Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Luo? Coming to the human race


  Master, this! "Taoqing Daozu was stunned.

   Not only that, the Primitive Tianzun and the Eastern King are dumbfounded. What kind of situation is this? How can I let the children under my seat be the emperor and queen?

   "Is it wrong?" Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

   But there is an unquestionable tone in the tone.

   "Everything is subject to Master's arrangement." Taiqing Daozu said quickly and respectfully.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at Haotian and Yaochi below. Now these two people are still golden boys and jade girls, so naturally they can't be the emperor and queen of heaven.

   With a big wave of his hand, the jade disc of good fortune shot out the power of mysterious time, infused into the bodies of Haotian and Yaochi.

   was shrouded in golden light, after three breaths, Haotian turned into a young man with a majestic complexion and an emperor's air.

   Yaochi has also become a beautiful woman with two and eight fragrant flowers, no matter her temperament or appearance, she belongs to the best in the entire prehistoric!

   "Haotian didn't want to leave the master, and asked the master to take back the decree." Haotian knelt down.

   Yaochi also knelt down quickly.

   In fact, in their hearts, they all want to leave the Purple Cloud Palace. Although they can get the blessing of Dao Ancestor in the Purple Cloud Palace, they have no freedom.

   What kind of existence is Hongjun Daozu, how can you not know what Haotian and Yaochi thought?

   doesn't expose them, after all, after so many years of serving oneself, there is no credit and hard work.

   "The words of the poor way are God's will, you go!" Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

   then gave up, indicating that they can all leave.

   Taiqing Daozu, the original Tianzun and the Eastern Prince all left the Zixiao Palace helplessly.

   Haotian and Yaochi worshipped Hongjun Daozu three times, and also turned and left.

   "The three seniors stayed." Haotian and Yaochi stopped the Taiqing trio outside Zixiao Palace.

   "Junior Brother Haotian has something?" Taiqing Daozu said with a smile.

   Although he didn't get the position of the emperor of heaven, Haotian now became the emperor of heaven, and he was also the boy of Daozu Hongjun. Even if he didn't put it in his eyes, he couldn't show it too much.

   "The younger brother entered the prehistoric age, and many things do not know, so I will ask the three older brothers to help me." Haotian and Yaochi respectfully bowed to the Taiqing trio!

   Haotian is not a mindless person. Although he is the Emperor of Heaven, he is only a bigger ant in the eyes of the saint.

  He will act in the land in the future, if there are three saints to help him, then it will definitely benefit him!

   But he looked at himself too highly. In the eyes of the Taiqing trio, Haotian was nothing but a boy, even if it was the boy of Daozu, he was a boy.

   just a clown.

   "Huh!" Taiqing Daozu nodded, and did not say whether to agree or disagree.

   As for the original Tianzun and the Eastern Prince directly did not say anything, but left directly.

   Haotian and Yaochi looked at the Taiqing three who left, and they were extremely helpless.

   "Haotian, these saints don't take us seriously at all." Yaochi's face was a little frosty.

   "We are just bigger ants. If it weren't for the master, they wouldn't have said a word to us." Haotian said helplessly.

   The two of them fell into deep thought. They didn't know if they were right or wrong when they were the emperor and queen. The excitement in front of them had been dispelled.

   "Let's go and see what the dilapidated courtyard looks like that day."

   Haotian and Yaochi are both quasi-sages' cultivation bases. Although they are only the early days of quasi-sages, they are also rare powers in today's prehistoric times.

   And behind them is the Taoist ancestor, and there are so many conveniences to act on this predicament.

   When Haotian and Yaochi arrived at the Heavenly Court, even though the Heavenly Court had been restored by land pressure for three thousand years, it was still very dilapidated.

   Amidst the clouds and mist, one can vaguely see the collapsed palaces.

   There are also cracks in the jade road leading from Nantianmen to the 33rd Heaven. Although it has been repaired, it may not be completely repaired due to insufficient materials.

   "Hey, the destruction of the Heavenly Court is much more serious than you and I imagined!" Haotian sighed.

   The arrival of Haotian and Yaochi also shocked the gods above the heavenly court. They were all cautious about the early powers of the two quasi-saints coming.

   After all, only Taibai Jinxing is the quasi-sage in the heaven now.


   A voice sounded, spreading throughout the entire wilderness.

   "To pardon Haotian as the emperor of the primordial emperor, and command the court to enlighten the emperor."

   "To pardon Yaochi as the queen of heaven, and assist the emperor to educate the prehistoric.

   This is the voice of Hongjun Daozu.

   This puzzled the entire prehistoric great power, aren't Haotian and Yaochi the children of Dao Ancestor?

   Why did you suddenly sit down with the Emperor and Queen?

   But then I was relieved, after all, there was someone behind me who was easy to do things, even if it was a boy, it depends on whose boy it was.

   Mount Sumeru, the seven emotions and six desires are poking their lips.

   "Six Desires, I can also do this for the Emperor of Heaven, why the master wouldn't let me do it?" Seven or eight-year-olds looked like seven emotions, with a helpless expression.

   "Then I won't be a queen!" Liu Yu cast a glance at Qi Qing.

   Above the heavenly court, Taibai Jinxing and other gods all gathered on the High Heaven Hall, Haotian and Yaochi slowly walked into the main hall.

   Facing Hongjun Daozu's decree, they did not dare not listen. When they saw Haotian and Yaochi, they all bowed down immediately.

   "Meet God, Queen of Heaven!"

   "All the officials get up." Haotian said majesticly.

   Perhaps with the blessing of Hongjun Daozu, Haotian overflows with the emperor's energy in every move.

   "I was ordered by Taoist ancestors to serve as the emperor of In the future, all the princes will still need to do their best to assist me, so that the heavenly court can reappear to the prime of the ancient times!" Haotian said, looking at the gods.

   "The ministers must do their best to assist your majesty!"

   These gods said so on the surface, but what they think in their hearts is unclear.

  The Valley of Human Origin.

   Luohu and Nuwa are coming, Luohu is still more concerned about human affairs, so naturally he will take a look in person.

   Zhen Yuanzi saw Luo Hui coming, and flew over quickly.

   "Worship to the demon ancestor." Zhen Yuanzi respectfully worshiped.

   "Yeah." Luo Hui nodded, and then he looked at the human race in Origin Valley.

   These are the ancestors of mankind, but at this time the human race is still struggling for food and clothing.

   Under Luo Hui's order, the immortals were not allowed to help the human race, let alone promote the development of human civilization.

   Even people of the human race, as long as they have cultivated to a certain level, can't help the human race to promote civilization.

   "What is the difference between the current human race and the human race before the Great Tribulation?" Luo Hui asked, looking at Nuwa.

   Nuwa thought for a while, and then said: "Human race is more cohesive than before, and luck has increased a lot."

   "Humans have their own beliefs." Luo Hui waved a big hand, and a huge flame appeared above the Valley of Origin.

   This is the fire of the human race.

   "The sky is healthy, and the human race should strive for self-improvement."

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