Chapter 482 Devour Lord【seeking subscription】

The real Yellow Dragon uses his huge body and the characteristics of the dragon clan to fight against Ling Bao’s national siege. The effect was remarkable in a short period of time. Ji Chang stood behind him with joy in his heart, but when he looked back, he found that there was no way out.

With a radius of more than a hundred miles, all of them are bound by invisible inspections. This barrier is about to be opened, and other methods must be sought.

Han Dulong was meditating in place at this time and was recovering his strength. At this time, he closed his eyes tightly. The outside world was full of heat, but he could only remain indifferent, and he didn’t even have the strength to open his eyes.

But Ji Chang’s only hope was in him, and he asked quietly with an attitude of trying it out.

“The real Yellow Dragon is already struggling with his life. Are we going to do something?”

Han Dulong closed his eyes tightly, his consciousness had long been blurred, but his survival instinct drove him to ask Master Own for help.

He couldn’t keep his mouth open, but he had already gone out of oil at this time, and his ever-bright lamp, which was lit by the fire of the original body, had already entered a state of exhaustion. As his master, Moral Xingzun is naturally perceivable by 960.

All we can do now is to wait, wait for the miracle to happen, and wait for the arrival of his master.

“Oh, it’s really useless, it seems that my life is exhausted.”

Ji Chang sighed. He was already unafraid of Death. He wandered between Life and Death more than once. Over time, there were too many repeated experiences. On the contrary, there was nothing to be afraid of. But he was not reconciled and couldn’t swallow the breath in his heart.

During the 7 years of imprisonment for Brother Chao, the whole day was an inhuman life. The seed of hatred was also planted from that day, and now that seed has taken root and sprouted, and the germination of ambition also began after that.

After so many years of patience, I finally had a chance to breathe, but this hope was shattered.

With the operation of the formation, Ji Chang had a foreboding.


However, the pressure Ling Bao faced at this time was also huge. Every time the sword sword strikes, Ling Bao’s heart was shaken. This level of Magical Item, not to mention, the Sword of Immortal Sword is a killer.

Ling Bao was attacked by the enemy. But fortunately, the situation is still under control. The sky thunder and the fire blend with each other, and the entire mountain peak has formed a sea of ​​fire.Apart from the defensive barrier inside the manufacturing method, even the blue bricks and stones have been melted. .

The temperature rises suddenly, and the originally upgraded mountain forest has now been baked into a large pill refining furnace by the fire.

Inch of scorched earth makes it impossible to take a step.

With the passage of time, night fell quietly.

“What’s the matter?” The giant dragon looked up at the sky, only to see a meteor passing by. The fall of a fateful star is an ominous omen. One person must die on the spot tonight.

As the sky looks like this, it has become impossible for humans to do anything.

“Uncle Master, don’t go on any longer. The lives of tens of thousands of people are in it. You can’t bear this guilt.” Zhenren Yuding shouted to Ling Bao.

However, now that it retreats like this, the previous deployment and layout are all in vain. Ling Bao responded, “I used to persuade you, but you keep not listening. Instead, you still don’t understand. That’s no fault of me.”

When the voice just fell, the dragon looked up at the starry sky.

For a time, Jiuxing shifted, corresponding to the nine copper pillars, catalyzing this formation to the extreme. The light beams from Star corresponded to one of them one by one.

Pulled for so long. Finally came to an end, Ling Bao has been waiting for this moment.

Nine circling little dragons gathered together again, and nine different powers were flooded in one body. Corresponding to the power of the Universe Star, a huge vortex formed on the top of the dragon’s head.

The squally wind roared, and there was a sudden change between heaven and earth.


A little bit of starlight, blended into the whirlpool. The nine star points change in accordance with the laws between heaven and earth, and the power of Star among them is introduced by Ling Bao. Now what is contained in the whirlpool is not only the power of the law, but also the power that is detached from nature.

On the other end, the Five Elements chessboard, hundreds of miles away, resonated with it. Nezha is a spiritual body, has already escaped into it, and immediately felt the changes in the body.

I just felt that Nezha himself fell into it uncontrollably just like that chess piece on this chessboard.

“Bang Bang Bang”

The Five Elements chessboard was like a burst, only a white light and shadow rushed straight into the sky, and then suddenly it became clear again. There was a touch of black in the white light and shadow, and it hit the copper pillar in the north.


It was not a loud crashing sound. The bronze pillar on the north side was knocked out by a beam of light on its back. The 9 stars shrouded in bursts suddenly became bleak at the moment just north.

The sudden change caught Ling Bao by surprise. Thousands of calculations are simple, and I never expected such a change. It can be said that such a change has never happened in these thousands of years.

As a Magical Item, the Five Elements board took the initiative to attack its former owner. This kind of thing is unheard of. .

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