Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1: As soon as he became a spirit, Yugong wanted to move the mountain


The years are endless, and thousands of years are just a small drop of water in the long river of time.

In this world, life is the least valuable thing. Every time a small drop of water falls, countless lives die.

In the east of Honghuang, there are two mountains, each stretching for 100,000 miles, with countless mountains and full of vitality.

Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain.

On a cliff in Taihang Mountain, Fang Yang let out a series of long howls, expressing his feelings to the fullest.

He is a time traveler, who traveled to the Taihang Mountain and became a Meili cat.

When he first traveled here, he thought he had traveled to ancient times, so he was ready to leave the mountains and forests and find a shit shoveler in the outside world to spend his cat life.

It's not easy to live a cautious life every day, with one meal a day and one meal a day!

However, Taihang Mountain is too big, there is no mountain road in the mountain, and he has no navigation, so he can't get out no matter how he walks.

By chance, he encountered a moving Chinese toon tree. Only then did he know that he had traveled to the world of immortals and demons.

The spirits in the mountains were simple and had never communicated with humans. They did not know what routines were. Fang Yang used sweet words to get the cultivation method from the toon tree.

From then on, Fang Yang embarked on the road of cultivation.

It was called a cultivation method, but in fact it was just a way to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and turn them into one's own cultivation.

How could the wild monsters in the mountains know how to cultivate?

Originally, if he used this stupid method to cultivate, he would not be able to cultivate into a spirit without eight or nine hundred years.

Fortunately, he soon got an opportunity.

Fang Yang remembered that the sky was very red that day, blood red, as if someone had smeared blood on the sky.

It was that day that he found a fairy seed while looking for spiritual herbs.

He swallowed it directly, and then left the scene as quickly as possible and returned to one of his "homes".

After experiencing the torture of climbing a knife mountain and going to hell, Fang Yang changed from an ordinary tabby cat to a cat with nine tails and a dark green flame burning all over his body?

Fang Yang didn't know what kind of cat he had turned into, but after turning into a cat with nine tails, some knowledge related to cultivation and a cultivation method appeared in his mind.

The Nine Transformations of the True Demonic Art, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is a magic method, not a fairy method.

Fang Yang practiced without hesitation.

No matter what kind of method it is, the method that can make him practice into a spirit is a good method. People who can't even eat enough, still care whether the food is to their taste?

With a complete cultivation method, his cultivation speed is indeed advancing by leaps and bounds. In just 250 years, he has cultivated into a demon.

If someone asked him 250 years ago if he was willing to be a demon, he would definitely answer naturally that he didn't want to.

But now, he would answer without hesitation: It smells so good!

Flying in the clouds, flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, long life, eternal youth... There are too many benefits.

As for being a demon, it is easy to be hunted down by the righteous, this is not a problem at all.

When Fang Yang was a cat, he lived under the law of the jungle. After becoming a demon, only the general environment of the law of the jungle changed.

If you want to kill him, come and kill him. He has only one life, and no matter how capable a person is, he can't kill him twice.

Flying among the mountains on the dark clouds, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the Taihang Mountains, with the bright sunshine shining on his body, Fang Yang felt particularly comfortable.

Just as he was fantasizing about becoming a peerless demon, unifying the three realms for thousands of years, an angry voice broke through the clouds and echoed between heaven and earth.

"Listen, evil gods in the mountains. From today on, I, Yu Gong, will dig Wangwu, level Taihang, and drive you out of Daxia!"

Fang Yang braked suddenly and stopped in mid-air.

"Yu Gong moved the mountain?"

His heart was in turmoil.

Before, he didn't know the name of the mountain he was in at all.

The name of the mountain is given by people, but animals don't name the mountain. Even if they are named, different animal tribes will give different names to the mountain.

When Fang Yang heard the words "Yugong", "Wangwu Mountain" and "Taihang Mountain", he immediately realized that his home was going to be demolished!

The ending of Yugong moving the mountains, Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain were moved away by the Hercules of Heaven.

"Is this Yugong sick? You live on the mountain and you live on the water. If you dig up the mountain, you will eat farts in the future?"

Fang Yang didn't think that after the Heaven demolished his home, he would be given demolition compensation.

Once the Hercules arrived, he, a demon, would probably not have a good end.

He wanted to rush out of Taihang Mountain immediately and kill Yugong.

For two hundred and fifty years, he gradually accepted the fact that he was a demon.

In fact, he had to accept the fact.

Only powerful demons could talk to people peacefully. Once the demons without power entered the human race, they would be killed by the human race.

The human race could not tolerate a demon like him!

However, he did not rush out immediately.

Yugong's strength is unknown. There are many demons in the mountains who are leading the charge. Why should he, a demon who has just transformed, take the lead?

Sure enough, the next moment, someone took action.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dark, and the wind and clouds changed color. A strong will awakened from the deepest part of the mountain range.

Under the influence of this will, the Taihang and Wangwu Mountains immediately shook, and the strong wind blew for 100,000 miles.

"What a strong force!"

Fang Yang was shocked.

The owner of this power is definitely stronger than him, more than a hundred times stronger.

He had just cultivated into a demon, so he could barely be considered a demon, and his strength was still very weak.

This time. The clouds in the sky gathered, and a huge face appeared above Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a golden snake crown with a big snake coiled around him.

"Foolish Old Man, you are looking for death! For the sake of the many years that Shijie Village has worshiped this god, this god spared your life many times. You are not grateful and have disobeyed the god several times, disrupting the order of the three realms of Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain. Today, I will send you to death!”

After the being who claimed to be the god finished speaking, he roared angrily, activated all his divine power, and killed Yu Gong.

"Mountain, mountain god!"

Fang Yang finally understood why the force just now was so powerful.

The mountain god controls the power of the two mountains, Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, and has absolute authority over the two mountains.

This is the power of the mountain and the majesty of God!

Therefore, he retreated decisively.

He had just heard that Yu Gong had repeatedly escaped from the hands of the mountain god with his life. How powerful was this!

He is a little character who has just become a spirit, but he also wants to kill people? I am afraid that if I fail to kill someone, I will be killed instead.

"A foolish old man. Let the mountain god spend so much time. It seems that this world is not simple."

Back in the cave, Fang Yang sat on the big tiger-skin chair and started thinking.

In the past two hundred and fifty years, except for occasionally chatting with the Chun tree spirit, he has been practicing.

He has never seen anyone or any demon except the Chun Tree Spirit, and the Chun Tree Spirit, like him, knows nothing about the outside world.

He decided to be more modest and improve his cultivation first, and then when he had the strength to protect himself, he would go and ask the native creatures in this world.

The background of the early story comes from the TV series "The Legend of Wangwu Mountain". The mountain god here is a close associate of the Jade Emperor and has a very high level of cultivation.

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