Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1067: Destruction of Confucianism

After meeting King Pan, Fang Yang began to travel the heavens and observe the development of humanity.

He is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he is also the spokesperson of humanity. The entire humanity is practicing his great way. By observing the evolution of humanity, it is of great benefit to him to comprehend a higher and deeper great way.

The way is endless, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is just a small mountain, and there is still an immeasurable gap from the peak of the great way.

His body was broken, and he turned into ten thousand, descending to every race, every country, and every sect in the human world, observing the changes in humanity from the perspective of ordinary people.

Sometimes, standing too high is not necessarily a good thing. Standing high is certainly easier to see the whole picture of things, but it is easy to be confused by the superficial flowers and colorful, and can't see the surging undercurrent.

It is difficult for a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to empathize with all living beings. Even if a creature dies in front of him, he will only feel that this creature is moving forward according to the trajectory of fate, and there will be no waves in his heart.

Fang Yang can see a person's past, future, and even thousands of years at a glance. Life is just an appearance, and the evolution of the Tao is the inner. If you see too clearly, it will be difficult to realize the Tao and practice.

Humanity is an extremely large power structure. The heaven, the earth, the human world, and the vacuum hometown are all components of humanity.

After Fang Yang taught the "National Destiny Proof of Taoism", many forces in humanity stepped up their efforts to develop national strength.

A strong race can establish a country, while a weak race often has to rely on or unite with other races to become a country.

In order to enhance their own national destiny, those superpowers also began to accept those small races to join their own countries.

Once the trend of racial integration appears, it is unstoppable.

Countless endangered small races have expressed their intention to rely on various countries. Those countries also accept everyone who comes, and they will not refuse the population and luck that are delivered to their door.

After the integration of the major races, various cultures, concepts, and ideas began to collide, sparking brilliant sparks.

Fang Yang felt all this in the long years of heaven and earth, and he absorbed everything that was beneficial to him.

The wisdom of all living beings is too huge, and this wisdom is no longer something that one person can possess. Even Fang Yang felt his own stupidity.

It is not as easy for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to improve his cultivation as before. Only after a long period of transformation can Fang Yang experience the feeling of promotion. However, Fang Yang does not care. As long as he knows that he is making progress, no matter in which aspect, he is very happy.

In addition to enlightenment and practice, Fang Yang is also urging the actions of the great powers under the human way. Every time he shows his holiness, the great powers of the human way will be very nervous.

They are afraid that if they do not do well enough, they will be seen by Fang Yang and affect their ranking. You know, their ranking determines the ownership of the holy position.

Every time Fang Yang arrives in a country, the country will soon launch a wave of anti-corruption activities. Those countries that have not been patronized by him will also move after hearing the news.

He is not surprised, such things will happen in all worlds.

On the prehistoric land, Fang Yang measured the world with his own footsteps. He felt every inch of land and every piece of time and space in the prehistoric land with his heart.

After he became enlightened, he realized that he did not know much about the prehistoric land.

Where is Pangu, is the prehistoric land Pangu's natal world, and what is the end of the prehistoric land. The whole prehistoric land is shrouded in a layer of fog.

He seemed to be unintentional, but he was looking for answers intentionally. He firmly believed that all the answers were in the prehistoric world.

In the human world, Fang Yang saw the scene of the human race strangling the Confucian and Taoist monks.

After all, the paper cannot cover the fire. After Emperor Yu came out of the pass, he caught the Confucian and Taoist monks in the act. As a result, the "burning of books and burying of Confucian scholars" began among the human race.

Emperor Yu regretted it so much that he should not have coveted temporary benefits and accepted Confucianism into the human world. However, the human race was blind and abandoned the Wusheng Sect in exchange for a Confucian and Taoist monk who forgot his principles for the sake of profit.

Emperor Yu began to wonder if he was old and would do such a foolish thing.

However, no one gave him an answer. Or rather, he already knew the answer, but he just didn't want to accept it.

When the human race cleaned up the human world, Confucianism and Taoism also ushered in the prelude of destruction.

The Wusheng Sect dispatched the Five Elements Guardian Army, set up the innate positive and negative five elements formation outside the Confucian world, and launched an inhumane refining of the Confucian world.

In the past, Fang Yang always regarded the Five Elements Guardian Army as the trump card of the Wusheng Sect. Now, as long as he wants, he can deduce a new saint-level formation at any time.

The resistance of the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism was futile. In just a moment, the Confucian world was refined into energy by the Wusheng Sect, and countless Confucian and Taoist monks died tragically in the formation.

The ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism tried to resist stubbornly, intending to threaten the Wusheng Sect with the lives of the six Qianqiu Confucian monarchs, but was rejected by the Wusheng Sect.

Life? As long as Fang Yang is willing, he can even revive those creatures who have been wiped out at the level of cause and effect.

For him, snatching people from the land of eternal calamity is just a trivial matter.

Therefore, the founder of Confucianism and Taoism was horrified to see that the six Confucian scholars of Qianqiu, who were about to be dragged into Guixu because their Dao Fruits were shattered, were taken away by a big hand, and the power of the Land of Eternal Calamity could only retreat with regret.

Fang Yang's move shocked the heavens and the worlds, and even the saints were shocked.

They knew that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was very powerful, but he was so powerful that he openly opposed the heaven and earth and rebelled against the rules of heaven and earth. This incredible method made them feel afraid.

They even doubted that Fang Yang had the ability to send them to the Land of Eternal Tribulation.

It can only be said that they did not observe the world enough. If they were more careful, they would think that the List of Gods could also compete with the Land of Eternal Tribulation for the innate immortal true spirit.

After Fang Yang saved the true spirits of Qianqiu Rujun and the other six, he sent the six people into the reincarnation with a force of reincarnation. These six people should enter the reincarnation to experience it. Otherwise, they will always drag Taixuan Rujun down.

Knowing what Fang Yang had done for him, Taixuan Rujun bowed deeply in the direction of Nanyue Hengshan.

He was very grateful to Fang Yang for sending his teacher and senior brother into the reincarnation. Fang Yang did what he had always wanted to do but could not do.

Qianqiu Rujun and others were rescued by Fang Yang, but the founder of Confucianism and Taoism and his disciples did not have such a good treatment.

Under the attack of the Wusheng Sect, they could not even hold out for an hour, and all of them fell and entered the Land of Eternal Tribulation in an orderly manner.

The Wusheng Sect easily destroyed Confucianism and Taoism, causing a huge disturbance in the prehistoric world. After seeing the strength of the Wusheng Sect, many forces fell silent.

Such a force is not something they can afford to provoke.

In contrast to the Wusheng Sect, Confucianism and Taoism have become famous negative examples in the prehistoric world and are laughed at by all the heavens and worlds. (End of this chapter)

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