Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1023 The Power of All Living Things

Ancestor Hongjun has tried very hard to buy time for the Three Pure Ones, but the Three Pure Ones are always stubborn and refuse to accept reality.

The sky of the prehistoric world has long been shrouded by a thick dark cloud. This is no longer a simple haze, but a sky curtain interwoven by countless resentments. It is like a huge piece of black silk, covering the sky and the sun, and shrouding the thirty-three heavens in darkness.

Endless resentment seems to have life, wandering madly between heaven and earth, like a black dragon, twisting and tumbling, dyeing the air ink-colored.

These resentments are mixed with various sounds, including roars, roars, cries, and wails. They gather into an irresistible force, impacting the boundaries of the thirty-three heavens.

Like the Three Pure Ones, Ancestor Kunpeng and Ancestor Bodhi also underestimated the power of sentient beings. They thought that they only aroused the resentment of those creatures who suffered because of the "difference between legitimate and illegitimate", but they were wrong.

They overlooked one point, that emotions can be contagious.

Born in the world of mortals, everyone has resentment, and there is no one without resentment. Moreover, there is a thing called "Internet Depression".

A person who is usually very optimistic and positive will inevitably be affected when people around him are complaining and complaining about the unfairness of fate, and he will associate himself with other people's complaints.

Originally, it is easy for negative energy to arise in the hearts of all living beings, but the old man Kunpeng and others are desperately spreading negative energy.

As a result, the prehistoric world has become a world full of negative energy.

In other words, the old man Kunpeng and the old man Bodhi played too much this time. They learned from Fang Yang and learned to imitate Dong Shi Pin.

During the Hate Heaven Sect, Fang Yang used dreaming to let people with hatred in their hearts gather together and vent their hatred together. He who practiced the road of hatred absorbed all the negative energy.

The old man Kunpeng and the old man Bodhi let the negative energy spread, and they had no ability to control negative energy at all.

"What's going on? How can there be so much resentment?"

Ancestor Kunpeng seemed to be sick and in a bad state. He looked at the resentment raging in the prehistoric world, his face was so gloomy that it was about to turn black.

What the world fears most is all kinds of negative energy. These negative energies often become the nutrients of the quantitative catastrophe.

The prehistoric world has just swallowed up the Hengyu world, and it is a period of rapid development. If there is a quantitative catastrophe at this time, the previous efforts of Ancestor Hongjun, Fang Yang and others will be in vain.

After realizing this, Ancestor Kunpeng felt more and more uneasy.

If the quantitative catastrophe really breaks out between heaven and earth, he will be the culprit of the quantitative catastrophe. At that time, the three paths of heaven, earth and man will not be able to accommodate him.

Ancestor Bodhi had the same feeling as Ancestor Kunpeng.

Looking at the ubiquitous resentment in the sky, Ancestor Bodhi almost fell to the ground. He didn't want this to happen!


The entire fantasy world was shrouded in an atmosphere of heaven's wrath and people's resentment, as if a doomsday catastrophe was about to come.

In the sky, lightning and thunder roared, and the wind howled, as if even the heavens were shaking. On the ground, mountains and rivers collapsed, and rivers flowed backwards, a doomsday scene.

In this chaos, the resentment of all living beings continued to gather, forming an irreversible force that was pressing against the sky.

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and heaven is unfair. I want to go against heaven, I want to destroy the world, and let heaven and me dissipate together!"

"Broken heaven, dead heaven, stinking heaven, why can others have three thousand beauties and sing and dance every night, but I have to be framed by my Taoist partner, stepson, father-in-law, and mother-in-law. They ruined my future and ruined my life!"

"I am so miserable! Why, others don't die, only I die. I want to slaughter all living things, let the fate of the three realms and six paths end here!"

Under the deep resentment, evil thoughts intertwined, and one evil spirit and resentful spirit were born. These evil spirits and resentful spirits are not in the three realms and six paths, and they are not even living beings. As soon as they were born, they began to devour boundless resentment, strengthen themselves, and challenged the heaven.

Those powerful people who pushed this matter forward were dumbfounded.

They could not imagine that things would develop to this point. Seeing that a new catastrophe was about to break out, those who created the catastrophe would have to reap the consequences!

Why didn't anyone tell them in advance how powerful the sentient beings were?

In the boundless void, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and an indescribable dark force surged out. Countless resentful spirits, like prisoners who had been bound for thousands of years, finally broke free from their shackles and flew out of their resentment. Their figures intertwined into a series of miserable paintings in the night sky.

These resentful spirits, their eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, as if they wanted to pull the whole world into their endless darkness. Their bodies flickered in the night sky, like a little ghost fire, flickering, rendering the sky weird and gloomy.

As the number of resentful spirits continued to increase, the sky was gradually occupied by them. The light of the sun, moon and stars was blocked by them, and the sun star was also eclipsed in the face of this endless darkness. The whole sky seemed to be covered by a thick layer of dark clouds, and the dark clouds were composed of countless vengeful spirits.

They circled and danced in the air, making shrill wails that penetrated the clouds and reached the heavens. They launched a fierce attack on the heavens, trying to break the seemingly indestructible barrier. Each attack was accompanied by a huge energy fluctuation, as if to drag the whole world into this chaos.

When the heaven was attacked by the vengeful spirits, Jiang Ziya, the emperor of heaven, finally took action.

I saw a mysterious and powerful light suddenly shining out from the depths of heaven, like the first ray of light before dawn, gradually dispelling the haze that enveloped the world. This endless divine light seemed to carry the hope and justice between heaven and earth, and illuminated the entire universe.

As the divine light spread, Jiang Ziya's figure gradually appeared. He was tall and mighty, like an unshakable mountain, standing in the sky, making all living beings look up. He exuded a strong holy light, which was so pure and dazzling that even the light of the sun and the moon was eclipsed.

"In the eight underworlds, in the subtle. Go down to the human body, Niwan Jiang Palace"

In the holy light, countless scriptures were flying, and the resentful spirits in the sky were transcended.

Unfortunately, even though Jiang Ziya was a saint, facing the endless resentful spirits, he had little effect.

As long as the resentment is still there, the resentful spirits can be reborn infinitely and increase infinitely.

Jiang Ziya's power is endless, and the resentment of sentient beings is also endless, and the number of resentful spirits of sentient beings is still increasing.

This situation makes the hearts of the great powers in the heavens a little shaky: the power of sentient beings can indeed compete with the saints! (End of this chapter)

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