Chapter 407 Turn over the sky [seeking subscription]

“The Karma of the three of them can only be unlocked by themselves, and we can only take action at a critical moment to resolve this disaster, but only suffering, the sentient beings on the earth. Nuwa, the state of mind at this time is also very complicated. After all, all living beings were given a good fortune by him. However, nowadays, they are mixed together and cannot be solved.

The leader of Tongtian did not play the card according to common sense, but the more he persuaded, the more intensified, it is bound to avenge this revenge, and the Golden Spirit Mother, one of the eight disciples, was ordered by Tongtian to go down the mountain and prepare to kill 12 gold. Cents.

“Moral Xingzun, holding the world map, is presumptuous, as Yu Yuan’s master, you should also give him a vent, now it is time to go down the mountain, not to mention the two major disciples you sat down, all are in the quagmire, Don’t extricate yourself.”

Wen Zhong and Yu Yuan are the two most optimistic disciples of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and they are also the only two disciples. Now the disciples are in trouble, and the masters should indeed be ahead. Xue Dingshan was seriously injured, his vitality was slightly weak, 10 Han Dulong, was deceived, and Dao Xing Zun, as the master of the two of them, had entered a state of rampage, plus Ling Bao’s addition, teasing

After a while, it was furious.

“The disciples understand that I will find an opportunity to take action and kill them by surprise.”

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, quietly descended from the mountain, and did not show up, and when she was leaving, the Master Tongtian gifted a lot of Magic Treasures, especially the body protection Magical Item and elixir, and prepared a lot.

On the other side, the original Tianzun, almost lifted the table.

“The picture of the universe is in hand, but I can’t beat it. It took my pains to cultivate.” Yuanshi Tianzun, a master of Taoism, one of the three clears, almost cursed the street.

“Ling Bao is too cunning. Although it is just a clone, he carries a lot of Magical Items. Even the pictures of mountains, rivers and shrines created by Nuwa are all on his body.” Burning Daoist, came late, or else not. May be so embarrassed.

Magical Item Cultivation Technique, each has a high and low, according to flexible use, grasp the timing, but also a greater effect. Burning Lantern Daoist has suffered from this loss. The first is that he is overconfident, and the second is that he did not seize the opportunity. The third point is quite important. It can only be regarded as a kind of trapped formation, a tactical formation, when used

Even more, it needs to be just right. Otherwise, its power will be greatly reduced and its effect will not be reflected.

“My teacher is giving you a Magic Treasures, the seal of turning the sky, as long as you hit the heavenly spirit, even the Ling Bao deity will suffer a lot of vitality, do you understand?” Yuanshi Tianzun, pushing his nose and staring, almost went down the mountain in person. Fighting against Ling Bao’s clone, but he can’t get down this step. Even if he wins, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

“The apprentice understands that they must be hit hard this time.” Randeng Daoist was afraid that he would miss the opportunity again, and that Ji Chang would suddenly change his mind and be bewitched by Yun Zhongzi and act rashly.

“Shen Gongbao, where did you go? Your brother can’t do it, so what should we do?” Ji Chang is in the camp, rushing around. If he can’t win anymore, there are not a few people left.

12 Jinxian’s reputation is great, but it is too unreliable. Facing the disciples of Jiejiao, he retreated in a row. Even the big disciple Burning a lantern, facing one of Ling Bao’s three avatars, is even more helpless.

“Don’t panic, didn’t I come?” Shen Gongbao hurried over when he got the news.

“Where did you go? At this critical moment, you are nowhere to be seen. Did you really harm me?” Ji Chang had long suspected that Shen Gongbao deliberately instigated and pretended to help himself, but in fact it was to inform the other party, otherwise you Impossible, the opposite party responded in such a timely manner.

“This time I bring good news. One of the eight disciples, the Golden Spirit Mother, quietly descended the mountain.”

When Ji Chang heard it, he furiously said, “This is still good news. Another powerful enemy is here. Let’s see, I’ll surrender, there is no need to fight again.”

“Oh, after listening to me finish, this situation is a good opportunity, and he will be caught off guard by surprise.

Shen Gongbao has friendships in these two sects. What’s more, Shen Gongbao was practicing in the master sect earlier, and he was regarded as a half disciple in both schools. Now this news, he learned that the mother of the golden spirit, the idea of ​​sneak attack was revealed. .

As Shen Gongbao continued to explain, Shen Gongbao suddenly frowned, then turned around and disappeared into a plume of black smoke. He was half talking, but the meaning has been made clear.

Ji Chang was puzzled, and continued to chase along the black smoke. Of course, he saw a person in the air, Daoist, who was burning the lantern, came back.

“Ji Chang, why are you panicking?” Daoist Tandan, seeing Ji Chang panicking, 913 seemed to be looking for something.

“It’s nothing, come out and breathe, and relieve the depression of this period of time.” The agreement reached by Ji Chang and Shen Gongbao is a secret agreement, but this little bit of Ji Chang’s scheming has long been seen by people. Shook his head.

“Forget it, Master gave me a Magical Item. This is a killer. How come you won’t lose again this time? Don’t worry.”

Ran Lan Daoist left a sentence, and then disappeared, chasing the black gas. Shen Gongbao came late at night, naturally, he couldn’t hide from Nian Deng’s eyes, and Nian Deng had already guessed that this person should be Shen Gongbao.

But this person is too cunning, even if he is secretly helping, he still has to speak clearly. In addition, Shen Gongbao’s origin was transformed by a fairy, who was clever and eloquent, and turned black and white. Naturally, he couldn’t let him ruin the current situation.

“Stop.” Burning lantern blocked Shen Gongbao’s path.

“Brother, it’s suitable for you to come to me so late.” Shen Gongbao understood, pretending to be confused, but it was a pity that he ran into each other. .

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