The six-eared macaque is both lucky and unlucky.

It found the inheritance of Qiankun Ancestor, but it also put itself into a dangerous situation.

Who is Taoist Xuanji? A disciple of the ancestor of Tianji, a person who practices the way of Tianji.

When he was targeted by the six-eared macaque, although he could not tell the existence of the six-eared macaque due to its special identity, he could sense that someone was eavesdropping on him.

Rogue cultivators are all suspicious, and those who are not suspicious will not survive that long. When Taoist Xuanji sensed the existence of the crisis, he tried many times and finally determined what the eavesdropper wanted.

Thus, there was the Heaven and Earth Returning Together Formation, and the six-eared macaque was trapped in the formation for three million years.

Fang Yang's expression became solemn.

In the six-eared macaque's memory, it fell into the formation inexplicably. Before this, it had no contact with Taoist Xuanji.

"The place I chose. Is it really safe?"

Fang Yang couldn't help but think.

The Tianji cultivator may not be very strong in combat, but fighting skills is not the strength of the Tianji cultivator.

They sit at home, without contact with anyone, and can deduce the past and future based on whatever phenomena they see.

Back then, the Witch Clan was able to fight the Demon Clan in a back-and-forth battle, relying on Zhu Jiuyin and a large group of Tianji monks attracted by the inheritance of the Qiankun Ancestor.

Thinking of the terrifying aspect of the Tianji cultivator, Fang Yang suddenly opened his natal cave, flickered a few times, stopped at a certain position, and then walked out of the natal cave.

After the natal cave is expanded, something similar to a domain will be formed in the outside world, covering a certain area of ​​the world.

In this realm, monks can teleport at will and can reach millions or even tens of millions of miles away in an instant. The teleportation distance is determined by the size of the natal cave.

Fang Yang just stood on the primitive land, and his pupils shrank.

In front of him is a land of beautiful mountains and rivers.

The mountains are green, the water is green, green water flows among the green mountains, the spring water is tinkling, and a thin layer of fairy mist floats on the surface of the water, rising and falling with the smoke waves.

In this picture, a pavilion appeared, and in the pavilion, a lavender figure sat.

"It's natural to have friends from far away. It's not easy for Taoist friends to come to this sacred mountain in the West Mountains. They must have something to ask for. Why did they leave in such a hurry?"

The voice is as gentle as jade, like the sound of reading aloud, with an air of elegance.

Seeing this situation, Fang Yang knew that his every move was still being figured out. So, he walked through the air and entered the pavilion in an instant.

"Sit down! The fairy tea has just been brewed. Fellow Taoist, please use it!"

Taoist Xuanji extended his hand and invited Fang Yang to sit down.

He is a young man with a face like a crown jewel, an upright look, a light robe with a loose belt, a very free and unrestrained expression, and a faint purple energy flowing in his eyes.

Fang Yang didn't have stage fright either, so he sat opposite Taoist Xuanji according to his words.

Seeing that Fang Yang did not use the tea, Taoist Xuanji pretended not to notice and said slowly:

"As early as 540 million years ago, my teacher calculated that a destined person would come to this Lotus Peak, so I came here to wait for him today. Today, 540 million years later, fellow Taoist has indeed come! "

His tone was very calm, as if he was telling something insignificant.

Fang Yang was slightly startled, but then calmed down.

He had already experienced the quasi-sage's power of calculation. The ancestor of Tianji specializes in cultivating the way of Tianji. It is normal for him to be able to deduce it.

After Taoist Xuanji finished speaking, there was no nonsense. He spread his right hand and a jade book appeared in his palm.

On the surface, it looks like a jade album. Fang Yang is not sure what kind of jade it is, because the surface of this jade album glows with a faint chaotic color, which is very mysterious.

Taoist Xuanji pushed the jade book in front of Fang Yang: "The inheritance of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Power is not trivial. Only the Chaos Heaven Crystal can carry it. This is what fellow Taoist wants."

Fang Yang was stunned and didn't take it. Things went so smoothly that he had some doubts.

Taoist Xuanji looked up at Fang Yang, his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life.

"Back then, the Wu Clan held the Pangu Alliance and gave the inheritance to the great powers of the heavens unconditionally. Do fellow Taoists know why?"

Of course Fang Yang knew the reason and helped him get teammates!

The Wu clan knew that they could not stop Xuanmen from unifying the ancient world on their own. Therefore, they provided various assistance to other great powers in the prehistoric era, and everyone worked together to fight against Xuanmen and Ancestor Hongjun.

When there is an enemy in front of you that you can't defeat, winning over everyone you can win over becomes the only way.

"Fellow Taoist, is this also the reason?"

Taoist Xuanji shook his head: "No! I don't want to argue anymore. I am just completing the tasks assigned by the teacher. Don't you think, Taoist fellow Taoist, that the prehistoric times are much more stable than the lich period. There is heaven above, and there are people in the middle. King, there is an underworld below, and each of the three realms has its own master. Ordinary creatures no longer have to worry about dying in the battle between powerful powers."

Of course Fang Yang agreed with what Taoist Xuanji said.

After Xuanmen came to rule the world, it might not be friendly to the powerful casual cultivators, but the living environment for ordinary creatures was much better.

There are too many powerful beings, and when they fight together, countless ordinary creatures suffer.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist may have misunderstood me. I am not a person who likes fighting. I have been practicing Taoism so far, and I have only saved a few lives. The people I killed all wanted to kill me. ”

Taoist Xuanji said it as if he would run to disrupt the order of heaven and earth.

Other time travelers would save this and that as soon as they arrived in the prehistoric world, and they would feel very unhappy about it, but he did not have such thoughts.

He had many things to do, and he felt that he did not have enough time to practice every minute, and he was too bored to meddle in other people's affairs.

If the Chan Sect wanted to destroy the Jie Sect, it could do so, if Ji Fa wanted to attack Zhou, it could do so, and if the West wanted to prosper, it could prosper, and it had nothing to do with him.

Who was the protagonist of the world had nothing to do with him, and who ruled the prehistoric world had nothing to do with him.

All Fang Yang wanted was to become stronger.

Taoist Xuanji sighed:

"People in the prehistoric world are helpless. Just like me, I just want to live in seclusion in Huashan and not ask about the outside world, but there are still six-eared macaques and Taoist friends coming to my door. Under the destiny, even the Daluo Jinxian and the Supreme Saint cannot disobey. As a person in the magic way, Taoist friends are destined to be enemies with the Xuanmen, and this cannot be changed."


Fang Yang took the jade book and put it into the vacuum white lotus with a faint smile.

"Maybe Taoist friends are right. However, my heart is my own, not the sky. What the destiny is, I can't control, what I think, the destiny can't control. Taoist friends are very good at calculating the secrets of heaven, can you calculate what I am thinking at this moment?"

The Taoist Xuanji paused when he heard this.

Don't say that Fang Yang is a Taiyi Jinxian, even if Fang Yang is just a mortal, he can't calculate what Fang Yang is thinking.

People's hearts are changing all the time. Even people with great magical powers cannot control people's hearts.

This is, the heart is higher than the sky!

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