Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Quasi-sage

   On the top of the mountain, the Lieshan clan looked at Xuandu and nodded in thanks, "Thank you, the great master for helping me."

  The Lieshan clan is the co-lord of the human race, and the Xuantu is just a great mage, so naturally he can't bow to the Lieshan clan.

   "The co-host is polite, everything you do is for the human race, and being poor is just a matter of effort." The Great Master Xuandu laughed. This is all merit for helping the Lieshan Clan, so he is naturally happy to help.

   Immediately, Xuandu said: "The co-lord tastes the herbs and commits dangers with his own body. Although it is for the sake of the human race, the safety of the co-lord is not a human race!"

   Lieshan shook his head, and said, "If the disease can be resolved, what's the matter if I die?"

   To tell the truth of this, there is no trace of fear in the eyes of the Lieshan Clan. He can contribute his life for the human race.

  When I went from Yanhuo Tribe to Chendu, along the way, the number of patients encountered was more than 10,000?

   There are more than a thousand people watching the dead patients with their own eyes?

   Lieshan had already made up his mind at that time to resolve the disaster.

   Now, he is half done. Looking at the unknown herbs on the top of the mountain, Lie Shan can taste the pharmacology of these herbs and return to Chendu.

   "This is an ocher whip, which can distinguish the pharmacology. It is the Taiqing Taoist ancestor who let the poor Dao pass on to the co-lord and help the co-lord complete the great cause!" Xuan Du said that he took out a scarlet whip.

   The Lieshan clan was overjoyed, and he quickly took the magic whip, took a close look, and then used the magic whip to whip the gut grass, and a message appeared in his mind instantly.

   "Taiqing Daozu is merciful, and the Lieshan family has thanked Taiqing Daozu!"

   Lieshan clan bowed and bowed in the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

  Yunzhongzi was aside, looking at him coldly, without saying a word, this is not the calculation of the Xuantu, with the city of the Xuantu, it is impossible to think of such a delicate calculation.

   Taiqing Daozu made a move, Yun Zhongzi will naturally not head-on, and this is to help the Lieshan Clan, so he can't say much.

   You can’t see what you can’t do and don’t let others do it. This is related to the interests of the human race. If you want to come to the Lieshan clan, you will definitely put the interests of the human race first!

  "The co-lord invites it. Taiqing Taoist ancestor is the supreme human race. Now the human race is plagued by diseases, so naturally you can't stand by.

   Moreover, the co-master has left Chendu for a long time, so he needs to return to Chendu as soon as possible to take charge of human affairs! "

   The Lieshan clan has indeed been away for too long. It has been thirty years. Such a period of time is about to catch up with a person's life.

   The life expectancy of the current human race is generally not high, and on average it is more than 50 years old.

   "Archmage, let's go back first, I will return later." Lie Shan nodded.

   Xuan did not stay for a long time, his goal had been achieved, he said hello to Yun Zhongzi, and flew away.

   "On this journey, the disciples thank you for your guardianship." The Lieshan clan respectfully bowed to Yun Zhongzi.

   "You and I, my master and apprentice, don't need to be polite." Yun Zhongzi helped Lieshan up.

   "How do you understand this pharmacology?" Yun Zhongzi asked.

   Lieshan didn't conceal the slightest concealment, and said directly: "The disciple has tasted Baicao, and already knows some pharmacology, and it is absolutely okay to deal with some common diseases."

   "Well, after you return to Chendu, you will almost complete your merits." Yun Zhongzi smiled.

  Yunzhongzi knows that the Lieshan clan is the shortest reign of the three emperors, and the emperor who has made the most contribution.

   Spreading grains, teaching cultivation, and now inventing pharmacology, which is about to resolve the disease, the contribution to the human race is so great that even Fuxi is somewhat inferior.

   Yunzhongzi also left. Of course, Yunzhongzi did not leave. He hid his figure and continued to protect the Lieshan clan secretly.

   With the ocher whip, Lieshan doesn’t have to take risks, and it is much faster to find out the pharmacology of a herbal medicine.

   There are hundreds of herbal medicines on this mountain. It took Lieshan nearly five years to find out the pharmacology of all the herbal medicines and write them down.

   Fortunately, the Lieshan clan has the ability to never forget. Otherwise, with the thousands of herbs before, how could he remember it?

   When the Lieshan clan walked down the mountain and left the elevated road, a large number of human races appeared in front of them. Many of them were familiar, but they were all old.

   "Meet the co-lord."

   "The co-lord took personal risks for the human race. The co-lord has worked hard."

   "Please also the co-leader to return to Chendu."


   These are the great sages, or immortal masters, and some people who manage political affairs in Chendu.

   The Lieshan clan looked at these people, he understood, and I was afraid that after Xuandu returned, he would tell everyone where he was.

   But he can return now. Thousands of herbs can solve most diseases.

   As for what remains incurable, it needs to be studied slowly.

   "Go back!" Lieshan smiled.

   But at this moment, the Lieshan Clan fell straight back.

   This frightened all the human races, they all hurriedly stepped forward to help the Lieshan clan, but the Lieshan clan was already in a coma.

   "Master, what's the matter with the co-master?" Bai Jian looked at the Great Master Xuandu and asked.

   "The co-master tried poison with his own body, and too much toxins accumulated in his body, and then he fainted. After returning to Chendu, he would get better after slowly conditioning."

  Xuan looked at Lieshan's complexion, his spiritual thought swept across his body, and said lightly.

   The group returned to Chendu with the Lieshan clan.

   When the Lieshan clan woke up, he had already arrived in Chendu. Thirty years later, Chendu became more prosperous.

   After months of cultivation, Lieshan's body has almost recovered.

   The Lieshan clan began to pass down the pharmacology of various herbs, and recorded them in ancient texts. This ancient text has both magical and Malay texts. After all, the human race does not have its own text.

   Under the spread of the Lieshan Clan that mobilized the entire human race, the method of practicing herbal medicine has spread throughout the human race, and it has also achieved great results.

   Although the disease has not been completely resolved, more than ninety-nine percent of it has been resolved.

   The Lieshan clan was overjoyed, and this did not live up to his hard work for so many years, and the human disease was no longer a problem.

   At this time, Lieshan felt the burden on him lightened, and the whole person was relieved.

   On this day, the Lieshan clan gathered some great sages and several immortal masters with status, and he has one thing to announce.

   In the palace of the Lieshan clan.

   "What's the command of the co-master to call me to wait?" the Great Master Xuandu asked.

"My human race stands above the primordial land. Although weak, my human race has the perseverance and wisdom that other races do not have. However, this time I passed on the pharmacology and found that my human race does not have its own words. "

   Lieshan looked at everyone present, his eyes were shining brightly, not at all like an old man who was nearly seventy years old.

   "The monster text was created by the powerful Kunpeng demon master of the monster clan, and the wizard text was created by Xingtian, the ancestor of the wizard clan wizard. Each one took tens of thousands of years." said the Great Master Xuandu.

"Whether it is ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years, even if it is a million years, my human race must have its own writing. Only with its own writing can the human race inheritance and truly let the race stand above the prehistoric!" Lie Shan Shi said with full authority.

   "Sage of the common master."

   At this time, all the human races are thinking about the words of the Lieshan clan, but how easy is it to create a family of characters?

   Since you want to create your own text, it must not be created on the basis of Malay and monster texts.

   "I just made this opinion. After you go back, take this matter to your heart. This is the top priority of the human race and should not be ignored."

   The Lieshan clan gave a few more words, and then everyone retreated.

   On Jinbie Island, in the Biyu Palace.

  All the true disciples came to the palace and knelt down respectfully.

   I saw above the cloud bed, the space moved, the Master Tongtian appeared, and all the disciples worshipped.

   "Wish to see Master, and wish Master a holy life without boundaries."

  Tongtian Guru looked at the disciples below, and nodded in satisfaction. If he talked about the cultivation of the disciples, he would definitely be the first.

   In the Demon Cult, the Antarctic Demon Lord and Yunzhongzi are both Da Luo Jinxian.

   Among the people taught, the Great Master Xuandu was extremely nervous in his cultivation, but now he has just broken through to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

   In the teaching, Guang Chengzi with the strongest cultivation base is just the pinnacle of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

  In the path of Buddhism, the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha is also the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and has not broken through to the quasi-sage.

   In the midst of teaching, except for Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, the other true disciples are Da Luo Jinxian!

   "What time is it in the human race now?" The Master Tongtian said lightly.

   Duobao Demon said respectfully: "Return to Master, Human Race is now Shennong for forty-two years."

   "Well, there should be a quasi-sage born in Wujiejiao here, Duobao, this is the treasure of money, you can go to the human race." The Master Tongtian said majesticly.

   Duobao Demon Lord was startled, the Master Tongtian said that he would become a quasi-sage!

  Luobao money, this is the best innate spirit treasure. Duobao has long heard of this treasure and also knows how powerful this treasure is, but what is the use of taking this treasure to the human race?

   Although he was puzzled, Duobao Demon still got down on his knees and received the decree, "The disciple takes the order, so I will go to the human race."

   Luobao Money flew into the hands of Duobao Demon Lord, hiding the two little wings.

  Tongtian Sect Master naturally saw the doubts of Duobao Demon Lord, and immediately said: "This thing can gain human virtues, you will know when you go to the human race."

   Duobao Demon Lord did not hesitate anymore, left the Golden Tortoise Island and flew towards the Valley of Origin without daring to delay the slightest.

   It is so great that even if it is the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, it would take hundreds of years to reach the Valley of Origin.

   But when Dubao Demon Lord left Jinbie Island, he only felt like the sky was spinning, and he opened his eyes, but he had already arrived outside the Valley of Origin.

   Duobao Demon naturally knows that it must be the great supernatural power of the Master Tongtian.

   "Master, do you want to prove Dao Zhusheng?" Bi Xiao asked in surprise.

  The rest of the true disciples also looked at the Master Tongtian in doubt. If Duobao Demon becomes a quasi-sage, then this is the only one among the great sects!

   There are seven true disciples of Master Tongtian, Duobao Demon King, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, Our Lady of Immortality, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao.

   "Duo Treasure has been accumulated for a long time, and he should have achieved the position of quasi-sacred fruit a long time ago. Now the chance of the human race is his opportunity." The Lord Tongtian said lightly.

   Envy appeared on the faces of these disciples, and most of them were happy. They were all happy for Duobao Demon Lord.

   You need to know the big brother Dubaomojun, but he takes care of them in every possible way.

   "Turtle Spirit, you go to Mount Xumi to meet your master." The Lord Tongtian looked at the Virgin of Turtle Spirit and said.

   "Meeting Master? Dare to ask Master, what can I do if the disciple meets Master?!" Madame Turtle Spirit shook her heart.

   The other disciples were also surprised.

  Meeting Master Zu, isn’t this just going to Mount Xumi to find Demon Zu?

   "You will know when you go." The Lord Tongtian didn't explain.

   The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit nodded respectfully, and then prepared to get up and leave. At this time, Bi Xiao stopped the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit.

   "Sister, wait a minute." Bi Xiao looked at Master Tongtian again, and said with a smile: "The disciple has never seen Master, can Master let the disciple go with her?"

   "Sanmei, don't mess around!" Yun Xiao scolded.

   The Lord Tongtian smiled slightly: "Let's go together!"

   Actually, Bi Xiao should be the elder sister of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, but after the arrival of the Ten Thousand Demons, the true disciples of Jiejiao were reordered.

   Duobao is the elder brother, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit is the second elder sister, the Mother of Wudang is the third elder sister, the Mother of the Golden Spirit is the fourth elder sister, and then Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao.

   "Thank you, Master." Bi Xiao hurriedly gave a salute, and then left behind Mother Gui Ling.

   "Master, you are too used to Bi Xiao." Yun Xiao said helplessly.

   The Master Tongtian didn't care, but he liked Bi Xiao's innocence very much.

  , however, said that in Chendu, in the palace of the Lieshan clan, a guard rushed in.

   "What happened? So panicked!" Lieshan asked.

   Lieshan's temperament is gentle To the guards, it is like a family member, no, it is regarded as an heir to all human races!

   "The co-lord, there was a quarrel outside, and Daxian went there, but it could not be resolved." The guard said.

   "Is the argument fierce?"

   "It was very fierce, and both parties called their relatives and friends to help out."

   "How can this be? As the same human race, wouldn't it be a laughingstock if there is a fight!" Lieshan's face was a little unhappy.

   "You lead the way."

   Immediately, the Lieshan clan left the palace with the guards.

   After a while, he came to the place of quarrel. The guard said it was right. There were more than ten people on both sides, all arguing loudly.

   There are more people watching.

   "The co-master is here."

   With a loud shout, an aisle was vacated by the dense crowd in an instant. The Lieshan clan walked over and looked at the two groups of people.

   "What happened, why are you arguing?" Lieshan asked.

   "Returning to the co-master, I brought the old cow in the morning and wanted to exchange three calves, but this person wants to exchange three chickens for my old cow!" one person said.

   Another person hurriedly said: "Congzhu Mingjian, how can I not exchange three chickens for a cow? The chickens lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into chickens. Why not replace him with a cow?"

   The Human Race Daxian walked to the Lieshan clan.

   "Co-owner, how about this?"

  :. :

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