Chapter 433 Turn the complex into simple [seeking subscription]

The yin-to-yin power began to expand slowly, and began to transform into shape, like a dragon, raging in the ice. With the numerous cracks that appeared in the ice, Ling Bao was weak at this time and was determined to reduce it. , But helplessly, the actual situation was too dangerous and no one dared to take risks, but Ling Bao still couldn’t bear it.

“Old gentleman, give them another chance. They are also a kind of creatures. If you burn them to death like this, you will be a little unkind.” Ling Bao said embarrassedly.

All creatures in the world have their original destinations and destinations, so that even Ling Bao does not know whether this simple and straightforward approach can follow the road. The real fire of shamisen is certainly powerful, but whether it can be eradicated is still unknown. In short, both of them are adventurous, it is better to do things according to their own wishes.

“Ling Bao, I really don’t know what you think. You can just forget about it. Anyway, you did it. How to deal with it, you can decide for yourself.” The old gentleman looked at Ling Bao hesitated and looked a little too much. Powerless.

Taishang Laojun’s eyebrows slowly became loose, the real fire of Samādhi that was about to condense just now, the flames had disappeared from the tips of his fingers, and the strength was slowly withdrawn.

But what remains unchanged is that the energy injected by Taishang Laojun has not been reduced by this. He is different from Daoist. He did not gloat, but at this critical moment, he gave Ling Bao a certain amount of help. This makes Ling Bao very grateful. No matter what his purpose is, why he helped himself, this kindness must be repaid in the future.

“Lao Jun, I have worked hard for you. I have to try it at the end.” After speaking, Ling Bao closed his eyes tightly and carried out a new round of testing.

The Sanwei real fire corresponds to the spirit of spirit, that is, the fire of the soul, the fire of spirit, and the fire of vitality coexist, and the power and destructiveness can be imagined. Once the three powers are combined and burned to refine them, there is basically no room for redemption, but on the contrary, once they are backlashed by another power, the situation is extremely bad.

Ling Bao uses his own power to perceive the changes in the ice mass. However, the forces of countless fighting began to gather slowly. This strange change shocked Ling Bao’s heart. The method of Five Elements can be said to be mutual generation and mutual restraint, and the state of coexistence is gradually achieved by the change of form.

But this kind of power in front of us is different, and the forms are incompatible with each other. However, under the instinctive desire to survive, thousands of changes have gradually come to one place and slowly begin to evolve. This is like the Heavenly Dao that Ling Bao felt. Dao 3000 is different, and its evolution state makes it difficult to see its essence, but no matter how it changes, it can’t escape. The origin is all

One essential problem.

The simple and subtle changes made Ling Bao suddenly realize something, and the Spirit Power of the body began to slowly agitate. All the forces in the body begin to converge on their own subconsciously, just like the thousands of competing forces in the ice mass, they begin to gather in one place, slowly assimilate them, and finally remove the Impurities, and the thousands of changes are merged into one.


The so-called Heavenly Dao Avenue is nothing more than one becoming two, two begetting three, and three begetting everything. This seems to be a catastrophe, but in this process, only in the short time when The next moment appeared, Ling Bao saw the simplest changes among them and made him feel a lot.

“I see, that’s how it is, I’m so stupid.” Ling Bao muttered to himself.

Ling Bao suddenly opened his eyes, and then pushed his own Spiritual Qi to change one into two and two into three. The situation was like the state in an ice mass and corresponded to one.

Ling Bao first needs to understand the process of change inside, and therefore he adjusted his heart, began to get familiar with the process, and slowly sorted it out. The situation has also gradually improved. If you don’t understand your opponent, how can you know yourself and your opponent? How can you break it.

There are countless pieces on the Five Elements chessboard, and on the surface it seems to be chaotic, but every time a black and white chess piece appears, it causes a change between heaven and earth. .

The change of the sun and the moon represents the end of the day, and Jiang Ziya and others secretly felt it. Of course, it also includes other civilians. Although the current state is minimal to them, everything in the world originates from one place, so it is natural to feel the changes in it.

“Ling Bao, what are you doing?” Taishang Laojun suddenly became a little impatient. In his opinion, this is not a fool.

But at The next moment, the old gentleman made a new change. The ice cubes no longer shattered. Instead, the huge ice mass began to slowly melt and develop towards its original state.

“Water?” Taishang Laojun suddenly closed his eyes and began to feel this subtle change.

The ice began to melt, and Ling Bao’s primordial power began to slowly penetrate into it. With the penetration of the power of the primordial spirit, a more powerful force commanded thousands of wandering souls, and then it took them out of the water droplets, guiding them little by little, and fleeing in the direction of light.


What is this? “Lord Taishang saw that things suddenly reversed, which made him a little puzzled.

“It seems I have to help you again.”

The Grand Master began to help with the layout, and the two forces were sent out at the same time, just like the Colorful Rainbow Bridge, being pointed out by thousands of wandering souls.

At this time, Nuwa also found a turning point in the matter, and also stepped forward to help, zooming in on Zijin Calabash. In this way, the three people cooperated with each other, and with the passage of time, the crisis was gradually resolved.

Although someone made trouble on the way, the ending is still satisfactory. Until the end, the last wandering soul was sucked into the Zijin Calabash, and it was a short stop.

Ling Bao and Taishang Laojun opened their eyes at the same time. The two (Nuohao) looked at each other and seemed to have something to say, but Ling Bao was the first to open his mouth.

“I have written down today’s kindness. If he needs help, I can always speak up. As long as I can do it, I will do my best.” Ling Bao looked at him firmly, without the slightest intention of joking. .

“It’s a trivial matter, that is, if I’m not here, you can easily resolve it.” Taishang Laojun brushed his beard with his hand, and was somewhat polite to Ling Bao.

“This time, the energy consumption is the most. Let’s rest for a while. I have stored some spiritual fruits, eat some, and replenish the vitality.” The female entertainment packed Zijin Calabash, and then put it in the cuff and took it out. Some spirit fruits.

Absorbing the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, enjoying the essence of the sun and moon, a few fruits can just moisturize the dry throat, Ling Bao sees that the old gentleman is too polite, and he can only be polite with him again. .

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