The two scripture-seeking teams stared at each other with extremely complicated emotions. Especially Sakyamuni and Khoriusun, they knew each other.

The original disciples of the Jie sect worshiped demons and sought scriptures, and the original disciples of the Chan sect worshiped Buddha and sought scriptures. Do disciples of the two sects of the Chanjie sect have to seek scriptures?

After meeting Sakyamuni, Sun was afraid that Sakyamuni would call out the names of the four Cihang masters, so he made a Buddhist salute to Sakyamuni and continued on his way with the four Cihang masters.

Sakyamuni had just encountered the siege of Emperor Shakyamuni, Li Rentian, Brahma Jingtian and Doraemon. He finally escaped and did not want to cause trouble. Seeing that all the remaining grandchildren left, he also took his disciples with him. Go in the direction of Nanzhan Buzhou.

If Sakyamuni knew that people like Zhenliu Sun and others were protected by the gods and demons in the heavens and were immune to all evil, and no demons or monsters could get close to their gods, I don't know what he would think.

The same is true for learning, and the treatment of these two teams is in the sky and the other in the earth.

However, the most miserable person was not Sakyamuni, but Guangchengzi.

Since the end of the Conferred God Tribulation, Zixiao Palace has become lively. From time to time, people come to Zixiao Palace to ask for ancestor Hongjun.

Speaking of which, God Haotian was the one who turned to Ancestor Hongjun when something happened.

Before God Haotian, no one dared to come to Zixiao Palace to disturb Patriarch Hongjun, for fear of upsetting Patriarch Hongjun.

After God Haotian came once, everyone discovered that Patriarch Hongjun was not a person who got angry at will. As a result, Zixiao Palace gradually became the fire brigade of the ancient times.

After Guang Chengzi came to the door, Hongjun, the fire brigade captain, met Guang Chengzi without any surprise.

"Master, King Pan has a grudge against his teacher, and I should take revenge on my teachings. However, Junior Sister Cihang and the others have not recovered their memories. This disciple hopes that Master can give Junior Sister Cihang and the others a chance to return to their sect. opportunity.”

Guangchengzi bowed deeply to Patriarch Hongjun and said sincerely.

Ancestor Hongjun did not refuse, nor did he agree immediately. He just asked: "You are the leader of Chanjiao, and you should know the doctrines of Chanjiao best. Can you tell me, what are the doctrines of Chanjiao?"

As a master, he couldn't possibly embarrass his disciples. However, a spokesperson for Heaven's Way who changes his orders day and night cannot convince the public.

When Guangchengzi heard this, his heart trembled. He knew that ancestor Hongjun was testing him.

He pondered for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, and then slowly said: "Master, the foundation of elaborating and establishing a religion is to explain the way of heaven and follow the will of heaven to educate and transform all living beings, guide them to be good and pursue the truth."

Patriarch Hongjun nodded slightly and seemed to be quite satisfied with Guangchengzi's answer: "You are right, the teachings of Chanjiao are originally for all living beings. Now, although Cihang and the others are in Buddhism, as long as they do not violate Chanjiao What’s the difference between teachings that are explained and those that are not explained?”

Ancestor Hongjun has long lost the distinction between sects. As the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, all sects under Heavenly Dao are his disciples.

It is true that the saint Jie Yin jumped out of Xuanmen, but he did not break away from the way of heaven.

Guangchengzi felt happy and felt that things had turned around: "What does Master mean?"

Ancestor Hongjun said calmly: "It is God's will that they go to the West. You cannot interfere forcefully. However, you can help from the side. If they can realize their true intentions and return to teach, it will be their chance. "

"But, the saints of the West."

Patriarch Hongjun sighed: "They only vowed to go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, not to worship Buddhism. Why don't you understand this truth?"

When Guangchengzi heard the explanation from Patriarch Hongjun, his heart suddenly became enlightened. He had been struggling with whether the Holy Master was willing to let him go, but he ignored the wishes of the five Master Cihangs themselves.

"Disciple understands, thank you Master for your guidance."

Guangchengzi was deeply grateful for the teachings of Patriarch Hongjun, and he knew that his previous concerns were unnecessary.

Patriarch Hongjun waved his hand: "Go ahead and remember that the true teachings do not lie in the form, but in the heart. As long as they have the teachings of the teachings in their hearts, they are disciples of the teachings no matter where they are."

Guangchengzi withdrew from Zixiao Palace, having made a decision in his heart.

At the same time, the journey of fearing to stay and Sun and others continues.

Although they were blessed by the gods and demons along the way, the journey to learn the scriptures was never smooth. They need to face not only external tests, but also inner struggles and contradictions.

As the Buddhist scriptures proceed, their past life memories frequently appear in their minds. Fearing that Liu Sun would have to take action to cover up their memories.

He personally refined a furnace of Naihe pills and asked Master Cihang and others to take them every day to suppress the memories of past lives.

But Wei Liusun knew in his heart that it was only a matter of time before the memories of the four masters of Cihang could be restored. Before that, he had to let them completely accept the teachings of Buddhism and thus cut off their connection with the teachings.

Although the four Cihang masters have not recovered their memories, deep in their hearts, they have the idea of ​​abandoning Buddhism and entering Taoism.

However, none of them dared to say it, lest others find out.

On this day, they flew to a river and couldn't fly across it!

This river is the famous Quicksand River. The river water is the weak water left on the earth during the Lich War.

After Wei Liusun regained his memory, he developed a secret water-controlling power that could carry everyone there.

Ordinary immortals have nothing to do with weak water. Immortals with great power have a hundred ways to subdue weak water, but weak water is helpless.

When Juliusun was about to cast a spell, he saw a middle-aged Taoist with a mustache descending from the sky and standing steadily on the weak water.


Seeing Guangchengzi coming, Juliusun was really scared.

In his previous life, he couldn't beat Guangchengzi. Now he has reincarnated and his cultivation has fallen, but Guangchengzi is at the peak of the middle stage of the quasi-saint.

He knew he was no match for Guangchengzi without fighting. Guangchengzi could kill him with just one finger.

"Jiuliusun, you are so bold that you dare to betray our sect. Do you know how serious the consequences of betraying our sect are?"

Guangchengzi didn't rush to attack Juliusun, because he knew that Juliusun was just a pawn of Pan Wang. His real enemy was Pan Wang.

He knew that Pan Wang, this old monster, was best at using poison. Even Jiufeng's great witch body was broken by Pan Wang's poison.

However, he didn't know that Pan Wang had left.

Ji Liusun's heart sank. He knew the gap between him and Guang Chengzi, but now that things had come to this, he had no way to retreat.

"Master, it's not that I, Ji Liusun, betrayed the Chan Sect, but that we were plotted against. We have made a vow to the Heavenly Dao, and we can only continue to obtain the scriptures."

Ji Liusun responded in a deep voice, trying to persuade Guang Chengzi, "If Master had come a moment earlier, we wouldn't have been plotted against." (End of this chapter)

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