Chapter 277 [rendering] torrents from merit

Seeing Hong Meng supreme good fortune tower still Vaillant torrents come, escorts and quasi-mentioned madness pushed the heavens Qingyun, Xuan Huang world and exquisite pagoda.

Colorful merit screens in the vast merit rendered even more crystal clear, distribute endless St. Granville.

But quasi-mentioned and escorts complexion is very ugly, even innate treasure could not withstand the extreme good fortune obscurity tower Vaillant, they pushed acquired treasure, certainly difficult to resist.

Exploding roar came, Hong Meng supreme good fortune suddenly bombarded tower on merit colorful screens, moving Armageddon horror tour drops toward the chaotic void continued to spread.

Chaos rolled off the airflow under the surging impact have turned into flames burned all things, violent thunder across the Octagon.


Subtle sound Qing Xiang came, shrouded world of multicolored light appeared countless abyss cracks.

Merit Heaven SHENGWEI gas and, along the crack toward the surrounding spewing surging impact constantly hit.

In Hong Meng Wei terror supreme good fortune can impact the tower by Baraka exquisite pagoda, and the heavens Qingyun cemented merit of multicolored light curtains, dissipated during chewing 09

Quasi-mentioned impact and seemed endless escorts Vaillant, whole body bone makes a clicking sound, as if to turn into flesh-like Xue Wu dissipated.


An inverse blood erupted, quasi-mentioned and escorts whole body was red robes, extreme malaise breath, eyes emit some dim luster.

If there is a Qingyun heavens and Baraka exquisite pagoda, as they can withstand a lot of prestige, I’m afraid under the blow, had his death Road canceled.

Four saints around, regardless of hemoptysis, suffered incomparable injury.

During the war people, Xiqi soldiers almost exterminated clean, even the EEP, Monju, Fugen, pharmacists, and other mysterious all three religions disciples, were cut to teach people kill, the soul of the Gods.

In past lives, and many cut from the list teach his disciples before completion Gods.

This life, people, explain, the three religions of Western disciples are clean and kill, whether it fatigues disciple or secret disciples, are waiting for the Gods Gods.

Even the body with Flying Bear elephant Shen male leopard, died in road extinction spared the remnants of the impact of the lower body, the soul of the Gods.

To teach his disciples knew this would cut more than three religions disciples, plus the Shang monks more numerous, there are Wan Sin array blessing, Xiqi want to destroy the army, can be described as easy.

Bodhi Day in the life and death of disillusionment array cracked the moment, have been doomed to perdition Xiqi the road.

People, explain, the three religions of Western disciples casualties and exhausted, sect air transport fell in an instant, even off the crisis taught.

One of the sect’s most important disciple is thriving, prosperous air transport.

Now three religions disciples are sent to the Gods, is to sever the saints of Orthodoxy.

Gods a war down, cut taught his disciples few people on the Gods, is by the people, explain, the three religions of Western disciples to fill vacancies.

This allows Taiqing Taoist and Yuanshi Tianzun, escorts and others hearts of very annoyed.

Gods a war, not only to their disciples enslaved, is not even Orthodoxy are cut off.

Orthodoxy cut off, it means sectarian anger completely decay, how to prevent too pure et al.

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taiqing Taoist, quasi-mentioned and escorts, their eyes are distributed scarlet carnage, like Lu Heng and want to devour Babel-like.

With their repair, but certainly beat Lu Heng and sky, but religious orthodoxy cut off, they have to be rescued.

The only way is to repeat prehistoric world, everything will be destroyed, and then developing into the prehistoric world.

In this way, their disciples can re-evolve and be born, and everything can be re-created.

Destroying the prehistoric times and repeating the world again, although it is against the general trend of heaven, but for the revival of the sect, they have ignored it.

Repeating the prehistoric world, there is still a chance to revive the sect, but conforming to the general trend of heaven will surely destroy the foundation of all religions.

Taiqing and others looked at each other, and they all saw the deep meaning in their hearts, wanting to repeat the earth and water fire and completely reverse the predicament.

Heaven and earth “yin and yang reverse the five elements and evolve into chaos!”

Shattered “Time and space, condensing geomantic wind, water and fire, come on!”

As soon as the vast Taoist sound fell, the Taiqing Taoists, Yuanshi Tianzun and others struggled with their badly injured bodies, exerting the mighty power of heaven and earth, connecting Fengshui, yin and yang, and the five elements of yin and yang to repeat the prehistoric world.

With a roar, endless flames spewed out from the wild continent, turning the earth into hot lava.

The turbulent seas leaped out of endless waves, rushing towards the wasteland.

The love wind that shattered everything dropped the nine-day stars, smashing them on the prehistoric continent one after another, making roaring noises.

Countless towering giant trees, spiritual flowers and other grasses all withered in an instant.

The thunder in the nine heavens shattered and shattered the endless void, the yin and yang universe hung upside down in an instant, and the order of the world such as the five elements and gossip was chaotic.

Abyssal cracks appeared in the fetal membranes of the primordial world, and immeasurable and violent chaotic energy poured into the primordial void.

Even the long river of time and the turbulent flow of space are shattered in an instant, and the past, present, and future become extremely messy, as if everything is going to repeat itself.

It is very difficult to build a big world, but it is very easy to destroy it.

What’s more, the four saints reversed time and space together, wanting to repeat the situation and return the prehistoric world to its original appearance.

Lu Heng was shocked when he saw that Taiqing and others were going to repeat the prehistoric world.

In the previous life, the Jiejiao was destroyed by the three religions.

At a critical moment, Daozu stepped forward to stop him, and Tongtian was imprisoned in the Zixiao Palace as a punishment.

Lu Heng originally thought that if Jijiao was not destroyed, Honghuang would not suffer the crisis of destruction.

It now appears that Hongjun was deliberately responsible for the devastating destruction of Honghuang.

To know that to repeat the prehistoric world is to stand on the opposite side of heaven.

Once the primordial world is repeated, it is another matter whether the way of heaven exists or not.

Obviously, the actions of Taiqing and others will definitely be punished by heaven.

In this life, the Conferred God Jie has undergone many changes, and the interception of religion is powerful and fights against the Four Saints alone.

This made Hongjun’s plan to destroy the prehistoric state to be deviated, so he had to be too clear to let others repeat the prehistoric period and achieve the purpose of suppressing his heavenly way.

No matter what Hongjun’s purpose is, the most important thing now is to protect the prehistoric continent.

You must know that the Primordial Continent is the foundation of the human race, and Yuanshi Tianzun and others must not be allowed to destroy the Quartet.

Tongtian also knows that the famine will repeat itself and will bring a crisis of terror, so even if it does not hesitate to urge the magic weapon.

But he urged the magic weapon not to settle down, but to bombard Taiqing and others.

With the Ultimate Immortal Sword and Sinking Immortal Sword in his hands, it is obviously a drop in the bucket to stabilize the broken and prehistoric world, and he can only expect Lu Heng to show his might.

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