Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1127 People’s Hearts Are Unsettled

Coincidentally, there are many disciples like Cao Shiwo and Zhang Qi in Wusheng Sect.

There are big trees but dead branches, and the Inanimate Cult is also a demonic sect. No matter how much Fang Yang attaches great importance to the religious rules, there will always be people who are willing to risk punishment and violate the religious rules.

Unfortunately, during this period, all the senior leaders of the Wu Sheng Sect went into seclusion to practice, leaving only the Nanyue Divine Lord in charge of various affairs.

Nanyue Shenjun also had to arrange for people to preach and move to Xindatiandi. It was inevitable that he would not take care of some small things in the religion.

For a time, there were many disciples in the Wu Sheng Sect who took advantage of their power to bully others and enrich their own pockets. The sects and scattered cultivators in Nanzhan tribe were all complaining.

This situation was quickly noticed by Nanyue Shenjun.

He is in charge of intelligence in Wusheng Cult. There were very few things in the wild that could be hidden from him.

Seeing that the disciples in the sect had done so many ridiculous things, Nanyue Shenjun separated himself, went to Yinggou Hall, and warned the disciples of Yinggou Hall.

What he did was beyond the scope of his authority. But there is no way. Among the entire Wu Sheng Sect's top management, he is the only one who remains in the outside world.

Fang Yang and the others were repairing the Chaos Bead, but he did not dare to disturb them, lest the repair of the Chaos Bead fail.

After dealing with this group of disciples who violated religious rules, Nanyue Shenjun began to feel anxious. The current situation of Wu Sheng Cult made him worried.

In the past, Wusheng Cult was able to work together as one and unite because they had a common goal. Now, that goal has disappeared.

The goal of becoming the Great Sect of Chaos is still too far away for the low-level disciples. They are not chaotic creatures, and it is impossible for them to enter chaos when they are in the realm of Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The disciples who have lost their goal are full of confusion about the future. They don’t know which direction they should work towards, and they don’t know if they still have a future.

In this confusion, they gradually degenerated.

"The news of opening up a new world must not be leaked. If the news gets out, I'm afraid it will cause a bigger turmoil in the church."

The new world is vast, rich in resources, and has few living beings, which is a great temptation for any living being. However, it is impossible for everyone to enter the new world.

Fang Yang only plans to move the creatures in the world of destiny into the new world, while the believers in the prehistoric world will continue to stay in the prehistoric world.

All the creatures in the prehistoric world are part of Pangu. Moving them to a new world is tantamount to robbing Pangu of people.

If the news of opening up a new world spreads in advance, it will definitely give many prehistoric creatures an illusion. They will think that they can enter a new big world.

In this case, after the new world is opened up, the creatures in the world of destiny will be moved into the new world, and no hope will be given to the creatures in the prehistoric world.

Fang Yang admitted that he was a little partial to the creatures in the world of destiny. But one is his own child and the other is someone else’s child. Who can be impartial?

After thinking about it, Lord Nanyue decided to arrange some things for the disciples in the sect to do. He believed that once the disciples were busy, they would have no time to think nonsense.

Soon, those confused disciples received a mission. Nanyue Shenjun sent them to the four major continents, ten continents and three islands, the vast sea, and the extreme south of the ruins. They traveled to every inch of the prehistoric land and drew a map of the prehistoric world. map.

This map should be accurate down to the villages and caves, and include every town, every river, as well as the specialties, customs, history and culture of each place.

This mission caused a sensation in the entire Wusheng Cult.

Given the vastness of the prehistoric world, drawing such a map is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Not to mention, the prehistoric world is full of all kinds of dangers. If you accidentally fall into a dangerous place, you may not be able to get out.

However, Nanyue Shenjun gave such an order.

Nanyue Shenjun was not just a whim. He came up with this idea after learning that the ancient world had conquered the Yuanxu world.

This map may be the last one that records the prehistoric times of low dimensions.

According to Fang Yang's calculations, when the prehistoric world merges with the Yuanxu world, the entire world will begin to rise in dimension and become a more advanced world.

The new prehistoric world will have endless space and endless resources, and the cultivation of the creatures inside will also reach a higher level along with the prehistoric world.

This means that this ancient world will soon disappear. One look at them is all they need.

After these disciples were burdened with tasks, they no longer thought about it, and they embarked on a new journey.

Nanyue Shenjun also understands that this approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Just relying on busy tasks to fill the emptiness and confusion in the hearts of disciples is not a long-term solution. He realized that the real solution lay in rekindling the fire of hope in his disciples' hearts and showing them a clear path.

However, he has no decision-making power, and the development direction of Wusheng Cult must ultimately be decided by the leader.

But soon, King Pan's arrival gave Divine Lord Nanyue unlimited support.

Before Fang Yang retreated, he left a message for Nanyue Shenjun to use as he wished. During his retreat, Nanyue Shenjun could decide all matters in the religion.

After receiving this decree, Nanyue Shenjun felt confident.

He called a group of disciples and asked them to enter the wilderness and establish a sect. The Wusheng Sect, on the other hand, supports these disciples behind the scenes, teaches them how to manage the sect, and helps them grow into qualified sect leaders.

He also promised that in the event of war, the Immortal Church would immediately recall them.

In addition, he also gave the most severe punishment to those disciples who violated the rules of the sect, cutting off their path to promotion and making them regret for life.

After solving the trivial matters in the sect, Nanyue God welcomed a new task. Maitreya Buddha of Buddhism came to visit and discussed the matter of obtaining scriptures in the south with Nanyue God.

Nanyue God knew that Fang Yang didn't care about obtaining scriptures in the south. He casually dealt with Maitreya Buddha with two sentences and decided to obtain scriptures in the south.

The reaction of Wusheng Sect disappointed Tiandao Sect, Asura Sect and other forces.

In their opinion, Wusheng Sect and Buddhism have always been at odds. In the matter of obtaining scriptures in the south, Wusheng Sect should strongly oppose it.

They are afraid of the destiny of heaven, but there is no reason for Wusheng Sect to be afraid?

How could they know that Wusheng Sect and them are no longer forces of the same level. Wusheng Sect's eyes are not on the prehistoric world, but on the more magnificent chaos.

Whether Buddhism wants to flourish or seek scriptures, it is impossible to shake the interests of Wushengjiao.

After the number of days for the prosperity of the West appeared, other forces had to guard against Buddhism, fearing that they would suffer losses from Buddhism. However, as soon as Buddhism came to the Southern Continent, it gave away its own Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

Why would Wushengjiao obstruct a business that is sure to make a profit? (End of this chapter)

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