Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1091 The Weakness of the Primordial World

"Liuyu, wake up."

Seeing that the Six Desires Demon Lord was about to be subdued by Ye Feng, a ball of black gas erupted in the body of the Six Desires Demon Lord.

This ball of black gas was the clone of the Great Free Demon Lord.

The Great Free Demon Lord was not good at frontal combat, but he practiced the Great Way of Heart Demon, which was omnipresent. He attached himself to the powerful people of the Wusheng Sect and could help them transmit information and intelligence.

Although Ye Feng's charm technique was strong, it only worked on women and could not seduce the Great Free Demon Lord at all.

Under the mental storm of the Great Free Demon Lord, the Six Desires Demon Lord woke up instantly. She changed her palm into a claw, and her black nails grew out and buckled towards Ye Feng's wrist.

This blow was fierce.

She thought that the Six Desires Demon Lord had experienced hundreds of battles, and countless immortals fell under her pomegranate skirt, but now, she almost fell into the hands of a male immortal.

The sudden attack of the Six Desires Demon Lord caught Ye Feng off guard. He never expected that his magical power, which had worked every time, would fail.

This magical power of his was learned from the inheritance of the Nine Yin Demon God, and it was called the Blue Face Tribulation.

This magical power belongs to the magical power of rules, which ignores the realm and the difference in cultivation. As long as it can be launched successfully, it can completely charm the opponent.

In other words, Ye Feng was unlucky.

The Six Desires Demon Lord who came to the Yuanxu Great World was not the real body, but just one of her Dharma bodies.

No matter how realistic the Dharma body is, it is not the real body, and it is impossible to have the same functions as the real body.

Ye Feng failed, and failed here.

"Why is the fairy angry?"

Ye Feng immediately launched a counterattack, spreading his five fingers, and transformed into five pillars in a square inch. The Six Desires Demon Lord grabbed the pillars, and all his power was dissolved and dissipated.

"So powerful!"

The Six Desires Demon Lord learned how powerful Ye Feng was and knew that the other party completely restrained him.

She did not feel panic because there were many masters of the Wusheng Sect. If Ye Feng can restrain her, then someone in the Wusheng Sect can restrain Ye Feng.

Clank, clank, clank!

A windpipe sounded from afar, like resentment, admiration, weeping, and complaining. A bubble flew from afar, swallowing Ye Feng instantly without allowing him to refuse.

The figure of the Nightmare Demon Lord appeared, and he kept splitting his phantom body and attacked the bubble.

As expected, the Nightmare Demon Lord trapped Ye Feng as soon as he made a move.

The side of the Yangtze River Water Palace and the Wu Clan became a unique landscape on the battlefield. They were as domineering and tyrannical as ever. Many dragon clan and witch clan masters united to fight with their opponents in close combat, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to crack, and blood to spill in the sky.

When have the great powers of the Yuanxu world ever seen such a fighting style? They could not adapt to close combat in a short time and were beaten back step by step.

In a corner of the battlefield, Di Jun fought with a woman wrapped in a scroll.

The woman seemed to be very familiar with Di Jun. She easily broke the magical power that Di Jun used, and then attacked Di Jun.

Di Jun quickly guessed the identity of the woman. He had already received news about Xihe from Wangshu. However, he did not intend to expose it.

In the prehistoric world, Di Jun and Xihe had countless battles. There were traces of their battles everywhere in the Sun Temple, Lingxiao Temple, Fusang Tree, and Guanghan Palace.

However, this was the first time that they had a real battle.

Di Jun wanted to see how much ability his former Taoist partner had gained after reincarnation.

On the front battlefield, the two sides fought earth-shakingly, and on other battlefields, the two worlds were also fighting.

In the depths of the Holy Land of Time, a powerful demon was suffering from inhumane calcination. Under the refining of the Fire of Time, the memory of the powerful demon floated out of his mind.

Yuanxu, who was responsible for extracting the information of the powerful demon, was overjoyed when he saw this. He collected the memory of the powerful demon with a special magic treasure and left the cell.

Every profession has its own specialty. In the Yuanxu world, not all the great powers are good at fighting. Those who are not good at fighting stay in the rear, responsible for tactics, analyzing the opponent's strength, and studying strategies to defeat the enemy.

In this regard, the prehistoric world lost to the Yuanxu world again.

There are too many forces in the prehistoric world, too many people speak out, and the power cannot be concentrated. Even if someone wants to form an alliance to fight against the alien world, it is very difficult to command others.

Just like this time, Fang Yang was able to suppress all disobedience with the cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the army. As soon as Fang Yang left, the three paths of heaven, earth and man fought each other and became a mess.

Now, Fang Yang feels that the idea of ​​ancestor Hongjun to unify the prehistoric world was actually right. However, the saints violated the original intention of ancestor Hongjun and hindered the development of the prehistoric world, which made ancestor Hongjun give up the power of Xuanmen.

In a conference room, representatives of major forces in the Yuanxu world were full. The one who presided over the meeting was the elder of the Holy Land of Time, Immortal Lord Liuguang.

"Fellow Daoists, I believe everyone has already known the information about the prehistoric world. But, can we really not defeat them?"

The voice of Immortal Lord Liuguang was full of confidence, as if the prehistoric world could not threaten the Yuanxu world at all.

A gleam of light flashed in Immortal Lord Lu Yi's eyes, and he said: "Although the prehistoric world is strong, it cannot threaten us. At least, we will not lose this battle."

"Oh, what do you think, fellow Daoist?"

The Taoist Tanbing looked at Immortal Lord Lu Yi.

Immortal Lord Lu Yi smiled slightly: "It's not a great idea. Since the major forces in the prehistoric world are full of hatred, why don't we make good use of this?"

Hearing this, many powerful people in the hall nodded one after another, and they felt that heroes think alike.

In fact, they noticed this during the first war. However, they had not figured out the relationship between the major forces at that time.

Even if they want to sow discord, they should find the right direction. Sowing discord without reason will only alert the opponent.

"Yes! This is what I mean. Once upon a time, the three saints of the prehistoric world turned against each other, killed each other, and even shattered the world. From this point of view, the saints of the prehistoric world have no overall view, let alone the slightest compassion. This is just a bargain for us. As long as we use it well, we can let them continue to kill each other. At that time, let alone repel the prehistoric world, it is not impossible to counterattack the prehistoric world."

Lu Yixianjun said, with some excitement.

He did not expect that the prehistoric world was so disunited. The world is not small, but it is not big.

In a place the size of a palm, there are internal fights all day long, you kill me, I kill you, and even the world is almost destroyed.

He could not understand it at all.


The proposal of Immortal Lord Lu Yi was unanimously supported by many powerful people.

"Then, let's do this! Sow discord and cause chaos among them. We need to discuss this matter carefully."

Thus, a conspiracy against the prehistoric world was born in this conference room.

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