walked out of the depths of the void, riding on the billowing aura of underworld.

The ancestral witches heard the sound and looked at the figure, discovering that this person was actually Houtu Empress who wanted to fight to the death with Patriarch Hongjun.

"Sister Houtu, why are you here? Aren't you fighting with Mr. Hongjun?"

"Didn't you manage to stop Mr. Hongjun? It's okay. As long as we are still here, we can create a new witch clan at any time."

"That's right! Even if Mr. Hongjun has the ability to reach the sky, he can't even think of entering Pangu Palace."

"I have long said that the plum civet cat is an ungrateful person. My sister should not have protected him back then. It would be best if he was killed by Tongtian."

The nine great ancestral witches had just let go of their lofty words. At this moment, they all looked down upon the world and did not take anyone seriously.

Regarding the appearance of Empress Houtu, the ancestral witches did not feel guilty at all, but comforted Empress Houtu.

In their opinion, it was impossible for Xiang Liu to deceive them, and Empress Houtu would not let Xiang Liu deceive them.

"Your Majesty, you have heard what the ancestral witches said. Please ask your Majesty Qiangang to make your own decision on this matter!"

Xiang Liu walked out from behind the Nine Ancestral Witches with a complicated expression, came to Queen Houtu, and bowed before her.

The nine great ancestral witches finally realized that something was wrong with the current situation. There seemed to be some secret between Empress Houtu and Xiang Liu.

Seeing Empress Houtu's face full of disappointment, the Nine Ancestral Witches' hearts skipped a beat.

Today's Wu Clan is not the same as in the prehistoric times. Among the twelve ancestral witches, they were no longer ranked in order of elder and younger, but the Queen Mother was respected.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation Hall, Empress Houtu had already taken action against Zhu Rong.

"Sister Houtu, Xiang Liu, what you just said are all lies?"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Xiang Liu in disbelief.

He never imagined that Xiang Liu, who had always been loyal to the Twelve Ancestral Witches, would actually deceive them.

Facing the reproachful looks of the nine great ancestral witches, Xiang Liu remained calm and composed: "Ancestral witches, this is the will of the empress. The empress is the authentic spokesperson, who dares to disobey her will?"

"Xiang Liu, do you dare to betray us?"

Zhu Rong was instantly furious, and a big hand flew out, trying to beat Xiang Liu into pieces.

He is the ancestral witch, and Xiang Liu is the great witch. He can suppress Xiang Liu to death based on his bloodline, not to mention his cultivation.

However, Empress Houtu just waved her hand lightly, and Zhu Rong was blown away by an indescribable force. The true form of the ancestral witch he was so proud of was vulnerable to this force and was directly defeated.


Zhu Rong only felt that all his internal organs were burned, his lungs were torn, and even the bones in his body were broken.

"Presumptuous! In front of me, you still want to be cruel. Zhu Rong, you are simply hopeless!"

Empress Houtu finally showed her majesty as an authentic spokesperson. Her patience had reached its limit and she could no longer bear it.

Since the return of these ancestral witches, the witch clan has never had a day of peace.

Isn’t it easy to destroy the Chan Cult? When Yuanshi Tianzun left the prehistoric world, she issued a decree and the teaching was destroyed in minutes.

But, what happens after the Chanjiao is destroyed? Neither Ancestor Hongjun nor Yuanshi Tianzun will let the Wu clan go.

The nine great ancestral witches thought they had done great things, but in fact, they were causing great disaster to the witch clan.

Teammates who do bad things with good intentions are more terrifying than cruel enemies!

"Sister Houtu, how dare you"

"shut up!"

Shebishi wanted to accuse Houtu Empress, but was interrupted by Houtu Empress.

"Since your resurrection, I have been warning you that times have changed, the rules of the world have changed, and you cannot do things as you did in the prehistoric times. But you, time and again, turn a deaf ear to my words and go your own way."

Empress Houtu has completely seen through this group of brothers and sisters. Her disappointment has accumulated to a critical point and she must explode.

The aura of the authentic spokesperson burst out, and the nine ancestral witches felt that the air around them had become thicker. They wanted to breathe, but they couldn't do it at all. A depressing atmosphere enveloped the heads of the nine great ancestral witches.

"Empress Houtu, are you going to take action against us in order to educate the younger generation? Don't you be afraid? Our witch clan will not recognize an ungrateful ancestral witch."

"You also know grace, and you also know righteousness?"

Empress Houtu said coldly, "You can be resurrected because of the hard work of our Wu Clan and Pangu Alliance. After your resurrection, you only know how to dominate and prosper by relying on your status and cultivation. This time, you can break through. This is a huge disaster, and I have to hold the clansmen responsible for your impulse. I have nothing to say to you."

When the ancestral witches heard this, their hearts sank. They could hear that Empress Houtu was ready to give up on them.


Ancestral Witch Xuanming wanted to say something, but after he said a word, Empress Houtu restrained him.

"I have made up my mind, no need to say more. Back then, brother Gonggong was angry at Buzhou Mountain and was imprisoned in Buzhou Mountain Prison for a calamity. Now that you eight people have slaughtered the Chan Sect, you should go to Buzhou Mountain to meditate on your mistakes! "

Empress Houtu expressed her treatment of the eight great ancestral witches expressionlessly.

She couldn't kill the eight witch ancestors, but she didn't want to see them again. At least, before they changed their ways.

The eight witch ancestors were instantly excited when they heard this. They glared at Hou Tu Niangniang, intending to blame her.

Obviously, they were avenging the witch clan and the Jiuli clan, so why were they imprisoned in Buzhou Mountain?

However, they didn't understand that this result was the best result that Hou Tu Niangniang could get.

Hongjun Laozu meant to execute the eight witch ancestors to set an example.

Hou Tu Niangniang considered that handing over the eight witch ancestors would affect her own and the witch clan's prestige, so she was determined to protect the eight witch ancestors. She didn't feel bad if the eight witch ancestors died again, but if the prestige of the tunnel and the witch clan was damaged, the consequences would be serious.

She took the initiative to give up the benefits of the witch clan in the Yuanxu world, in exchange for Hongjun Laozu's concession.

Among them, Jiang Ziya saved Guangchengzi and his group with the List of Gods. After all, Guangchengzi and his group did not enter the Land of Eternal Calamity, so there was a reason for the Heavenly Dao and the Earthly Dao to buffer.

If not, the Heavenly Dao and the Earthly Dao would have started a war, and Fang Yang could not stay out of it and had to participate in it.

His Wusheng Great World is developing, and he does not want the Great Calamity to happen in the Primordial World and involve his energy. (End of this chapter)

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