Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 68: Chi You Reincarnated Human Race

   At this moment, a Yinsi quickly walked in and bowed respectfully to all the Yamas.

   "Dear Hades, there are eighty-one witches outside asking to see you."

  "Xingtian sent it?" Qin Guangwang asked lightly.

   "The little one didn't ask." The Yinsi was taken aback.

   King Qin Guang, the Ten Temple Yama and Chi You all walked out, and indeed there were eighty-one celestial witches outside.

   "I'll wait to see you ancestor witches!" Eighty-one witches bowed respectfully.

   "Get up, Xing Tian asked you to come?" King Qin Guang said.

   "Returning to the ancestor witch, it was the Xingtian great witch's order to let me wait to accompany the Chi You Zu witch to reincarnate and help him succeed."

   Eighty-one Heavenly Witches are all equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base. It can be said that this is the strongest team Xing Tian can get.

   In the current situation of the Wu Clan, there are not many Tian Wus. Xing Tian sent eighty-one people, which shows Xing Tian's support for Chi You.

   "Huh? Brother Xingtian what does this mean?" Chi You was a little puzzled. When he was in the Pangu Temple, Xing Tian had already made it clear that he would not help him.

   How come you have changed your mind now, and still want to help so hard, what does this mean?

   "Xing Tian Da Wu went out, and after returning, he sent me to wait." One of the Tian Wu said.

   Upon hearing this, King Qin Guang and the others nodded. They knew who Xingtian had gone out to meet. Now it seems that someone in Mount Xumi supported the Wu clan's approach.

   If this is the case, they can act more blatantly. Chi You's seizure of luck has already been half.

   "Go, go to the six reincarnations!" Taishan King said loudly!

   Immediately, everyone went to the place of the six reincarnations. Looking at the mysterious six reincarnations, Chi You's eyes shone with golden light.

  If what he wants is fulfilled, then the Wu Clan will surely be able to return to the top again, and it is not impossible to divide this great luck with the Human Clan!

   If Houtu returns by then, the Witch tribe will dominate over the prehistoric, it will be a foregone conclusion, then the Human tribe will also stand aside.

   "Also please ancestor witches to cast spells!" Chi You said.

   King Qin Guang nodded, and was about to cast the spell, opening the six reincarnations and sending Chi You and others into the six reincarnations.

   But at this time, on top of the six reincarnations, a figure suddenly appeared, who was the ancestor of the river in the sea of ​​blood.

   "What are the ten Yamas planning to do?" Old Ancestor Styx looked at Chi You, then looked at the eighty-one Celestial Witches, and said in a deep voice.

   "The Great Emperor Nether?! Ha ha, I am waiting to send them into reincarnation, what? The Great Emperor wants to stop it?" King Qin Guang sneered.

   "You can enter the cycle of reincarnation. Go to the place of Mengpo, and you can enter the cycle of reincarnation." The ancestor of Styx felt that things were not easy. Chi You was the thirteen ancestor witch, and then there were eighty-one sky witches behind.

   If reincarnated into the human race, it would be enough to change the current pattern of the human race. After all, the human race is now in charge of the Lieshan family, the disciple of the Yunzhongzi under the Taixuan seat.

   After all, it was the people of his Xumishan lineage who were in power. At this time, he couldn't make people mess up, so the ancestor Styx blocked them.

   "Styghe, you are too arrogant, I need you to intervene when I send them into reincarnation?" Taishan King screamed.

   The ancestor of the Styx waved his hand, Yuantu Abi appeared in his hand, and said with a cold voice: "You can enter the cycle of reincarnation, cut the cultivation base, drink Mengpo soup, the emperor will not stop."

   King Qin Guang frowned. At this time, they could not conflict with the ancestors of the Styx. If they were still the ancestors of the witch, it would not matter. Fighting the Styx would definitely win the battle.

   But now they added up are not the opponents of the ancestors of the Styx, once they do it, they will only take their own humiliation.

   Chiyou is going to fight for human luck, can you drink that Meng Po soup?

   King Qin Guang stared at the ancestor Styx, thinking of a way in his heart, it wouldn't work.


   A voice sounded, which eased the nervous atmosphere of the Wu people.

   "Why do you have to be aggressive? They are just reincarnations."

   Xing Tian appeared beside the six reincarnations, looked at the ancestor of Styx, and respectfully bowed.

   "Xingtian, do you know which clan they want to reincarnate?" Styx said.

   "So that Shishu knows that they are going to be reincarnated into the human race, but Shishu rest assured that they will not have turmoil during the Lieshan clan's rule." Xing Tian said.

   "Master brother knows about this?" The ancestor of Styx frowned.

   "The disciple came from the place where the master is respected, and I asked the uncle to let him go." In Xingtian's words, there was no slightest disrespect.

   "Since the big brother agreed, then the emperor is no longer blocking it. Xingtian, you have not been to the sea of ​​blood yet, this time it happens to travel with the emperor."

   "The disciple obeys." Xing Tian said quickly.

   Xumi Mountain line, the most important thing is to respect the teacher and the Tao. The ancestor of the Styx is his uncle, and Xing Tian is naturally respectful.

   The ancestors of Minghe and Xingtian leave.

  Qin Guangwang and the others were worried that there would be another change, they all quickly displayed their magical powers, opened the six reincarnation humanitarian channels, and changed the positive and negative whirlwind with secret methods!

   "Chi You has not hurriedly led the eighty-one witches into it!" King Qin Guang shouted.

   Chiyou and the eighty-one sky witches immediately entered.


   The Ten Temple Yamas all took a long sigh. With their current strength, it was still a bit difficult to reverse the cyclone.

   But Chi You has been reincarnated, and everything will be fine.

   Among the human race, among the Jiuli tribe, there was a vision of heaven and earth, the figure of the twelve ancestor witch appeared, and the body was standing between the heaven and the earth.

   This caused the people of the Jiuli tribe to bow down. After all, the Jiuli tribe believed in the twelve ancestor witches.

   I saw the twelve ancestor witches finger, a light flashed across.

  At the same time, the wife of the chief of the Jiuli tribe gave birth to a child in four and nine months of pregnancy.

   This son was born to be spoken of. In just three days, he has grown to the size of five years old. He is so powerful that usually a dozen adults are not his opponents.

   By the time this son was one year old, he was already seven feet tall, and he had entered the forest to fight tigers and leopards.

   Jiuli tribe regards this son as the son of god, meaning that it is a child bestowed by the twelve ancestor witch.

   The leader of the Jiuli tribe named it Chi You, which means to expand the territory of the human race and expand the territory of human activities.

   The Jiuli tribe is in the border area of ​​Origin Valley. Because of the strong folk customs of the Jiuli tribe, the Jiuli tribe has always been responsible for expanding the territory.

   The real Huanglong heard that when the son of the leader of the Jiuli tribe was born, there was a vision of heaven and earth, and he rushed over immediately.

   slightly displayed his supernatural powers to shock the leader of the Jiuli tribe, and proudly said that he would accept his son as a disciple!

   The leader of the Jiuli tribe saw that Huanglong was so powerful, and when he agreed to come down, he sent someone to find Chi You back.

   After a short while, Chi You came back and saw Makoto Huanglong, his eyes flashed with contempt, because when he came, the guard had already said Makoto Huanglong's intention.

   Chiyou was reincarnated with memory and cultivation. Although he did not have the body of an ancestor witch, he was also a great Luo Jinxian!

   Huanglong is just a mid-term Taiyi Golden Immortal, how can he get the eyes of Chi Youfa.

   "The child pays respects to his father."

   Chi You, who is only one year old, has grown into the appearance of an adult and has a strong body.

   "My son, get up quickly, come and meet the real Huanglong." The leader of the Jiuli tribe said quickly.

   "Major Huanglong? Where are you a monk and why are you here?" Chi You asked quietly without being afraid of Madam Huanglong.

   "Good kid, I will tell you how to listen to me. Pang Dao is one of the twelve golden immortals under the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign seat, Huanglong, who came to you today and wants to accept you as a disciple."

   Huanglong said proudly.

   Although he is not loved by the original Tianzun, he is still a disciple of a saint after all, and his status is revered.

   Chiyou's heart started to figure out that he came to the human race to seize the position of co-lord and to become the emperor.

   In the future, he will definitely face the real destiny. At that time, it will not be personal power, but the background.

   If you have worshipped this Huanglong as your teacher, then you will have the Primordial Heavenly Lord as your backing in the future.

   This makes him more likely to become a co-owner.

   Although worshiping a younger generation as a teacher made Chi You's face very difficult to hold, but as long as he can sit in the position of the co-master, he doesn't need to have that face.

   "My son, don't hurry up to see the master." In the heart of the leader of the Jiuli tribe, Huanglong is a powerful person, and the immortal masters in the tribe are far from opponents.

   Chiyou looked at the real person Huanglong, arched his hand, and said: "The disciple pays homage to Master."

   "Since you apprentice a teacher, why don't you kneel?" Huang Long said angrily.

   "My legs only kneel to my parents. If the real person doesn't like it, then I won't apprentice the teacher." Chi You also grasped Huang Long's mind.

   must know that he was born with a vision of heaven and earth, thinking that he is the next co-master, so he came to accept him as a disciple.

   In the future, if the merits are fulfilled, there will be a lot of merit, how can True Person Huanglong bear the temptation.

   "Never mind, you have a personality, so you don't need to kneel for your teacher." Huang Long smiled.

   Chiyou immediately said again: "Then I don't know what kind of ability the master wants to teach his disciples?"

   "Your destiny is extraordinary, and you will be determined to be the pillar of the human race in the future. Naturally, you will be taught how to govern the human race." Huang Long smiled.

   Immediately, the real person Huanglong took out something, but it was a jade tube with nothing on it. When you only need to look at it fully, information will appear in his mind.

   This is the law passed down by the Primitive Tianzun to govern the human race. The sage can think of all kinds of strategies.

   Chi You took the jade tube, and then thanked him.

   Since then, Huang Long has lived here. He wants to protect Chi You's safety.

   After all, in his eyes, Chi You is the next co-master.

   A Taiyi Golden Immortal protects the safety of Da Luo Jinxian. This is probably the biggest joke in the prehistoric age.

   If Primordial Tianzun knew about this, I don’t know if he would become angry and slap Huang Long to death.

   In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

   The leader of the Jiuli tribe has been changed, and the new leader has become Chi You.

   During these three years, Chi You began to train soldiers, and invented iron, copper, aluminum, gold, silver, and other metals, and built metal weapons.

   This directly promoted the civilization of the human race, and the human race entered the metal age.

   Chiyou's name also became louder among the human race, and he was called Daxian.

   and Chi You’s birth of heaven and earth visions were all spread out. For a time, Chi You’s reputation in the human race can be described as rising!

   In the city of Chen, Lie Shan looked at Yun Zhongzi in front of him with shocked eyes.

   "Master, what you said is true. If that's the case, wouldn't my human luck be swallowed by foreigners!"

   "This is a catastrophe for the human race, even if there is no Chiyou, presumably the demon ancestor will arrange a catastrophe for the human race." Yun Zhongzi said with a smile.

   The Lieshan clan is not ridiculous at this time, there are people with wolfish ambitions who want to steal human luck!

   "Master, the disciple has a hunch that when the disciple's merits have been fulfilled in twenty years, I wonder if the next co-master has been born?" Lieshan asked.

   "Don't say it." Yun Zhongzi said.

   "Does that disciple need to detain Chi You!" Lieshan asked.

   "He doesn't dare to make trouble during your reign, you don't care about him, and he can expand the territory for the human race, which is also a good thing." Yun Zhongzi said confidently.

   Chiyou is true to the ancestor witch, and may have Xing Tian's support behind him, but he dare not make trouble during the co-lord period pointed out by Luo Hui himself.

   Otherwise, at that time, no matter who is behind Chi You, they will not be able to eat.


   Yunzhongzi frowned, looked at Lieshan and said, "Do you have a girl?"

   "The disciple does have a daughter, what's the matter?" Lieshan asked suspiciously.

   Yun Zhongzi's eyes showed a look of doubt, he watched the elephant of Lieshan, and had the death of a daughter!

   the daughter of the co-lord of the human race, who dares to harm her? Doesn't this find yourself uncomfortable?

   But just in case, Yun Zhongzi still said: "Your daughter is in danger of losing her life. You must not leave Chendu in the near future."

   "Ah!" The Lie Shan clan was shocked, he was an old lady!

   How could life be lost?

   But he remembers Yun Zhongzi's In the past few days, he has been with his daughter in Chendu to survive the crisis.


   Luohu came to the human race, he discovered the condition of the Jiuli tribe, and also knew the movements of the Wu race.

   However, Luo Hui did not stop him. Everything in the world has a ray of life, and the Wu Clan is no exception. If Chi You is really a human race, it is not impossible to become a co-lord.

   In a small courtyard in Chendu, an old man respectfully kneels in front of Luo Hui.

   "The disciples pay respect to Master."

   This old man was transformed by Tai Xuan, and he has always felt it among people.

   "Get up."

   Luo Hui looked at Taixuan and said, "You told Yun Zhongzi about the daughter of Lieshan."

   "The girl is in great danger, and the disciple asked Yun Zhongzi to remind the Lieshan clan." Taixuan stood up and stood respectfully behind Luo Hui.

   "Do you know where the crisis comes from?" Luo Hui smiled.

   Tai Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "If the disciple is not wrong, it should be from the Dragon Clan."

   "Then you said that the dragon clan killed the daughter of Lieshan, what is the relationship between the two clan in the future?" Luo Hui asked with a smile.

   "Master is testing the disciples? The relationship depends on how Ao Zheng handles it." Tai Xuan also smiled indifferently.

   "It's not easy. It's not bad for you and your teacher to watch the show here."

  :. :

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