Chapter 393 Sleepy Killing Array-Tongtian God Fire Pillar【seeking subscription】

Yun Zhongzi is not a twelve golden immortal, and it is one section lower than Jian Zhong’s Cultivation Base. It was originally a Rogue Cultivators Daoist. Now that it is involved in this matter, it must be someone who designed it in secret and has no way of doing things. It’s not superficial.

Taishi Wen, but the elder of the three dynasties, is also the teacher of the king of Yue. King Zhou was also in awe of him for three points, and Wen Zhong had practiced for more than 50 years, and he was the one who had been worshipped under the sect of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit. His comprehensive strength,

Even Shen Gongbao did not dare to call him on the bright side.

On the battlefield of the Eastern Expedition, Yunzhongzi called the battlefield.

In order to respond to this person, Yun Zhongzi refined the Heaven-Through God Fire Pillar in advance, but Yun Zhongzi knew his strength well and couldn’t easily enter this killing array.

“Master Wen, do you recognize this formation?” Yun Zhongzi deliberately mocked

The Heavenly God Fire Pillar is composed of eight golden dragon pillars, arranged in an array of Five Elements Eight Trigrams, and each dragon pillar has seven or seventy-nine fire dragons surrounding its body, and the array is triggered by the fire of Five Elements. .

“Haha, little formation, can it be me?”

Taishi Wen, although he also has a third eye, he can only see good and evil and clearly see what is right and wrong in his heart, but Yun Zhongzi had expected this a long time ago, but Yun Zhongzi has no discipline and no school, and does not belong to the three religions. Any of the forces in the country suddenly blocked the owner’s way, leaving Wen Zhong puzzled.

“Naturally know this formation, why not break this formation, and also give Xiaoxian pointers to the deficiencies in this town.”

Yun Zhongzi has done a lot of homework for Wen Zhong. In order to be able to take it down this time, he was specially asked to refine this formation. It can be regarded as an enlightenment to teach.

“Use this inferior radical method sparingly, I won’t be fooled by you.” Taishi Wen is naturally not a brave person, thinking that there must be conspiracy and tricks.

Yun Zhongzi, in order to lure him into fools, An Zhong also made arrangements. There was no soldier behind him. He was only in mid-air. After thinking about the countermeasures, Yun Zhongzi continued to smile with his hand stroking his beard.

“Why should Wen Zhong be careful? I have made an agreement with Dongbo Hou Jiang Huanchu for a long time. I learned that Wen Zhong had come with troops and knew that I was not an opponent. Zhong, you can break this formation, Dongbo Hou Jiang Huanchu and other princes, big and small, will surrender undefeated /

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhongzi took out the bamboo slips. The words written on it were exactly what Yun Zhongzi said, and there were signatures from the kings and lords, which showed that Yun Zhongzi had made up his mind this time.

“Swords and soldiers facing each other will surely cause countless deaths and injuries, and the people will die because of the war. This is what you don’t want to see.” Yun Zhongzi, every word, said to Wen Zhong’s heart.

The soldiers and horses of the two armies add up to tens of thousands. If they are killed, the injuries will be more than tens of thousands. In addition to Wen Zhong, the task this time is to quell the chaos of the princes. If it can be resolved in a simple way, it will naturally be an ideal ending.

“This is true.” Wen Zhong asked.

“Of course.” Yun Zhongzi pointed to the few soldiers and horses behind him. It was the Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu who took the lead. He is now behind the sky-reaching fire formation, and behind them, it can be said that there is a plain. There can be no soldiers and horses hiding behind in ambush.

“Okay, then I will break your formation.”

Wen Zhong, from a mediocre background, but with good aptitude, entered the teaching, obtained the Cultivation Base for a lifetime, and even got the enlightenment of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and is the highest one in the Cultivation Base of his disciples. In the face of the little Yunzhongzi, according to his personal strength, it is naturally not a problem. This is also the reason why Wen Zhong knows that this battle is extremely dangerous, but is willing to give it a try.

Subsequently, Master Wen arranged the manpower to supervise the formation in the rear, also just in case, for fear of unexpected encounters, Yun Zhongzi would follow-up calculations.

“Teacher Wen joins the battle.” Yun Zhongzi smiled.

Immediately, Wen Zhong held the male and female copper, and took the black Qilin forward to fight the battle.

However, as soon as Wen Zhong entered, the 49 fire dragons on the dragon column circled and set off a flame to envelop Wen Zhong.

Yunzhongzi urged the formation on the periphery, and the monstrous flames came out, but Wen Zhong was proficient in the technique of Five Elements, and he naturally knew how to deal with it. This is why he is so confident.

As the so-called soldiers come to block water and cover the earth, fire is the mainstay, and the water is turned into a column of water.

However, in the formation, it is not an ordinary mortal fire, but is transformed by the three-flavored real fire that gathers the spirits and spirits, roasting the three gods, and with the Cultivation Base of Yunzhongzi, it is impossible to refine such a big battle. . Wen Zhong thought badly that he was probably fooled, underestimated his ability, or someone behind him was secretly pointing out that Yun Zhongzi had planned for a long time.

Eight copper pillars, three feet tall, with fire dragons hovering on them, and on the left and right sides, there are fire dragons to seal Wen Zhong’s retreat. This is a desperate situation.


Yunzhongzi, a good method, I don’t know who can give pointers to refine this formation. “Wen Zhong, shouted towards the top.

“It’s you who are arrogant and conceited, no wonder I, and it’s not that I forced you into the battle and watched the move.”

Yunzhongzi, pinching the curse, raised the flame temperature in the epicenter to a peak. Yun Zhongzi knows that with Jianzhong’s Cultivation Base, it can be said that it is more difficult to kill it. In a few days, it will disappear into nothing and become a plume of black smoke in the array.

Hundreds of fire dragons converged and turned into a giant dragon, opened its mouth wide, swallowed Wen Zhong in one bite, and refined it in the belly.

The terrain is narrow and you are in a desperate situation. The only solution is to flee from a long-term plan. Since you can’t break the formation, then follow the most primitive method, meet with swords and soldiers, and put down the (promise) anti-chaotic princes.

Afterwards, Wen Zhong had already figured out a plan in his mind. The next step was not to break the formation, but to find a way to escape.

Suddenly, Wen Zhong threw the dual-wield weapon out, hitting one of the copper pillars that had burned red. With Wen Zhong’s full blow, the copper pillar suddenly shook, and then a crack appeared on the scales of the flame dragon. Wen Zhong saw the timing, and the black Qilin ran out immediately.

Qilin is the length of the beast, and black Qilin is rare in the world. Under the whole world, above the earth, there is only this black Qilin. I saw Hei Qilin, the sharp horn on the top of the head, piercing the inner abdomen of the fire dragon, breaking his abdomen and fleeing Junming upward with Wen Zhong.

Yun Zhongzi, just heard of this beast but never seen it. Seeing that Black Qilin is so powerful when sitting down, since he can loosen his footing and appear a trace of cracks, he can only marvel in his heart at this time. Escape.

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