In a mortal country, a girl who was trafficked to a secluded mountain village was trying her best to escape from the cage that bound her. However, she was unfamiliar with the place, so how could she escape easily? She ran all the way, but was eventually forced to the edge of a steep cliff by the cunning villagers.

"Run, run again!" A man in his forties, with a face full of flesh and a butcher knife in his hand, approached her viciously, "I spent a lot of money to buy you, and treated you well, and you dared to betray me!"

He was burly, and his muscles were piled up like mountains, giving people a huge sense of oppression. The girl trembled under the shadow of this man. She glanced back at the bottomless cliff, and the fear in her heart flooded like a flood: "Don't come over, if you come over again, I will jump down!"

The man was furious when he heard the girl's threat. He didn't believe that this weak girl really dared to make such a decisive move.

He approached aggressively, as if he wanted to swallow the girl in one bite.

At this moment, a silver-haired old woman suddenly rushed out of the crowd. Her steps were unusually vigorous, forming a sharp contrast with her thin figure.

"Zhao Gouzi, don't scare your wife." She glared at the man first, and then persuaded the girl with a pleasant face: "Daughter-in-law, only older men can be kind. You get along well, and give birth to ten or eight big fat boys in the future, and you will have endless blessings in this life!"

Hearing that she was going to have so many children, the girl's face showed horror. Thinking that she would spend the rest of her life with Zhao Gouzi and have children for him, she felt even more desperate.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhao Gouzi interrupted the old woman impatiently, "If she wants to die, let her die! She is my person in life and my ghost in death!"

After that, he rushed towards the girl regardless of his mother's dissuasion.

The girl was shocked by Zhao Gouzi's momentum, her body instantly became limp, and she actually slipped and fell off the cliff.


During the fall, she heard the wind whistling in her ears, thinking that she would die. However, when she fell to the middle of the mountain, a mysterious force suddenly emerged and wrapped her tightly.

A brilliant fairy light bloomed on her body, and the flesh and soul of the mortal instantly transformed into the physique of an immortal. She actually became an immortal at the critical moment of life and death!

"This girl's luck is really against the sky!" Fang Yang, who witnessed all this, couldn't help but sigh, "In such a desperate situation, she actually hit a green treasure chest and opened the most precious celestial template in it, and directly possessed the celestial cultivation."

The so-called templates were all created by Fang Yang using the power of rules. The power of rules can change the information or data in reality and directly promote a mortal to the celestial cultivation.

Thinking of the hard work he had put in to become an immortal, climbing the top of the mountain where the strong wind was raging in the early morning to collect the purple air from the east, and climbing to the coldest peak at night to absorb the essence of the moon, Fang Yang couldn't help but envy this lucky girl.

After Fang Yang planted a beacon on the girl, he continued to look at other people.

The second person to get the treasure chest was the leader of a small sect. The previous leader was obsessed with beauty and ignored the sect affairs, which angered the elders of the sect and caused the sect to fall into decline and become a sect on the verge of destruction.

Three thousand years ago, this small sect finally ushered in hope. When the previous leader of the sect traveled around the world with beauty, he met a new beauty. In order to compete with others for this beauty, the previous leader of the sect was beaten to death on the spot.

As a result, the current leader of the sect was able to take the position.

But it was useless for him to take the position, because the previous leader of the sect sold the sect's spiritual mines, fairy fields, and other industries in private in order to please the beauty!

What's more desperate is that every time the previous leader went out, he would carry all his wealth with him. This means that the sect has no money!

The current sect can't even take out the monthly salary of the disciples, so most of the disciples have run away.

In the ancestral temple of the small sect, a young Taoist priest with light gray hair knelt in front of the tablet and kowtowed with tears:

"The ancestors of the Half Moon Sect are above! The previous leader was unworthy and handed over the Half Moon Cave Heaven of our sect to others, causing our sect to lose all believers and cut off the path to the Golden Immortal for future disciples. Disciple Tang Xizi is determined to save the decline and save our sect."

"For this reason, the disciple did not hesitate to sell his body and gave his innocence to the Taiyi Great Power Jade Rakshasa of the Rakshasa Sect, hoping to exchange a glimmer of hope for our sect. Unfortunately, our sect has run out of luck and it is beyond human power to save it. Although the disciple has worked hard, he cannot satisfy Jade Rakshasa. The disciple has decided to announce the dissolution of our sect in the hall tomorrow and let the disciples in the sect find better jobs to avoid misleading the students."

"I hope the ancestors will forgive me!"

After saying the last sentence, Tang Xizi shed two lines of blood and tears.

He had too many grievances. Whenever he thought of the last words that Yu Luosha said, he even wanted to die.

"You look okay, but your skills are like a silver-plated spear head - good-looking but useless. Even if I poke myself with a needle, I'm better than you. You are not good enough to be the leader of the sect, and even worse as a man. Don't show up in front of me in the future, get out!"

Tang Xizi will never forget the disgusted look of the female disciples of Luosha Sect when he walked out of Yu Luosha's room in a transparent Taoist robe.


Tang Xizi was in great pain. He lay on the ground and beat the ground to vent his pain and helplessness. He admitted that he overestimated his own abilities.

Perhaps he hit too hard and triggered some mechanism at once.

A secret compartment opened, and a purple treasure chest slowly rose from below and appeared in front of Tang Xizi.

"What is this?"

Tang Xizi looked at the treasure chest that suddenly appeared, and suddenly thought of what happened half a year ago.

At first, he also wanted to find a treasure chest, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't find it. Moreover, he hadn't heard of anyone finding a treasure chest.

"The ancestors have appeared, the ancestors have finally appeared! I, I found the treasure chest!"

Tang Xizi was so surprised that he put his hand directly on the treasure chest.

After a burst of purple light, the treasure chest disappeared, and a light ball replaced it. The light ball whizzed into Tang Xizi's mind.

At the same time, Tang Xizi heard a gentle voice.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the strongest eunuch system. You can choose to castrate yourself to refine this system, or you can choose to refuse to refine it. This system will give you a parting gift."

Tang Xizi naturally knew the existence of the system. There is a system world in the Three Thousand Worlds. The Wanjuan Daojun, Zhiyang Daojun, and Tianlu Daojun of the Wusheng Sect are all system-transformed.

But why did he get the strongest eunuch system?

Tang Xizi felt sad: "Could it be that the ancestors also think that the disciple is suitable to be a eunuch?"


While he looked at the ranking of the ancestors, a knife had already cut down.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully refined this system. The system rewards you with a copy of the Golden Immortal-level Gongfa "Sunflower Chaoyang Gong". Please check it out!"

Tang Xizi fainted happily in the sweet voice of the system. (End of this chapter)

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