Chapter 339 The original three demon [seeking subscription]

Originally as Sage, it was natural to know that there were three monsters in the tomb of Xuanyuan outside the city.

Yuan Yuan stretched out his hand, and then photographed the three monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb. The three monsters were cultivating in Xuanyuan Tomb. Suddenly, the scenery changed and appeared in the air.

These three monsters are Nine tailed Fox, Pipa spirit and nine-headed pheasant spirit. These three monsters have been cultivated in Xuanyuan Tomb since.

Unconsciously absorbed the dragon energy remaining in the Xuanyuan Tomb, he was not afraid of the suppression of the human national destiny. It was also for this reason that the Primitive chose these three monsters.

The three of them are also often included in Chaoge. Although they have not seen the original, they have also seen the original statue.

Nine tailed Fox saw the original and asked in shock:

“Are you the original Sage?”

Although Yuan was very angry, he maintained Sage’s demeanor, and then nodded.

The three monsters said to the primitive kneeling:

“Hu Mei, Xi Mei, Yu Mei has seen Sage!”

Yuan Yuan looked at the three monsters and said to the three monsters:

“I have one thing for the three of you. If the three of you complete it, then when the merits are completed, it will definitely give you a good future!”

The three monsters were very excited when they heard it. The three 867 monsters didn’t have much time to transform, and there was no backing at all. Now the primitive suddenly appeared. Saying this, the three monsters are simply overjoyed.

Then the three demons salute:

“Despite Sage’s orders, the three of me will go up to the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​flames, and we must do well for Sage!”

The original Sage said:

“Chengtang’s luck is dim now, and there is not much national fortune, but the lord of the big business has ruined my temple and shattered my Dharma body!

I will help the three of you to hide from the demon body, and the three of you will enter the court and confuse the king’s heart. When the great business is destroyed, that is, when you achieve the right result, are the three of you willing?”

After the three demon heard it, they were very happy. Sage helped the three of them hide the demon body, so that the three of them can use the great business of the nation to cultivate.

The three demon said very happily:

“Definitely live up to Sage’s trust!”

The original said to the three demons:

“It’s okay to do this, but Human Race Karma is entangled. The three of you only need to confuse the king. Don’t hurt Zhongliang. If the three of you don’t listen to my advice, don’t resent me when you die. Remind you!”

Before the Three Demon were silent cultivation, they had never harmed any living beings, and there was no karma in them.

Yuan Yuan would promise the three monsters a future, otherwise Yuan Yuan would not find these three monsters!

The Three Demons didn’t want to harm the human race. The Three Demons had blood inheritance. Although the demons had declined, the blood inheritance recorded the strength of the human race.

So the three demon said to the original Sage:

“Follow Sage’s orders!

The original saw Human Race, and then stretched out his hand, a Phoenix suddenly appeared in Xiqi, and the original communicated Heavenly Dao:

“Fengming Qishan, the Human Race should have the Holy Lord out!”

Heavenly Dao also started to operate, you must know that the Sacred Heart is the Heavenly Heart.

Ling Bao snorted coldly:

“It’s so arrogant, you can’t help Heavenly Dao Sage in the affairs of this human race!”

(bafa) As Ling Bao’s voice just fell, Heavenly Dao, who was a little clearer, became chaotic again!

Ling Bao in Chaoge also received Ling Bao’s consciousness. Ling Bao smiled and said:

“It seems that I can do it, but it’s not the time yet!”

After speaking, Ling Bao said to Nezha:

“Nezha, let’s go, we should follow your father back to Chentangguan later!”

Nezha nodded, while Yuan Yuan helped the three demon hide away from the monster body and Monster Qi, and returned to Kunlun Mountain.

When the original entered the Qilin Cliff of Kunlun Mountain, Jiang Ziya was studying hard. Seeing Jiang Ziya’s appearance, I knew that Jiang Ziya’s time was up.

After seeing Primordial Tianzun, Jiang Ziya said to Primordial:

“Ziya has seen Master!”

The original knew that Jiang Ziya was one of the masters of the Conferred God, and said to Jiang Ziya:

“You’re almost done learning, and it’s time to go down the mountain!’

Jiang Ziya asked very anxiously:

“Master, did Ziya do something wrong? Master suggested that Ziya must change it!”

Primitive Tianzun looked at Jiang Ziya, who was very old, and Jiang Ziya had been very serious and hardworking ever since he came to the mountain.

It’s a pity that the talent is there. Jiang Ziya’s talent is really bad. With so many resources, it is only now the Realm of Xuanxian.

Even the Golden Immortal hasn’t arrived, but the Primitive Tianzun still said:

“It’s not your problem, but your chance has arrived. Go down the mountain to complete your mission!

Hearing Yuan Yuan’s words, Jiang Ziya also knew Yuan Yuan had said to himself before that he had his own mission. Then Jiang Ziya knelt in front of Yuan Yuan and said very religiously:

“Yes, Master, but Master, I have a request!”

Original curious question:

“whats the matter?”

Jiang Ziya said:

“The disciple still wants to be immortal. The disciple begged Master. If the disciple has fulfilled his own mission and is still alive, please let the disciple come to Kunlun Mountain again to ask immortals!”

Primordial Tianzun was also very moved when he heard this, and said to Jiang Ziya:

“Well, since you have this heart, when you complete your own mission, continue to come back to cultivation!”

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed and bowed:

“My disciple, thank you Master! I will pack up and go down the mountain!”

The original said to Jiang Ziya:


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