Taiyi and Dijiang are all peerless overlords, and their cultivation has surpassed that of ordinary great masters. Even Taiyi Patriarch, Zhenyuanzi and others are one level lower than them.

As long as the opportunity is right, they can become saints anytime and anywhere.

Tiandao doesn't know what's wrong with him, and he actually wants to give Luohou a saintly position. There is no other way, so Patriarch Hongjun and Fang Yang cooperated. One tricked the Hongmeng Purple Qi out of Tiandao, and the other simply snatched the Hongmeng Purple Qi belonging to Luohou.

Neither Patriarch Hongjun nor Fang Yang wanted to let Luohou, a crazy person, become a saint. It's okay if Luohou doesn't become a saint, but once he does, he will be out of control.

There is only one Yangmei Immortal in the chaotic world, and there is no need for a second Yangmei Immortal.

It happened that the Holy Heart Daojun returned to the Wusheng Great World with a belly full of anger, and Taiyi, the common enemy of the ancestor witches, became the next Heavenly Saint selected by Fang Yang.

Let Taiyi become a saint, which would make them more uncomfortable than killing the ancestor witches.

"Taiyi, I hope you don't disappoint my expectations."

Fang Yang was looking forward to seeing Taiyi become a saint and the ancestor witches screaming in anger.

To be honest, he and the nine ancestor witches had no deep hatred. On the contrary, what the nine ancestor witches are doing now has a lot of benefits for the Wusheng Sect.

After the nine ancestor witches made such a fuss, the relationship between the Wu Clan and the Pangu League was bound to have cracks. At that time, Fang Yang could take the opportunity to poach people from the Pangu League.

He has a big world and will never complain about too many talents.

Fang Yang was relaxed, but Taiyi was full of pressure. Becoming a saint within an hour, this sudden task made him feel great pressure.

Although it was his own business whether he could become a saint or not, Taiyi knew in his heart that this was the task given to him by Fang Yang.

If he does well, he will not only achieve the status of a saint and get rid of the threat of Kunpeng, but also be valued by Fang Yang. Even if he is a saint, he will not be able to get ahead in this prehistoric world if he does not have the support of a Taoist master. The saint of the West is a good example.

However, if he messes up, it will be difficult for him to be valued by Fang Yang in the future.

"Become a saint, I must become a saint!"

Taiyi's mind was concentrated, and every cell in his body cried out. He threw away everything and had only one thought, to guide the heart of heaven and prove the way to become a saint.

An hour is very short, but Taiyi can do a lot of things.

He sat on the throne of the Great Chu Palace, and luck gathered from all directions. The spirit of the Great Chu, the luck of the Great Chu, and the life of the Great Chu were instantly blessed on him alone.

Above the void, the spirit of luck of the Great Chu also gave up himself and merged himself into Taiyi's body.

As long as Taiyi can become a saint, the god of luck will have a chance to be reborn.

A decree came down, flew over thousands of mountains and rivers, and reached every piece of land and every citizen of the Great Chu State. Everyone knew that their majesty was going to practice a great skill to better protect the Great Chu State.

Civil and military officials, palace maids and eunuchs, and civilians all meditated on the spot, sending the most sincere blessings to Taiyi in their hearts.

Of course, not everyone wanted Taiyi to succeed. Taiyi was not an innate treasure and would not be liked by everyone. But compared with the curses and blessings issued by these people, they were too insignificant. Before they reached Taiyi, they were purified by the blessings.

In Taiyi's natal world, his three corpses opened their eyes at the same time and walked towards each other.

In the prehistoric world, the easiest way to become a saint is not to prove the truth with merit, nor to prove the truth with strength, but to prove the truth by beheading the three corpses.

This Taoist art, as long as you understand the key, you can naturally become a saint.

The merits required to prove the truth with merit are too many to count. To prove the truth with force, you need opportunities. Without opportunities, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to prove the truth.

After Taiyi reincarnated and returned, he chose the path of killing three corpses to prove the truth.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation Hall, the confrontation between Hou Tu Niangniang and Zhu Rong continued. Zhu Rong's arrogance and Hou Tu Niangniang's repeated concessions made the powerful people present feel deeply worried.

They seemed unable to stay in this Pangu League.

"Brother, don't go too far." There was a hint of coldness in Hou Tu Niangniang's voice, "I am your sister and can tolerate you. However, not everyone is your sister and can always tolerate you."

This time, Hou Tu Niangniang was really angry.

Pangu League is her most proud achievement in this life. The revival of the witch clan is inseparable from the efforts of Pangu League. However, since the resurrection of other ancestor witches, they have been constantly destroying the relationship between Pangu League and the witch clan.

She thought that some things would pass if she endured them. Unexpectedly, her brothers and sisters became worse.

In front of so many powerful people, Zhu Rong actually said that he would drag the heaven and earth to be buried with the Wu clan. If Hongjun Laozu and Fang Yang were to argue, the Wu clan would really be in danger of extinction.

Seeing that Hou Tu Niangniang had turned against him, Zhu Rong laughed in anger: "Okay, Sister Hou Tu, you have made progress, but you forgot who you rely on to be where you are today. When you discovered the existence of the reincarnation world, if it weren't for us brothers, could you have obtained the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and become a genuine saint?"

Zhu Rong's questioning made Hou Tu Niangniang's face look extremely ugly. She knew that this was a fact she could not avoid.

"Brother Zhu Rong, I have never forgotten your kindness." Hou Tu Niangniang took a deep breath and said slowly, "But, precisely because of this, I can't continue to let you go."

Zhu Rong still didn't take it seriously. He laughed and said, "Sister Hou Tu, are you going to attack me? You are the authentic spokesperson. My brother is not your opponent. If you want to attack, do it as soon as possible!"

At this point, his face darkened.

"But as soon as you start, the brother-sister relationship between you and me will disappear from now on!"

The face of Empress Hou Tu became extremely complicated. She knew that this was a choice she had to face. Her eyes swept across every powerful person present and finally fixed on Zhu Rong's face.

"Brother, do you really think that I dare not attack you?" There was a hint of determination in Empress Hou Tu's voice, "You are wrong. For the future of the Wu clan, I can give up everything."

Zhu Rong's face finally changed. He didn't expect that Empress Hou Tu would actually dare to attack him.

Zhu Rong thought that he was the saddest person, but Empress Hou Tu was the saddest person. It was too difficult for her to suppress her brother with her own hands.

But today, in front of the many powerful people in Pangu League, if she didn't punish Zhu Rong, the people in Pangu League would lose their morale.

However, just when Hou Tu Niangniang was about to take action, her expression changed slightly and she looked up into the void.

The powerful people saw this and were all confused.

Until a mighty holy power descended, and a majestic figure continued to appear in the heavenly secrets. Everyone knew that Taiyi had become a saint! (End of this chapter)

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