Chapter 451 Escape [seeking subscription]

When the two energy groups collided again, Ling Bao suddenly shot, and countless colorful lights appeared between the two.

A seed was planted quietly at an unpredictable time, and grew savagely at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, it turned into a towering old tree.

The impact speed of the two was too fast, there was no time to dodge, and they slammed into the tree trunk. However, the old tree did not cause damage to the branches due to the impact. Instead, it rebounded the previous two forces with a stronger force.

Using the other way to cure the other body, Ling Bao uses this method of vitality to create a sacred tree in the “Nine-Thirty-Nine” of formation.

It removes all negative effects such as violent killings and deaths attached to the original formation, and purifies the filthy breath in the formation.

The colorful light turns into a rainbow of seven colors, dividing the formation up, down, left, and right. The Master Tongtian and Daoist were just separated from each other, but the anger in their hearts did not dissipate because of this. But what was helpless was that the strength of the two of them could not be used for a while, their limbs became soft, and their hands and feet were weak.

The more struggling, the stronger the force of this restraint, and in the confrontation with it, it almost reaches an absolute restraint level.

This is similar to the immortal rope, but this Magical Item is also obtained from Nuwa by Ling Bao. Tracing back to the source, it is the originator of the rope Magical Item. The immortal rope will evade and lose its original function when it sees him.

Based on the wood attributes in Five Elements, it can be transformed into any form. Ling Bao’s flexible adaptability can be said to have surprised the two of them.

“Ling Bao, there will be you everywhere, it really annoys me.” Daoist has already been furious and furious, and now he can’t control so much.

“Are you really going to beat you to death?” Ling Bao changed his attitude and suddenly asked harshly.

The Lord Tongtian suddenly felt shocked, thinking about which one Ling Bao was doing? It was really elusive to sing this play for so long. What he was thinking about.

The two forces confronted each other, Ling Bao wandered through it, and neither side helped. However, everything related to the human race was about the trade-off between pros and cons, and Ling Bao’s attitude made them even more difficult to grind. Of course, what the two of them can see is only the superficial relationship. Seeing Ling Bao’s selfishness, the preference for human race is increased.

Immediately, Ling Bao made another move. In order to resolve this crisis, Ling Bao faced more than an enemy.

Faced with the front and back flanking attacks of Tongtian and Jiying, Ling Bao could only make dangerous moves. Come here alone.

The crackling sound of the bronze casting creaked, the original fire suddenly changed, and the biting cold air suddenly formed. There was no sign of the slightest sign, the fire turned into ice, two forces that cannot be merged into one. Mutual transformation, without the slightest pause in it, shows how powerful it is to attract Daoist.

The frost began to spread rapidly in the formation, and the roots, veins, branches and leaves of the towering old trees were enveloped by frost for a time. The original mirror image of vitality became vanished in a flash.

Tong Tian was restrained by this ice stance, but a thunderstorm passed by. The condensed frost was suddenly shocked.


The main pole of the sacred tree broke. Facing the invasion of the extreme cold force, Ling Bao could only watch, helpless.

On the other side, the black energy body in the corner did not get any benefits, the speed of the ice crystal fragments flying, coupled with its huge body shape, made him nowhere to escape.

“Ka Ka Ka”

“Boom Rumble”

Like ashes and smoke, the ice crystals hanging upside down began to raging in the formation without touching one place. The fierce impact caused the formation to shake.

Ling Bao and the power of the primordial spirit of the sky have the same force, and a series of collisions have occurred with this sudden attack.

But the ending was exceptionally bad, and the worst result was nothing more than this.

Four bronze castings rose from the ground, the foundation of the formation has been destroyed, the power erupting from the sky alone is already extraordinary, and Ling Bao is even more beyond imagination.

Formation cannot withstand such an impact, and the Minor World created by Daoist and Dao Xing Zun has finally reached the critical point where it can bear it.


Burning Lantern Daoist opened up a new passage, and a crack appeared in the void. The crack began to open slowly at 5.0. Then, a colorful bridge was built from Ling Bao. The four people can go hand in hand and rely on each other to walk out here. .

However, how can we not leave behind everything that Daoist has laid out.

Seeing the other people leaving in a hurry, and already badly injured, this undoubtedly gave him a chance to escape.

Take Daoist’s one-handed hand seals, then three fingers together to punch three holes in the corner of the originally collapsed Minor World, and immediately transform him, and three golden lights escape from him. To resolve the immediate crisis and escape from birth, but it was undoubtedly a failure for him. He failed to do either of the heavy injuries or the killing. .

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