Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1032: The Snipe and the Clam Fight

The Yangmei Immortal did not shrink back from Pangu's shocking Dutian Dharma, but instead became more willing to fight. Although Pangu was strong, he was not a nobody.

In the chaotic world of those days, there was a popular saying that "time is revered, space is king, fate cannot be revealed, and cause and effect is king."

This sentence does not simply mean that these avenues are superior in power, because in the law of chaos, there is no distinction between the avenues. It is more used to describe the irreplaceable status and influence of Taoist Shichen, Yangmei Immortal, Destiny Demon, and Karma Demon in the chaotic world.

Among them, Great Immortal Yang Mei, as the controller of the Space Avenue, has almost reached the pinnacle of his ability to control space. Space is synonymous with him.

"Master Wusheng, even if you become a saint, in Pindao's eyes, you are just a small person, not worth mentioning at all. But now, Pindao has decided to regard you as a real opponent. You should feel honored, the leader of the chaotic world There are no more than ten people who can be regarded as opponents by Pindao."

The Raising Eyebrow Immortal stared deeply at the Heavenly Law of Pangu Capital. He gathered all the strength in his body, and his shadow rules surged crazily in the palm of his hand. Finally, they condensed into a dark torrent, like a sharp blade that tore through the long night, traversing the past and present, twisting the universe. Destroy into nothingness. This torrent roared, carrying the power of destroying everything, and rushed straight towards Fang Yang.

Those beings below the saints who were originally prominent in the Immortal Sect now feel as if their cultivation has been stripped away and becomes meaningless. Their strength seemed so fragile in front of the torrent, as if it was evaporated in an instant.

As for Fang Yang, who was directly facing this attack, he could feel the changes in the rules even more.

He felt that the principles he had cultivated all his life had become distorted in the face of the torrent of rules set by the Immortal Yangmei, as if they had been rewritten into perverse principles. The avenues and laws lost their original meaning at that moment.

The rules of Yangmei Daxian not only try to destroy the power Fang Yang relies on, but also try to break into his body and change the rules that exist in him. Fang Yang felt as if he was bound by an invisible force, and his whole body was shaking under this force.

However, facing such a situation, Fang Yang felt surprisingly calm.

He took a deep breath and gathered all his will. Pangudu Tianfaxiang's figure exploded, and with one step, the whole world seemed to shake. On his fist, a ball of Dutian Divine Thunder lit up, and the light was so dazzling that it illuminated the entire universe.


Fang Yang shouted loudly, and the Dutian Divine Thunder exploded. Its power was as powerful as the Big Bang, shocking people's hearts.

The field of rules corresponding to the Pangu Capital Heavenly Law also exploded at this moment, colliding fiercely with the torrent of shadow rules from the Yangmei Immortal.

The aftermath of this collision shook the entire universe, and the power of the Great Ancient Heavenly Dao and the Yangmei Immortal were rebounded. They were forced back by the power of Dutian Divine Thunder, as if unable to resist this destructive force.

The shadow realm of Yangmei Daxian suffered heavy losses. Under the bombardment of the Nadu Heavenly God's thunder, the shadow realm was ruthlessly torn apart by the thunder light. The clear and turbid world were clearly separated, and a new world was born in this chaos. This new world is full of life and vitality, as if it heralds the coming of a new order.

When the eyebrow-raised immortal saw this result, his heart roared, as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. He once again fell into the memory of Pangu, the majestic figure who once walked side by side with him.

"Pangu, if I can't defeat you, how can I defeat your descendants?"

The Yangmei Immortal grabbed a huge group of space rules from a distant and unknown place. In an instant, a sword of rules that cut dimensions and shattered the void appeared in his hand.

He looked indifferent and expressionless, and beheaded Pangu Capital Tianfa's head before beheading him.

This sword cannot be avoided at all, because the space no longer exists, or in other words, the space between Fang Yang and Yangmei Immortal has disappeared.

Fang Yang did not overestimate his ability to use the Space Avenue. His Space Avenue was completely impractical in the face of the space rules of the Immortal.

Only the power of rules can resist the power of rules.

Pangu Dutian Dharma Appearance is the highest level of the innate Pangu Dharma Appearance. Once completed, one can become the spokesperson of Pangu.

So, boom!

Regardless of his rules or magical powers, Fang Yang just punched.

The roar shook the heaven and the earth, as if the whole world of destiny was trembling at this moment.

The duel between the two was so terrifying that the fetal membrane of the world of destiny was broken, and the pressure leaked out like a flood, sweeping across the entire prehistoric world. All living beings trembled under this pressure, as if the end was coming.

The great powers of the heavens sensed this terrifying aura, and they all wanted to peek into the war through the gaps in fate.

However, as soon as their eyes touched the broken membrane of heaven and earth, it was like touching hot magma, and it instantly exploded into a ball of light. Even those with great supernatural powers could not withstand this terrifying pressure.

"What kind of battle is this? I can't even look at it."

"So strong. Is this the strength of a spokesperson? I feel that as long as anyone comes close to the world of destiny, they will be melted by the divine light of the great avenue radiating from it."

"It's too scary. The power of the Wu Sheng Cult has actually reached such an extent. Fortunately, Pindao has no grudges against the Wu Sheng Cult."

However, all power comes at a price. The price Fang Yang paid was the world of destiny.

In the final analysis, the Destiny World is just a big world, but its essence is insignificant compared to the Primordial World. The Primordial World is a vast land nurtured by countless epochs. Even there, it cannot withstand the war between saints, let alone the Destiny World.

When Fang Yang and Yang Mei Daxian, two peerless masters, fought against each other, the Destiny World seemed to have become a victim of their power.

The once vast and boundless world was torn into pieces by the collision of the two people's power. The originally stable sky veins and earth veins were all broken, and the fragments of time and space were scattered everywhere, forming a chaotic scene.

In this duel of power, the internal creatures of the Destiny World also suffered a devastating blow.

Those creatures that once thrived on this land suffered a catastrophe in this war. Their lives were like candles in the wind, ruthlessly blown out, and eventually went extinct.

The power of the Wusheng Religion is also limited. It can transfer some creatures, but more creatures cannot be moved. Those flowers, plants, and fish that could not be moved could only die silently in this disaster and become witnesses of the great catastrophe of the world of destiny.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Immortal Yangmei and Fang Yang had just removed the force that hit them, and behind them, a Hongjun ancestor appeared at the same time.

This war is not just a three-way war, not a two-way war.

For the Heavenly Dao, Fang Yang must be suppressed, and the outer demon of Immortal Yangmei must not be let go.

Ancestor Hongjun said nothing, and evolved a God-killing Spear in his hand, stabbing Fang Yang and Immortal Yangmei's kidneys fiercely.

Fang Yang and Immortal Yangmei were not mortals, and they discovered it when Ancestor Hongjun appeared behind them. But they never thought that Ancestor Hongjun would stab their kidneys with the God-killing Spear.

The two were startled at the same time, and concentrated their magic power on their kidneys, hoping to resist this attack. However, the attack of the God-killing Spear was so fierce, not to mention that it was evolved by the Heavenly Dao with the power of rules.


The two men's kidneys were pierced by Hongjun Patriarch at the same time, and even Pangu Dutian Dharma Image was unable to defend.

After Fang Yang cursed in his heart, "No martial ethics", his soul was torn into pieces by the power of the God-killing Spear.

Although Yangmei Daxian did not curse, he was also extremely angry in his heart. He said the word "you", and then he and Fang Yang's soul were turned into ashes. (End of this chapter)

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