Princess Longji has complicated feelings towards Fang Yang. She wants to get close to her, but she doesn't dare. All this is because her mother was once an enemy of Fang Yang.

Her mother's existence is a fact that cannot be erased. And her worship at Jiang Ziya's door was also due to the agreement between Yuanshi Tianzun and Queen Mother of the West.

Putting all the circumstances together, she didn't dare to approach Fang Yang at all.

Based on her understanding, Fang Yang could not get rid of the sand in his eyes. If she wants to become Fang Yang's true disciple, she must make a choice between Fang Yang and the Queen Mother of the West.

How could she abandon her mother?

However, she did not dare to betray Fang Yang. She and Fang Yang maintained a nominal master-disciple relationship, and Fang Yang could still turn a blind eye to her and the Queen Mother of the West.

If she betrays Fang Yang, she and her mother will be in danger.

Therefore, she chose to keep a distance from Fang Yang.

Regardless of whether Fang Yang admits it or not, in the eyes of outsiders, she is Fang Yang's disciple. As long as she has the status of Fang Yang's disciple, no one dares to touch her.

Yang Chan from Huashan is related to Fang Yang's clone. Even if everyone knew that her character was not cultivated enough, no one would plot against her.

After hearing King Pan's proposal, Princess Longji decisively refused without even thinking about it.

"Senior brother, the teacher has a lot of things to do every day, so I can see you whenever I want. Junior sister has some important things to deal with, so you two senior brothers can talk slowly!"

After serving tea, Princess Longji quickly left. She knew that she would only be embarrassed if she stayed here.

After Princess Long Ji left, Daojun Qingyuan spoke: "Junior brother, I know that you and Long Ji have a deep friendship. However, we as disciples should not interfere too much in the teacher's affairs."

King Pan nodded and said calmly: "It's fate. In my previous life, I and the Queen Mother of the West joined forces to force Hou Yi into a desperate situation. In this life, I actually became the same sect with her daughter. But just now, I just I'm testing Junior Sister Long Ji to see what her intentions are."

"Does your test have any results?" Daojun Qingyuan asked softly, his voice was calm, and no emotion could be heard.

King Pan pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Junior Sister Long Ji's character is quite firm, and she has no intention of betraying the sect. However, her loyalty to Queen Mother Xi is also obvious. She maintains a balance between the two, It’s not easy.”

Daojun Qingyuan nodded slightly to express his understanding. He knew Princess Longji's situation and understood her choice.

Everyone has their own difficulties. Even the Great Luo Jinxian cannot decide everything as he pleases.

"Junior brother's plan this time to plot against the five real people of Cihang can be said to have vented some bad breath on himself in his previous life."

When King Pan heard this, he sneered: "A breath of bad breath? Senior brother, you underestimate me. The grudge between me and Sanqing is as simple as a breath of bad breath. They not only used me, but also betrayed me, I have to make them feel the heartbreaking pain.”

Daojun Qingyuan was startled and worried about King Pan's condition.

He frowned and advised, "There is nothing wrong with taking revenge, but being overly obsessed with hatred may hinder junior brother's cultivation."

"I naturally know that Sanqing is a saint, and I can never let them fall. I have always known this. Therefore, I will only take action once. After this time, my grudges with them will be wiped out."

King Pan talked about hatred very lightly, as if he could really let go of hatred.

Taojun Qingyuan couldn't persuade him any more, after all, even Fang Yang didn't interfere with King Pan's grudges. He stated the purpose of his trip:

"Brother Wei learned from other masters in the sect that we have five more junior brothers."

"How many did you name?"

King Pan was stunned. This news was really shocking to him.

Fang Yang has always been cautious in accepting disciples. You will only accept disciples when you need them.

As for when Fang Yang will need to accept disciples, no one knows.


Taojun Qingyuan said solemnly, "These five junior brothers are transformed by five points of the soul of the Demon God of Destiny. In the era of the Destiny World, they have been practicing and have not transformed. After they entered the Inanimate World, I am finally able to transform into the world. I am telling you this news because I want to invite you to enter the Inanimate World and meet our fellow disciples."

After hearing what Taojun Qingyuan said, King Pan was shocked and also felt a little curious. The fifth incarnation of the God of Destiny's soul, isn't this the same as the Sanqing?

"Senior brother, these five junior brothers have extraordinary origins. We really should go and meet them." King Pan said in a deep voice, with a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes.

Taojun Qingyuan smiled and nodded: "Then let's prepare and leave for the Wusheng World as soon as possible. I believe that the meeting with these five junior brothers will bring us a lot of gains."

After the two arrived at the Wusheng World, they first met with Fang Yang. King Pan reported to Fang Yang his plan to deal with the two religions of Renchan.

Fang Yang didn't care about such trivial matters. He asked King Pan to let it go and seek help from the Wusheng Cult if necessary.

Regarding this point, King Pan quickly said no need, he had confidence in himself. King Pan said so himself, so Fang Yang just followed his lead.

Daojun Qingyuan and King Pan arrived at Tianzhu Mountain and soon met their five junior brothers.

This meeting was the first time that Fang Yang's disciples had gathered together, and both sides were curious about each other.

The five junior brothers were quite excited to see Daojun Qingyuan and King Pan.

Daojun Qingyuan, he watched them practice and took care of them.

As for Pan Wang, although they had not been transformed for a long time, they had heard that in addition to Qingyuan Daojun, Fang Yang had another outstanding senior brother. Seeing him today, he was indeed worthy of his reputation.

"Senior brothers, junior brothers are polite."

As the eldest of the five, Fuyun Daojun took the lead in greeting Fang Yang's two disciples.

Qingyuan Daojun and Pan Wang did not dare to be arrogant, and hurriedly returned the greeting: "Fukyun junior brother is polite, we are all from the same school, there is no need to be so polite."

After both parties sat down, they began to exchange their respective cultivation experiences and the ways they learned.

Qingyuan Daojun and Pan Wang found that although these five junior brothers had only practiced for a short time, they had unique understanding and mastery of the way of destiny, which also benefited them a lot.

"Senior brothers, although we are transformed by the soul of the Destiny Demon God, we are still groping for the control of this power of destiny. I am glad to see you today, and I hope you will teach me."

Huoyun Daojun said sincerely.

Upon hearing this, Pan Wang smiled slightly and said, "Junior brother, why are you polite? You and I are from the same sect, so we should learn from each other and make progress together."

Then, everyone began to discuss in depth the many mysteries of the Way of Destiny. From the law of good fortune of the Taoist Lord of Fortune, to the law of misfortune of the Taoist Lord of Misfortune, to the respective methods of the three Taoist Lords of Virtue, Disaster, and Luck, everyone shared their understanding and experience without reservation.

Qingyuan Taoist Lord and Pan Wang also passed on their own cultivation experience and understanding of Tao to the five junior brothers.

For a time, Tianzhu Mountain was filled with a strong atmosphere of cultivation, and everyone was immersed in the exploration and understanding of Tao.

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