Six hundred years later, the space under the Skyfire Lake.

The Sun's core gradually dimmed, and all the light and heat shrank into the core. The beasts that depended on the Sun's core for survival returned to the core, and the outer space was pitch black.

After a bang, the Sun's core also shrank into a bright red ball and fell into a white hand.

After obtaining the Sun's core and the Sun-shooting Bow, Fang Yang entered the Xuanbing Lake again.

With the protection of the Sun's core, the Xuanbing could not hurt Fang Yang at all. Fang Yang reached the space under the Xuanbing Lake smoothly without any obstacles.

In fact, if there was no Sun's core, he could not come down at all.

The Xuanbing in the Xuanbing Lake was countless times harder than the fairy gold, and it was impossible to break them with magic power.

There were no beasts or cores in the space under the Xuanbing Lake, but only a huge iceberg.

This iceberg was not an ordinary iceberg, but was condensed from Xuanming True Water, and the power of the origin of water filled the interior.

Fang Yang opened the second cave and packed up the iceberg and took it away.

After leaving the Tianhuo Xuanbing Lake, Fang Yang felt a little tired. Next, he had two more sacred mountains to rush to.

"The fire attribute origin and water attribute origin are enough. The gold attribute is less, but it can also refine a few furnaces. Now, I lack the wood attribute origin and the earth attribute origin. Go to Mount Tai, the Eastern Peak, and then go to Mount Heng, the Northern Peak."

Fang Yang calculated and continued on his way.

Seventy years later, he arrived at Mount Tai, the Eastern Peak.

When you climb to the top, you can see all the mountains. Mount Tai is the first of the Five Mountains. Among the mountains, there are very few peaks more noble than it.

Once, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan held a swearing-in ceremony on Mount Tai, and started the road to conquer the prehistoric world from Mount Tai, thus laying the foundation for the human race.

After seeing Mount Tai, Fang Yang instantly felt that Mount Heng, the Southern Peak, was not fragrant.

Just as Fang Yang was thinking about where to start, a peak on Mount Tai suddenly became full of immortal energy, and a divine light broke through the void and instantly appeared in front of Fang Yang.

Bixia Yuanjun was also a member of the Pangu League. She was just reincarnated, not fallen, so Fang Yang didn't find it strange at all.

The visitor was a fairy boy about four feet tall, with red lips and white teeth, and a red scarf tied on his chest. The child held a precious spear in his hand, and had the heroic spirit of a teenager.

"I am the disciple of the old lady, the Nine Saints Fairy Boy, and I am here to welcome you, Taoist friend, on the order of the old lady."

In this way, Fang Yang didn't understand that Bixia Yuanjun was reincarnated, but not necessarily completely.

It is not difficult for a great supernatural being to split a part of his soul to reincarnate and leave the other part in the world.

Fang Yang bowed to the Nine Saints Fairy Boy: "Thank you for leading the way."

So, Fang Yang followed the Nine Saints Fairy Boy to the peak. After flying into the range of the Xiongfeng, the scenery in front of him changed and a sea of ​​flowers appeared.

In this sea of ​​flowers, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and each flower exudes an innate aura.

Fang Yang can clearly feel the vitality in the void.

"The old lady is waiting for you in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, you can go in by yourself."

When he was about to reach the center of the sea of ​​flowers, the Nine Saints Fairy Child sank and fell down.

When he arrived at the center of the sea of ​​flowers, a Taoist nun wearing a rosy robe and a jade hairpin was sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​flowers.

The Taoist nun was surrounded by circles of divine light, which was more dazzling than the sun, making it impossible to see her appearance, let alone her expression.

Fang Yang quickly landed and stepped forward to pay his respects, saying, "Junior, I have seen the old lady of Mount Tai!"

Because he had seen the ancestor Ji Du, he was very calm when he met the quasi-saint-level power for the second time.

"Yes! You came very quickly. In my original calculation, you would go to Beiyue first, and then come to Dongyue. In the middle, I don't know who you met and changed your mind."

Bixia Yuanjun's voice was very gentle, not at all like the immortals meeting the younger generation of the demons.

At Bixia Yuanjun's level, she would not be hostile to others indiscriminately like the younger generation.

In fact, the so-called disputes between immortals and demons all stem from interests.

If there is a relationship of interest, it is "the demons of the demon sect will be killed with a sword", and if there is no relationship of interest, it is "the righteous and the demons are originally one family."

"Junior met the six-eared macaque and got some information from it."

Fang Yang said truthfully.

With his realm, he could not hide it from Bixia Yuanjun. As long as Bixia Yuanjun calculated, she would definitely be able to figure it out.

"I know the purpose of your stepping through the Five Mountains. Not only I know, but also Hou Tu Daoyou knows,"

Bixia Yuanjun waved her hand, and three more light balls appeared in her hand.

"Here are the wood origin, earth origin, and gold origin you want. Although they are acquired origins, they are enough for you to make pills. Don't go to Mount Heng, the Northern Mountain."

As she said this, Bixia Yuanjun directly hit the three light balls into Fang Yang's natal cave.


With three consecutive muffled sounds, three more mountains appeared in Fang Yang's natal cave. Each mountain is made up of spiritual objects containing the five elements' origin.

Honghuang does not lack spiritual objects with the five elements' origin, but only lacks spiritual objects with the innate five elements' origin.

If the innate origin is so easy to get, the innate five-color divine light would have been everywhere, and Kong Xuan would not be the only one practicing it.

Seeing the situation in the cave, Fang's heart was beating wildly.

If he went to collect these treasures by himself, he would not be able to collect them without tens of millions of years.

"Thank you, grandma! I will never forget your kindness."

Bixia Yuanjun waved her hand: "It's okay, this is just a trivial matter for me. This is all we can do for you."

"Grandma, the seniors have helped me so much, how far do you want me to go?"

Thinking of the help from Pan Wang Patriarch, Tan Lang Xingjun and others, Fang Yang asked directly.

"How far you can go depends on how far you can cultivate."

"If you can only cultivate to become a Daluo Jinxian, you can only make a small fuss. If you can cultivate to become a Hunyuan Jinxian, you can turn the world upside down. However, no matter whether you cultivate to become a Daluo Jinxian or a Hunyuan Jinxian, you can only stop at the level of making a fuss."

"What I hope is that someone can prove the Hunyuan Dao, break the deadlock, and let the dead water of the prehistoric world come alive again. On this point, I am not optimistic about you. Your cultivation is too low, and there is no teacher behind you."

"However, I can tell you one thing. We have arranged more than just you. You are just one of the people we chose."

"If you want to survive, work hard to cultivate! Keep getting stronger! Then keep getting stronger until you can control your own destiny!"

At this point, Bixia Yuanjun's voice stopped abruptly.

Listening to Bixia Yuanjun's words, Fang Yang's heart did not fluctuate at all.

Maybe Bixia Yuanjun saw it very accurately, but he is only him now, not him in the future.

There is only one road anyway, just keep going.

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