Chapter 430 Trouble [please subscribe]

The Di Ling Mai began to enter the normal operation track, and Ling Bao also sent Jiang Ziya and others back safely. Everything is moving in a good direction, but in order to ensure that nothing is lost, Ling Bao has set up a magic circle around the earth and spirit veins. Taking the spiritual veins as a guide, several invisible protections are formed in the middle. Restrictions are transformed by Ling Bao’s True Qi. Once someone steps into the vicinity of the spiritual veins, Ling Bao

Will be the first to perceive it.

The other demons Yao Chong had already been driven away, and this was the only pure land deep underground. The ghosts in the polite form gradually poured into the ground and began to act arbitrarily. Without the shackles of the earth’s spirit veins, they were liberated like indulgence.

Whatever is pros and cons, there are naturally opposites when there is a good side. Ling Bao sighed helplessly: “It’s rare that Heavenly Dao is not what I obey. I did something wrong.

Ling Bao closed his eyes and began to reflect on himself.He wanted to say that all this has been on the right track, but he forgot the ghosts that were attracted to the nearby wanderings.Although they are wandering souls beyond the 6th realm, they belong to this. One of all things.


Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, and the deafening sound was small, and it spread directly into the earth. Jiang Ziya, who had just returned from the original god, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

“That’s not right, Wanli clear sky, how come it is going to rain suddenly?” Jiang Ziya asked himself looking at the sky.

Nezha Yang Jian and the other three were also extremely surprised. If the day changes, it will change. Just a second, the Spiritual Qi supply between heaven and earth makes people feel more comfortable and fulfilling than ever before, but now they can get better, Wanli Thousands of clouds, the thunder and lightning flickered in the darkness, the thunder and lightning alternated with each other, and what was more, they had already been killed on the ground.

“Master will be fine, right? Is there something the master didn’t tell us directly?” Nezha has realized that something is wrong.

Except for Jiang Ziya falling into Heart’s Demon, the others are all going smoothly, and the process is faster than expected. However, Ling Bao has not been able to come out. There must be something dangerous and dangerous. The more people think about it, the more they are afraid, but in fact Jiang Ziya just wants to. What did Ling Bao do at this time, they can only be anxious in their hearts.

“Forget it, Uncle Master has his own arrangements, let’s do what we can.” Jiang Ziya said helplessly.

In fact, Ling Bao had long anticipated that there would be some changes, but the changes came so fast that they are not yet fully prepared to deal with the matter.

Jiang Ziya has experienced Heart’s Demon this time, but he has learned a lot. Some things cannot be forced. For example, Ling Bao has not returned. Everyone is anxious, but these people along the line can do only limited. It’s better to do something within your capacity.

Jiang Ziya is also preparing for the next arrangement. Now that the war is approaching, Ji Chang is on the run and lost his whereabouts, as if he disappeared out of thin air. The battle took a short rest, but in fact it is not over yet, I don’t know when Ji Chang will be again. Provoking trouble, the root cause is not getting rid of peace.

On the other half, Ling Bao used the Spirit Orb to forcibly rewrite the luck of the human race. The sky thunder that attracted countless wandering souls was originally gathered together, but now they are scattered and fled. The power of this wandering soul cannot be underestimated, and the world cannot tolerate it.

Ling Bao’s primordial power reluctantly restrained it, but now Tian Lei Jie is so restless and irritable because of it.

If the life is overwhelmed, it will not develop to this level, but this mess, if it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will definitely leave a later illness.

The spirit of heaven and earth, the voice of all things slowly remembered, causing a certain commotion. They are the biggest victims of this catastrophe.

Ling Bao’s original god, intercepted with more than one transformation, but seemed a little reluctant with one person’s power. In desperation, he could only ask someone to help. Ling Bao’s clone suddenly turned into a golden bead and rushed out of the sky.

However, not only Ling Bao but also Taishang Laojun and Nuwa were moved by all this, but I don’t know why and why they rioted.

“It’s Ling Bao who is doing things again. He doesn’t practice honestly. He always mixes in it. I really can’t understand it.” Seeing the changes in the world, the wandering soul sighed secretly.

“The old man can’t say that. There must be a certain reason for what my husband did. The reason for such a big movement must be under control. You don’t need to worry about this.”

Nuwa naturally knows what Mingbao did, but it caused a series of chain reactions that he did not expect. It is also rare for Tai Shang Lao Jun to go there in person, but from the current situation, it is more like a visit to watch the excitement. of.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

“Look, he seems to be back.

The golden beads crossed the sky, leaving a lot of traces in the blue sky and white clouds. This time Ling Bao came and went in a hurry, Nuwa’s heart was shocked, thinking that Taishang Laojun came this time, I believe it is not as simple as watching the excitement .

After that, countless sacred airs gathered together and slowly transformed into a human form. Ling Bao Tianzun’s body based on the golden pearl turned out.

“What a coincidence, they are all here.” Ling Bao Tianzun looked relaxed. As for why the Taishang Laojun is here, I believe he will have his own answer for a while.

“My two juniors don’t know what they’re up to. Someone has to come over and have a look, and they have to come over and ask.”


In the eyes of Taishang Laojun, Ling Bao Tianzun is like a baby who has made a mistake, ready to accept the next questioning.

“The spiritual veins of the human race are being reversed and are gradually being exhausted. I wanted to call out its vitality again, but I didn’t expect that the result would be so troublesome.” Ling Bao shook his head in response.

This thing can be big or small. Re-introducing the wandering soul into Six Paths of Reincarnation is actually not a difficult task. It only requires two people of the same Cultivation Base to cooperate with each other, and the formation of spells will be able to resolve the disaster within a few days.

But theory belongs to theory, and practice belongs to practice. There are tens of millions of wandering souls all over the world, and this is still an ideal estimate. It seems that it is not so easy to solve the matter completely without disclosure.

“Can air luck be changed at will? The fate of the human race should be like this. Whether the old tree can sprout and re-bloom and bear fruit, it needs them to change by themselves, not you and me who have been forcibly reversed.” It’s ugly, and the words in the mouth slowly become unpleasant.

“It’s just a little troublesome. If the old man is willing to help, I believe that it is not too difficult to resolve this catastrophe with the Cultivation Base and abilities of the three of us. It is also a chance if we can’t make it.

Ling Bao deliberately asked Taishang Laojun for help, and he came all the time. He just said silly words behind his back, but it was annoying. Moreover, Taishang Laojun is deeper than his strength, and his calculations are not on the surface. It is surprising to come here alone. and.

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