After discussing with Tai Yi, Di Jun made a crucial decision. The two decided to let Di Jun join the human realm and obtain the position of a human saint.

As for Taiyi, he continued to stare at Zhou Qing, looking for opportunities to seize the Hongmeng Purple Qi in Zhou Qing's hands.

Zhou Qing's Taoist skills are becoming more and more powerful. Even if Taiyi takes action, he can only gain a slight upper hand, but he can't do anything to Zhou Qing. Seeing it, the seventh heavenly saint is about to return to his throne.

In this case, Taiyi had to prepare a way out for himself.

As long as he obtains the status of a humane saint before Zhou Qing becomes a saint, then even Zhou Qing will not be able to deal with him.

Taiyi has figured out that it is not shabby to take refuge in Fang Yang.

In Taiyi's previous life, he was a college student with countless fantasies, and his eyes were so clear that they contained no trace of impurities. Before he had time to graduate, and before he had experienced severe beatings from society, he was sent to the wilderness by the driver of a garbage truck with a kick of the accelerator.

Since he was not a big shot in his previous life, taking refuge in Fang Yang was nothing.

In Taiyi's view, the experience of him, Fang Yang, and Yang Jiao was like three fellow villagers going to a different place to make a living. Taiyi and Fang Yang chose to start their own businesses, while Yang Jiao chose to work in a large factory.

Xianyu, a migrant worker, turned around and became the leader of Jiejiao.

Fang Yang succeeded in starting a business and became a humanitarian spokesperson.

Taiyi is a college student who failed to start a business. His wife and children all died, and even his sister-in-law ran away with Jiang Ziya.

Back then, he was able to please the Sanqing in order to survive. Now, he can take refuge in Fang Yang for the sake of enlightenment.

Fang Yang's current status is much higher than that of Sanqing back then!

"However, Fang Yang and Yang Jiao teamed up to plot the death of Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi's son. Will he accept my surrender?"

Thinking of the grievances between Fang Yang and Lu Yadaojun, Di Jun was a little worried.

Taiyi smiled and said: "You have been acting for so long that you have forgotten that there has never been love between you and Xihe. You married Xihe to complete the Zhoutian Star Array. Xihe married You are aiming at the Heavenly Queen Daoguo."

"Xiao Shi is your son, but you have never cared about him. If you really love your sons, you will not spoil them. Being spoiled is like killing a child. You have suffered the consequences of naughty children and naughty parents. You don’t understand this.”

"You don't care about them at all. You gave birth to them, and you just need them to continue the fortune of the Golden Crow clan. As long as they live, that's enough."

Usually, people at the bottom have higher emotional needs. People at the bottom can't get wealth, power, health, and freedom. If they don't pursue illusory feelings, what can they pursue?

Only by elevating the importance of feelings can they comfort themselves. They can use various words to comfort themselves, to escape from reality, and to defeat the big shots mentally.

In the world of big shots, feelings are very cheap.

Often, people with higher status have less need for emotions and have more ways to satisfy their spiritual needs.

Big men prefer to listen to slander, not because they are stupid, but because it is a way for them to satisfy their spiritual needs. They like to see little people acting respectfully towards them even though they are feeling extremely aggrieved.

Sincerity, true love, who cares? Knowing people and faces but not their hearts, as long as the superficial attitude is enough, that's enough.

The superficial attitude is the reality. The little guy hates the big guy so much that he can only hurt himself and not cause any trouble to the big guy.

"In the same way, being able to become the spokesperson of humanity in just one calamity, Master Wusheng is definitely not a person obsessed with hatred. Whether it is love or hatred, in the eyes of a real big man, it is nothing. I Even Emperor Jiang tolerates him and becomes an ally with him, so how can Master Wu Sheng not tolerate me?"

Taiyi was the former Emperor of Heaven, the supreme leader of the demon clan, and his status surpassed that of most people in the world. Before his death, those visions before his death brought his realm to a new level.

If he hadn't mastered the essence of the secret method of killing three corpses and the demon clan's treasure house was intercepted by Fang Yang, he would have attained enlightenment and become a saint long ago.

His words completely dispelled Di Jun's doubts.

Fang Yang has gone crazy to kill in order to prove the truth. All the top leaders of Wusheng Religion withdrew to the Great Desolate World and launched a war against the Three Thousand Worlds.

Now the people guarding every place in the Wu Sheng Sect are juniors. Don't think these people are juniors, just think they are ordinary people.

The four hall masters of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning are under the seat of Hongxuan Tianzun; the five masters of Yangchi, Yunmen, Tianfu, Diji, and Renzhong are under the seat of Wuji Taoist; and the Fu Shen, Taiyuan Taoist are under the seat. Nanxing, Changming, and Woad are all the cultivation bases of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Wuji Dao Zun and others are the same generation as Yuan Shi Tian Zun and others. In order to deal with Xuanmen, they have trained many masters, and now, these masters are used by Wusheng Cult.

The person in charge of Nanyue Cave Heaven was Taoist Wuji's eldest disciple Yangchi Daojun. When he heard his disciple's report that the former emperor of the demon clan, Di Jun, came to visit, he immediately left the dojo.

"Senior Dijun, the three leaders are all in the world of destiny. The younger generation must ask the leaders for instructions before they can lead the seniors into the world of destiny."

Taojun Yangchi said to Emperor Jun respectfully without losing his bearing.

Although Di Jun is a senior in the ancient world, he now represents the Wusheng Sect and cannot disgrace the Wusheng Sect.

Emperor Jun couldn't help but admire Fang Yang when he saw that Taojun Yangchi had extraordinary bearing and profound Taoism, and was not inferior to the demon gods of the demon clan.

The one in front of him was a second-generation disciple of the Wusheng Sect. If even the second-generation disciples had such strength, one could imagine how powerful the first-generation disciples were.

"It's okay. I'm here to visit the three leaders of your sect."

Seeing that Di Jun didn't show off his power and vent his anger on him, a worker, Yang Chi Daojun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"When Senior Di Jun was the Emperor of Heaven, he was very moody. None of the powerful monsters were afraid of him. After his reincarnation, his temper has improved a lot!"

Yang Chi Daojun didn't think too much. These big shots' matters were left to the big shots to decide. What he had to do was to complete the task assigned by Fang Yang and guard the Hengshan Cave Heaven.

"See, why not. Yang Chi, please invite fellow Daoist Di Jun into the world of destiny as soon as possible."

When Daoist Master Lunhui learned that Di Jun was coming to visit, he pondered for a moment and decided to meet Di Jun.

Recently, many races have come to visit the Wusheng Sect and offered their big worlds. Di Jun definitely didn't come here to cause trouble.

Under the leadership of Yangchi Daojun, Di Jun successfully entered the world of destiny.

When he saw a rule domain covered with black fog on the earth, he was curious, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't ask more questions.

Not interfering in other people's affairs is the best quality of a big man. Di Jun, who has the best quality, came to the Lord of Samsara without any obstacles. (End of this chapter)

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