"Do you think it's a shame to be a chess piece?"

The voice of Hongjun Patriarch seemed to have traveled through the ages and echoed in Zhou Qing's ears.

He stared at Zhou Qing, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts and every corner of Zhou Qing's heart. Zhou Qing felt like a transparent person, being thoroughly analyzed by Hongjun Patriarch's eyes.

There was a hint of complex emotions on Hongjun Patriarch's face, both disappointment in Zhou Qing and an unspeakable regret.

Zhou Qing was seen through by Hongjun Patriarch, but he did not get angry because of it. He knew very well that in front of an existence like Hongjun Patriarch, any form of anger seemed so childish and ridiculous. He suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and tried to stay calm.

Zhou Qing straightened up, and his eyes revealed a kind of firmness and determination. He took a deep breath and said in a sonorous voice: "Yes! I am the supreme heavenly way between heaven and earth, and the heavenly way cannot be insulted!"

Hearing Zhou Qing's words, Hongjun Patriarch's eyes suddenly showed a mocking look. The ridicule was not directed at Zhou Qing himself, but at his self-important and arrogant attitude.

Zhou Qing felt the ridicule of Hongjun Patriarch, and he just didn't accept it in his heart.

Hongjun Patriarch smiled slightly, as if everything was under his control. He said slowly:

"The Heavenly Dao of Hengyu Great World is also the Heavenly Dao, which is more supreme than your Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm. But look, where is it now? The Founding Yuanling is the spokesperson of the Great Dao, in charge of the Three Thousand Chaos Continents, and the guests in the Three Thousand Chaos Palaces all respect him as a teacher. Where is he now?"

The words of Hongjun Patriarch were like a sharp sword, piercing Zhou Qing's heart.

He was stunned, standing there like a wooden chicken, as if he was frozen. The words of Hongjun Patriarch echoed in his mind, and his heart was full of shock and doubt.

Where is the Heavenly Dao of Hengyu? Zhou Qing felt a chill in his heart. He certainly knew that the Heavenly Dao of Hengyu had been swallowed by the Heavenly Dao of Honghuang and disappeared in the Chaos World.

And where is the Founding Yuanling? Where is that former existence now? The original spirit was too wild, too wild, and as a result, it angered Pangu and triggered the battle of opening the sky. He and Pangu were both injured, and now he didn't know where to hide to lick his wounds.

The words of Hongjun Patriarch were like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhou Qing's heart hard.

He began to realize his ignorance and shallowness. He understood what Hongjun Patriarch meant - there is no eternal strong man, there are people outside people, there are mountains outside mountains, and you are not afraid of being ordinary if you work hard. In this world, there will always be more powerful and terrifying existence than yourself.

However, he still felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. He is the reincarnation of the way of heaven, and he can't tolerate being used as a chess piece.

Hongjun Patriarch saw through Zhou Qing's mind again, and he said bluntly: "Do you know why I chose you as a chess piece?"

Hongjun Patriarch's blunt words made Zhou Qing's mood fluctuate. He was the reincarnation of the way of heaven, and his identity was precious, but at this moment, he was lightly called a "chess piece" by Hongjun Patriarch. This change of identity was difficult for him to accept, and he was full of dissatisfaction and frustration.

Hongjun Patriarch certainly saw Zhou Qing's reaction, but he didn't care, he had seen a lot of such things.

In the entire prehistoric world, except for the spokespersons of the earth and humanity and those who were bold and fearless, others dared to be angry but dared not speak in front of him.

Zhou Qing was obviously not a bold person. He finally became a saint and had his Tiandao Sect. With his concerns, he could no longer be as unrestrained as before.

"Daoyou must feel very aggrieved at this time, and your heart is full of anger. But in front of me, Daoyou must not dare to show your anger in your heart. What if I tell you that you can express your dissatisfaction as much as you want, and I will never care?"

Zhou Qing was completely confused, his mind was blank, he didn't understand what tricks Hongjun Patriarch was playing. However, with Hongjun Patriarch's words, Zhou Qing's anger in his chest was extinguished at once.

Patriarch Hongjun is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. He has long been free from vulgar tastes and will not specifically laugh at or make fun of anyone.

The emperor is not joking. Even the secular emperor must be cautious in his words and deeds. How can a spokesperson for the heaven easily express his attitude towards another person?

Zhou Qing calmed down, bowed to Patriarch Hongjun, and sincerely asked: "Please give me some advice, spokesperson."

Patriarch Hongjun looked at Zhou Qing's changes and felt a little relieved. He continued: "You must remember that in this world, the only person who can insult yourself is yourself. When your state of mind is as solid as a rock and indestructible, any humiliation and ridicule cannot enter your heart. You think it is a shame to be someone else's pawn, but everyone in this world is someone else's pawn."

After listening to Patriarch Hongjun's words, Zhou Qing seemed to have some insights, but when he thought deeply, he fell into a fog again.

Patriarch Hongjun looked at him, his eyes sparkling with wisdom, and continued, "The identities of chess players and chess pieces are not absolute. While chess players are using chess pieces, they must also invest in them. Fellow Daoist Fang Yang is indeed using you, but from another perspective, you are also using him. Your relationship is more like a mutually beneficial transaction. You have achieved the Dao of Sainthood, and he has achieved the Dao of Primordial Chaos. This is a situation that benefits both him and you. Why do you feel humiliated?"

When Zhou Qing heard this, his heart suddenly became enlightened. He had always been obsessed with his own identity and dignity, but he did not realize that in this world where the strong are respected, strength and interests are the most important. The reason why he felt humiliated was because he was too concerned about his own face and failed to see the essence of the problem.

"It's good for him and I'm good..." Zhou Qing repeated the words of ancestor Hongjun in a low voice. Some familiar scenes flashed in his mind, and the fog in his heart gradually dissipated.

He realized that in this world, there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends, only eternal interests. Although it seemed that he was being used in the transaction between him and Fang Yang, in fact he also gained huge benefits from it.

In the face of a more powerful existence, face is empty. The more he tries to maintain his own face, the less face he loses. He just couldn't get over it, insisting on fighting for fairness and respect with Fang Yang. Fang Yang showed the greatest respect to him by not killing the donkey.

"Actually, it is not hopeless for Taoist fellow Taoist to regain your lost dignity and dignity. There is a popular saying in Wusheng Cult, thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty. Fellow Taoist now is not as good as Fang Fellow Daoist Yang, it’s because Fellow Daoist has not encountered the right opportunity. As long as Fellow Daoist persists, one day, Fellow Daoist will be able to treat Fellow Daoist Fang Yang as a pawn.”

Ancestor Hongjun always kept a smile, but his plain voice was full of temptation.

In the prehistoric world, the only person capable of defeating Fang Yang was Ancestor Hongjun. Therefore, the opportunity mentioned by Patriarch Hongjun actually refers to himself.

When he arrived here, Zhou Qing no longer hesitated and bowed deeply to Patriarch Hongjun: "Disciple, see the teacher!"

"Okay, okay! From now on, you will be my fifth disciple, Pangu Fourth Qing, Sage Pangu Zhou Qing!"

Ancestor Hongjun stretched out his hand to help Zhou Qing up, his smile beyond words.

Fang Yang had already poached Taiyi, Panwang, and Wangshu from him. This time he was able to win back the game and recover his losses. (End of chapter)

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