Just when the great powers breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the disaster had subsided, countless amazing visions suddenly appeared in the sky.

A huge divine wheel of heaven appeared out of thin air, spanning between heaven and earth, and its light illuminated all the heavens of the past and future.

At the same time, Patriarch Hongjun stepped on a nine-colored auspicious cloud and descended into the prehistoric world in the endless sound of Tao.

His arrival shocked the whole world, and infinite divine light emanated from Patriarch Hongjun, covering the sky and the sun, as if even the sun's light was covered by it.

The auspicious aura rushed straight into the sky, permeating the entire prehistoric world, making all living beings feel unprecedented peace and tranquility.

No matter how far away from Patriarch Hongjun, no matter whether they have vision or not, they can clearly see the existence of Patriarch Hongjun.

All living beings looked up and saw the circle of divine light of heaven behind Patriarch Hongjun's head, like the center of the universe, both mysterious and solemn.

"Greetings to Hongjun Daozu (senior)!"

At this moment, whether they were from the Xuanmen or not, they all paid homage to Hongjun Daozu.

The circle of Heavenly Dao Divine Wheel behind Hongjun Daozu indicated that the current Hongjun Daozu had descended to the prehistoric world as Heavenly Dao.

Hongjun Daozu looked at the sentient beings who were paying homage to him, with no expression on his face. He uttered a voice without emotion:

"The sentient beings appreciate the supreme merits of Pangu in opening the sky, and only then did the authentic Pangu appear. However, the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches become the authentic Pangu, but they not only failed to inherit Pangu's supreme love of transforming the world with his body."

Listening to the voice of Tiandao Hongjun, the sentient beings were extremely excited. Without Tiandao Hongjun finishing his will, the sentient beings had already guessed.

The eyes of the disciples of the two sects of Renjiao and Chanjiao and the witch clan focused on Tiandao Hongjun, and the air seemed to solidify in an instant, and their world was dead silent.

The great master Xuandu was no longer as calm as a chrysanthemum, and he felt panic for the first time.

Guangchengzi's face was full of fear and anxiety. He heard his heartbeat echoing in his ears, as heavy and rapid as drumbeats.

Jiufeng covered her eyes and ears, not daring to look or listen. But it was useless. The voice of Tiandao Hongjun was not something she could resist.

Jiang Ziya stared at Tiandao Hongjun and sighed in his heart. The old era was coming to an end.

"The Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are not worthy of their positions. In the name of Tiandao, I deprive the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches of their Pangu authentic positions. From now on, there will never be an authentic Pangu in the prehistoric world!"

"Boom!" A deafening thunder broke the silence of heaven and earth, followed by an indescribable freshness and harmony.

All living beings, whether it was mountains, rivers, grasses, or birds and beasts, felt an unprecedented closeness and joy at this moment. They seemed to be more closely connected with heaven and earth, as if they could touch the pulse of the universe.

At this shocking moment, only those powerful people with profound cultivation can see deeper mysteries.

They saw that after Tiandao Hongjun read out his decree, he grabbed them with his big hand and grabbed fifteen huge groups of luck in the air.

These lucks are deep and noble, showing a rich dark purple color, which can only be possessed by saints and Pangu authentic.

In other words, Tiandao Hongjun deprived Pangu authentic luck of the status of Sanqing!

This is natural. There is no Pangu authentic in the world. The luck belonging to Pangu authentic will naturally return to the world.

Tiandao Hongjun waved his hand lightly, and these lucks broke through the sky like a meteor and scattered into the vast and boundless prehistoric world.

Each group of luck is like a seed of life, taking root and sprouting in the soil of prehistoric world, injecting new vitality and vitality into this ancient and mysterious land.

As the luck spread, the prehistoric world underwent subtle changes.

Mountains and rivers became more beautiful, vegetation became more luxuriant, and unprecedented wisdom and spirituality flashed in the eyes of birds and beasts.

And those powerful people felt that their cultivation had been significantly improved under the nourishment of luck, as if they had touched a higher level of realm.

Master Xuandu, Guangchengzi and others were filled with despair and pain after sensing the changes in the world.

They realized that their teacher, who was once known as the saint of Pangu's authentic ancestry, had completely lost the name of Pangu's authentic ancestry. And all this was because of their unfilial disciples. Their behavior implicated the teacher and made the teacher despised by all living beings.

However, they also knew that all this was irreversible.

On the Jiejiao side, the disciples chose to remain silent. They understood that Tongtian's behavior of wanting to destroy the prehistoric world offended all living beings in the world. It was not surprising that this was the end.

The Wu clan was very dissatisfied with the Heavenly Dao's abolition of the Twelve Ancestral Wu Pangu's authentic ancestor. They firmly believed that the Wu clan was the master of the earth, and the Heavenly Dao had no power to directly deal with the Twelve Ancestral Wus.

However, the witch clan did not know that in the underworld, the ghosts in the underworld were also in turmoil.

Between heaven and earth, the most resentful are not the living beings, but the ghosts. The ghosts in the underworld were infected by the resentment of the living world and turned into resentful ghosts and wronged ghosts.

The pressure from the underworld is greater than that from the heaven. The resentment of the ghosts hit the underworld, causing chaos in the underworld.

It is impossible for the witch clan to let the underworld compete with the heaven and keep the Pangu authentic position of the twelve ancestor witches.

In this disaster, the human way without a human spokesperson was unaffected and was not affected.

The creatures of Hengyu World have just come to the world from hell. They live in the vacuum hometown, which is very safe, happy and free, without any resentment.

This time, Fang Yang won by doing nothing.

"Taozu is wise, thank you for upholding justice for us!"

After the Pangu Sect was abolished, the creatures who were provoked by Kunpeng and his people also let go of their obsessions, and the resentment in their hearts began to dissipate.

Their goals have been achieved and they have been treated fairly, so naturally they will no longer have resentment.

As for those who are dark in their hearts, they are only a minority, and their resentment cannot affect the world.

After the disaster ended, the prehistoric world absorbed the Pangu Sect's luck again, and its face was completely renewed, and the mood of all living beings unconsciously became happy.

Looking at the rising righteousness, Tiandao Hongjun finally felt relieved. He didn't want to experience another catastrophe.

After the disappearance of the Tiandao Divine Wheel, Hongjun Daozu regained control of his body. He finally showed a human side.

He looked at the peaceful wilderness, waved his hand, and a ball of auspicious light was thrown out, falling on every living being.

"In the name of the Taoist, I bless all living beings. May all living beings in the wilderness have a great path and become like dragons!" (End of this chapter)

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